Tag: lione
8 secrets of cooking irresistibly high spongy pie
We offer you a castella cake - a popular Japanese recipe that confidently gains the world. On the territory of Ukraine, such a dessert has already found its own associates and received its own "folk" name - "spongy cake". All because of its special texture resembling a sponge. If we follow our advice, you will definitely come true "Castella"!
Common cooking errors that often allow all
Cooking is a real chemistry. Incorrect combination of ingredients or their treatment, in fact, in laboratory reactions, can lead to an unsuccessful result.
12 kitchen lifes that turn your life into a fairy tale
Technologies are not in place, but the experience of generations helps to facilitate cooking process so as not to spend additional efforts and time. With pleasure, we share tricks that will turn the cooking into an enthusiastic process of creativity, and not a daily routine and duty.