Secret exercise tips for slowing aging

To live longer, you need power, muscle mass and cardiac health. Here are the essential movements to get them.

It is a sad truth is that, as we get older, it becomes more difficult to maintain as much of what we have made for granted in our youth. The ability to eat and drink what we want, quickly bouncing a bad night's sleep and maintaining our muscle mass with much less effort are just some of the factors that, if you do not change in Your 30s, 40 years old, and beyond, will catch up.

Although we can not go back to the clock, we can certainly slow down the aging process by thinking about our lifestyles, and the safest ways to do so are to adopt a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins , to get enough water and sleep daily and exercise regularly.

Now the exercise is more important than ever than you approach your middle of age. If you drive a sedentary life, you lose muscle mass, strength, stability, mobility and power. According to recent research published in theJournal of Sports SciencesYou will put yourself on the path of depression. But you will also start shaving years of your life. Research published in theBritish newspaper of sports medicine You have found that for every hour of television, an adult over 25 years old, their lifespan can shrink up to 22 minutes.

Any exercise can help you counter the harmful effects of a sedentary life. But the good exercises are those who hit your main groups of muscles, help you maintain and develop muscle mass, andreally Target your heart rate. After all, heart disease remains the greatest killer of the planet Earth, and it should need little to any explanation why the fast walking - what are your heart rate - can itAdd more than 20 years to your life, according to one of the world's leading scientists.

So, if you are looking to work your muscles and your heart, keep your metabolism with shooting and protecting your body from the disease, work these exercises in your routine to slow down the effects of the father's time. Aim 3-4 series of each and always give enough time for recovery. And for larger workouts, you should try now, do not missThe secret exercise trick for more flattered abdominals after 40.


SPRINTS (X10 for 30 meters each)

1 sprint

Sprint is important because it helps improve mitochondrial health and cardiovascular health. It also helps live hepatic function and if you are a health of the prostate man. In addition, it burns fat and builds muscles in the legs and core.

Now, sprints are something you do not skip right away, especially if you do not run away. Start with a quick race, focusing on driving with your elbows with arm arm and run on the balls of your feet. Once you are more comfortable with a quick race, take the pace and build up to 80% maximum rhythm. And for more good workouts, see whyScience says it's the best abs exercise you can do.


Box jumps (x5 representatives)

2 box jumps

You also want to integrate current training into your program. We lose power and speed during our aging and it is important to maintain that. You do not need to go for a complete Olympic weightlifa or a cross. Simply add plyometric exercises to your routine. The simplest is the jump of the box.

If you have not done a jump before, make sure to master the squat form first and start with a low box. Start by dealing with a box or a bench of one arm. Keeping your tight core, swinging your arms back and dive into a squat, then go out immediately and jump on the box, landing softly. Glue the landing with your straight tracking knees and then back down before performing another representative.


Squat before (x6-8 representatives)

3 front squats

The front squat is an excellent exercise because it strengthens your legs, your kernel and your superiors. It is an impressive compound elevator that focuses on other aspects of your life and facilitates daily activities.

To make the squat before, enter the bar so that it is placed directly on your shoulders before. Put your fingers on the bar outside your shoulders and bring the elbows forward for it to be headed before you. Lift the bar out of the rack, take a step back and sit on your heels, squatting where your thighs are parallel to the ground. Drive through heels and hips, flex your quads and glues to finish.


Chinups (X5-8 Representatives)

4 chinups

As we continue to age, we want to be able to control and move our body freely through different motions. In addition to being able to make pumps, you also want to be able to perform caterpillars. It helps strengthen your back, lats, muscles and arms, the muscles we lose strength as we get older.

To make the chin, start by catching the bar with your palms that face you just outside the width of the shoulders. Enter a full suspension and pull your shoulder blades. After that, pull your torso in the bar where your chin scratches it, squeezing your slats and your upper back. Make sure to lean slightly back, reaching your sternum rather than your chin you arrive.

Lower yourself in a complete suspension before making another representative.

Do not forget: build and maintain muscle and power are the keys to slow down aging. Stir in these movements and you will be looking and feeling good in your end of 30 years and beyond. And for more life changing exercise tips, see here for the Secret exercise tips to reduce your weight for good .

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