Tag: weight loss

Want to lose weight? Change your reflection instead

Realisticly, weight loss requires reprogramming your brain to make better choices daily. Something as small as a positive attitude can make a huge difference when it comes to losing weight and creating the lifestyle you really want.

Want to lose weight? Change your reflection instead
Mindy Kaling does not make a weight loss resolution

Mindy, like many of us, has been on the diet for all his life. You could say it's a rollercoastre for life. But having had a second child recently, she decided it's time to enjoy life and live for yourself

Mindy Kaling does not make a weight loss resolution
Jennifer Hudson Weight Loss

Many of us remember this dream girl and singer looking very different from the one she does today. It is because she has managed to permanently drop 80 pounds after her pregnancy and not using an accident plan.

Jennifer Hudson Weight Loss
Health weight loss drinks that you might want to try

We do not say that you should go on a liquid diet, it would actually be detrimental to your health. But sodas sugars, lemonades and several slats and frappuccinos that you consume daily and replace them with more protruding drinks might be a good idea, you know?

Health weight loss drinks that you might want to try