8 secrets of cooking irresistibly high spongy pie

We offer you a castella cake - a popular Japanese recipe that confidently gains the world. On the territory of Ukraine, such a dessert has already found its own associates and received its own "folk" name - "spongy cake". All because of its special texture resembling a sponge. If we follow our advice, you will definitely come true "Castella"!

To please the family is a delicious dessert of your own cooking - a solid pleasure! Of course, every mistress is its own "branded" dish, but what about the culinary experiment? We offer you a castella cake - a popular Japanese recipe that confidently gains the world. Gentle, air, light - it tastes and as a separate dessert and as a biscuit for cake with cream. On the territory of Ukraine, such a dessert has already found its own associates and received its own "folk" name - "spongy cake". All because of its special texture resembling a sponge. If we follow our advice, then you will definitely come true "Castella" and you will understand why the pie called exactly the way. The recipe is designed to bake a size of 23 x 32 cm. So, for cooking, you need:

  • Wheat flour - 240 g
  • Sugar - 240 g
  • Milk - 80 ml
  • Eggs - 9 pcs
  • Honey - 80 g
  • Vanilla extract (powder)

1. Mix honey with milk. In flour, add a vanilla extract on a spoon tip (or taste).

2. Separate proteins and yolks. Beat the proteins using a mixer.Importantly: Spread at low speed. When there is a characteristic "soap foam", add sugar. After all sugar added, increase the speed of the mixer (to the example if you have 6 speeds, enable 5). Burning to a thick consistency, so that the mass is well kept on a mixer hat.

3. Turn on the oven. This needs to be done in advance so she warmed up. The temperature is 160 degrees Celsius, or 330 degrees Fahrenheit.

4. We put a mixer, take a manual vinch. We add egg yolks in the mass.Importantly: It is not necessary to add it at once, and one yolk. Mix a lot to homogeneity.

5. Gradually (not everything right!) Add flour. Important: Mix the mass after each attached portion of circular motions only one way.

6. We place a manual Vinch, add a mixture of milk and honey. Pour it into a deep bowl of a circle near the walls.Importantly:Mix the shovel first the top layer of the dough and only then all the dough. Mix only in one direction, circular movements from top to bottom. Then we climb the capacity with a mixture and knocking it several times on the table. This is important that the dough came out the remains of air and the cake has acquired a specific "spongy" structure. We leave the dough for 15 seconds.

7. Fasten the form for baking with parchment. Pour down the dough.Importantly:Pour out a thin current so that all the air came out of the dough that left there. Gently distribute the van of mass by shape, trying to notice and remove air bubbles. We raise the form and knock it several times on the table.

8. For uniform baking, we put a shape with a dough into another, larger form. Bake 30 - 35 minutes. After baking, we get a shape with a biscuit, lift up and again knocking down a table. If the biscuit is wrinkled from above, it should be covered with a flat surface (a board, another form) and flip literally for a few seconds.Importantly:Do not hold a pie long in an inverted condition so that it is not an adhesion. Give a biscuit a few minutes to stand in shape and gently get it with a knife. After the cake was planted, gently cut its edge, in order to see a delicate "spongy" structure. "Castella" is ready! Bon appetit!

Categories: Food and Travel
Tags: lione / pie
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