Common cooking errors that often allow all

Cooking is a real chemistry. Incorrect combination of ingredients or their treatment, in fact, in laboratory reactions, can lead to an unsuccessful result.

Cooking is a real chemistry. Incorrect combination of ingredients or their treatment, in fact, in laboratory reactions, can lead to an unsuccessful result. Following simple preparation rules you can create absolutely new, interesting tastes, opening each ingredient in a special. And for the fact that the result was, indeed, awesome and even a bit better than you expected, it is worth remembering simple rules and not repeat proliferated errors. Here are some of them.

1.TOmatein Sup

If you need to prepare a soup or other meal where you need to cook tomatoes along with other vegetables - then do not add all the ingredients at once. Tomato acid slows down the process of preparing other vegetables, thereby makes them unevenly prepared. Add tomatoes needed at the end, when other vegetables are almost ready. By the way, this rule also applies to vinegar and other acid products.

2.Baking potato

Each mistress dreams of surprise his guests with baked potatoes, with an appetizing scoring, as in the photo in the culinary magazines. But such a trick can not be all. The thing is that most often allow mistakes - bake potatoes immediately after cutting. You can not do so. Before teaching slices on a dish, you need to be pronounced in cold water 2-3. Excessive starch will sedide and in the cassation of potatoes will appear crust.


Freshly welded macaroni to rinse with cold water. It is not known that such a habit took place in Ukrainian mistresses, but it positively does not affect the ultimate taste of the dish. Contrary to the widespread opinion that it seems that the macaroni did not glue, in fact it is not. Cold flowing water washes out from the paste valuable starch, which in turn helps to dry the sauce better. The Italian mistresses are never washed with pasta, but on the contrary, adding even water in which macaroni cooked in the paste sauce.

4.Regret the waters

You can not cook macaroni, dumplings and other products from a dough in a small amount of water. They enjoy a lot of space in a saucepan. Otherwise, due to a large concentration of starch, which is released from the dough when cooked - you risk getting a dough integer. Not very pleasantly instead of enjoying an appetizing dish, glue it from the walls of the pan.

5.Onions and carrots in a sunburn

Often groove for soup, borsch and other dishes are prepared as follows: Milko cut onion and grated carrots lay simultaneously on a destruction. You can not do so. This method that has been used by our great-grandparents, actually affects the taste of the dish. Onion is preparing longer, so first it needs to be fried to transparency, but only then add carrots. Then the "tanning" will be uniformly advented. If one of these ingredients will be rearranged - the dish will acquire a bitter taste, and an unusceptible onion - unpleasantly crumbles on the teeth.

6.Extinguish soda with vinegar

In all old recipes of confectionery, you will accurately find the item - to repay the soda with vinegar. But it turns out that there is no need for it. Carbon dioxide, which is released in this process, does not saturate the dish by air, but simply "goes" into the air. And the function "Growth" baking performs the soda, which remained outstanding. An effective alternative to the grandmother method is to take two glasses, filling them with ¼ water. In one dissolve a teaspoon of soda, in another as much citric acid. And enclose them in a dough. Try adding the price of "air" in this way, and to extinguish the soda with a soda, only if you decide to demonstrate children interesting experiments.


Many supporters of a healthy lifestyle will not appreciate this advice, but the real gourmets will enjoy. Do not neglect sugar to prepare unsweetened dishes. Of course, nobody means to add three tablespoons of sugar in a soup or borsch. But one teaspoon on a saucepan is able to significantly improve the taste. Especially sugar is good "playing" in dishes containing sour ingredients, tomatoes, pepper.


If salt broth immediately - risk getting a soup dish, and all because part of the water is evaporated. It is better to do it at the end. Also, another secret of delicious broth is meat immediately in cold water. And that the dish came out transparent, cook broths needed on a small fire.

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