Tanda zodiak paling cerdas, menurut peramal

Mungkin kecerdasan Anda bisa ditulis di bintang-bintang.

The world's smartest people have many traits in common: They're innately clever, can easily craft ideas, and often have a strong work ethic that leads them to success. These qualities can help them create new inventions, write audio or visual masterpieces, or start world-changing companies. But have you ever wondered why some people are more brilliant than others? Astrology might just have something to do with it. Read on to discover the six smartest signs, from naturally bright to full-blown rocket scientists.

TERKAIT:The Snootiest Zodiac Sign, According to Astrologers.


smiling woman talking to a businessman

Nurturing, compassionate, and caring Cancer has a unique brand of smarts. "People born under the sign of Cancer blend intuition and emotional sensitivity with a cunning nature," says relationship astrologer Anna Kovach. This serves them in more than just their personal relationships. "They can succeed in business because they understand how to provide a nurturing response that others can't resist," she adds. "They are excellent at reading people and responding to others' feelings." Expect your Cancer friend to masterfully cater to everyone's emotional needs without batting an eyelash; it's an indication of high emotional intelligence that few other signs can replicate.


young girl playing guitar while looking at her computer

Your Libra pal likely always has their head in a book or is visiting their local museum, movie theater, or concert hall. Because of that, they have a base of knowledge on a range of topics. However, Kovach notes their smarts don't stop there. "This is also the sign associated with the arts and music," she says. "They may have a gift for intelligence that manifests through creativity, such as easily grasping music theory or visual arts." Not to mention, this sign is a talented conversationalist—meaning they're always chatting up others, which, in turn, expands their intellect.

TERKAIT:The Most Power-Hungry Zodiac Sign, According to Astrologers.


A man standing in his kitchen cooking food

Sagittarius prefers to acquire knowledge through immersive experiences. "This sign tends to be independent, free thinkers—but they don't reject research and rationality," says Kovach. "In fact, their desire to seek truth often leads them to go to great lengths to become informed." For example, a Sagittarius who wants to study a new language or cuisine may travel to a different country to learn from the locals. Because of this, people with this star sign aren't just book smart—although they do love to read—they take their learnings and implement them into their lives in a way that goes beyond the academic.


Thoughtful middle aged handsome businessman in shirt working on laptop computer in office. Man working in office

This zodiac sign is always absorbing new information—whether that means going down an internet rabbit hole on a topic that was briefly mentioned at the office or learning everything there is to know about a company they plan to submit a job application to. "They have a strong sense of awareness and a keen ability to communicate, which makes them very clever," says coach and astrologer Linda Berry. "A Gemini has a basic personality that's adaptable and alert, which contributes to their experimental and inquisitive ability to reason and learn."ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb

So, why aren't they higher on our list? According to Kovach, "people born under this sign are so easily distracted that they tend to dabble in topics of interest rather than engrossing themselves to the point of developing expertise." In other words, they're jacks of all trades and masters of none.

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three girls playing cards

This hard-working, reliable, and perfectionism-prone sign is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and thinking. Virgos tend to pick up academics easily and have a practical level of intelligence that makes them great at giving advice. It doesn't end there, either. "I always tell my clients that Virgo energy is very similar to getting a primary resource," says Sabit, professional tarot reader and astrologer at Crescent Divination. "Everything they learn, they need to figure out for themselves or need to know the why behind it." Expect a Virgo to know every Bahaya! answer or be the leader of their local trivia night.


sharper brain

Tanda Nomor Satu Zodiak adalah Aquarius. Mereka diatur oleh Uranus - planet inovasi, kreativitas, dan kesadaran yang diperluas. Karena itu, tanda udara ini melakukan lebih dari sekadar memproses fakta dan meludahi mereka kembali: mereka menganalisis, memahami, dan membangun informasi itu. "Mereka inovatif, eksentrik, dan cukup sering di depan waktu mereka," kata Kovach. "Mereka mengerti betapa trennya bekerja di cakrawala dan mungkin melihat visi masa depan yang orang lain tidak bisa segera menghargai."

Jangan berharap tanda ini untuk menahan pemikiran ke depan. "Tidak hanya mereka genius ketika datang ke ide-ide cemerlang dan epifani, tetapi mereka juga cukup berani untuk mengambil risiko, yang sering menuntun mereka untuk mengalami terobosan jauh sebelum orang lain tahu apa yang diharapkan," kata Kovach. Tanda itu juga memiliki kompas moral yang kuat dan menggunakan bakat intelektual ini untuk membantu orang lain dan mengubah masyarakat menjadi lebih baik. Jadi, jika menemukan diri Anda seorang teman Aquarius, tetap dekat.

TERKAIT:Tanda zodiak paling manipulatif, menurut peramal.

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