Category: Entertainment

10 of the brightest members of the label Black Star Inc
Timati recently announced the closure of its grand design. Sadly, the label Black Star Inc came to an end. This information appeared in the social pages of Timothy, Yegor Creed, Mota and L »One. Fans, of course, believe in it and can not believe all this is just a great PR stunt in front of the new album. Therefore, do not despair. Let's recall and discuss the brightest and most talented representatives of the Black Star Mafia.

I love you ... I love you too, no: 9 star couples who badly battered each other nerves
It all started like in a beautiful movie - love at first sight, recognition in love, night of Italian passion. But then something went wrong and the fairy tale came the end. Definitely parting with the once beloved person is far from the most pleasant event in life. And if we are still talking about the stars, then emotions sometimes go to the limit.

Beauty and monster: 10 nonideal star couples
About such unions often say: "What did she find in it?" Indeed, why often the fatal beauties choose themselves in satellites of pretty non-pieces? Definitely, the real love is involved here ... or not?

15 opulent Russian beauties from the red carpet
It's no secret that Russian women are the most beautiful in the world. Nature generously gave them to the most attractive faces and accurate figures. And even in simple clothes and without makeup, they look wonderfully. But if a Russian woman needs to be released, then she will try like no other. This will be a real delay bomb.

12 of the sensational recognition of stars in unconventional orientation
Ingrid Nielsen Ingrid One of the most charming video of Beauty Blouth YouTube, she has millions of fans worldwide. The video in which she admits that the lesbian is so sensible, which touches to tears even those who are usually a stingy on emotions.

Disney Princess - from cartoon to cinema
Inside every girl we love a Disney princess with your own. The great thing is that the image of Disney princels does not become old over time, which grows with us. Now on screen, you don't only see animated versions, but also the movie version of Disney Princess, thanks to the acting talent of beautiful actresses. Let's go through some Disney princesses adapted from animation to movies!

8 beautiful large size models
Of all, the new fashion orientation "plus size" is the most sensational. The first fashionables recognized all over the world reflects their families with full but beautiful faces. More and more articles and brands extend to encompass larger numbers. High standard campaigns can not stop the voluptuous forms of body beauty. Hashtags and accounts "plus dimension" become viral. Bloggers of beauty and critics discuss about pro and cons of beauty. In a word, fashion plus size revolutionized the modeling industry with long-term standards about bodies.

10 ascension celebrities that need to be on your radar in 2019
We have always loved the classic celebrities that embellish our screens and red rugs for years, but there is a new generation of celebrities to take Hollywood. Here are our most exciting prospects.

8 celebrity parties that were very exaggerated
There is a tenuous line between a perfectly good party and a party that is very exaggerated. It seems that for some celebrities it is almost impossible to give a relatively modest party that does not reach the news the next day.

10 Mirins Stars Growing On Screen
Let's take a ride on time and remember some of the Mirins stars that have grown on the screen and how they have changed over the years.

10 celebrities so beautiful that every girl wanted to be like them
ENNQUANTA We present a list of 10 celebrities so beautiful that every girl wants to be like them, we ask you to think about people complexly and not just see them as a beautiful face or a body in shape.

10 famous female bombs that are born men ...
It can be said that the transgender is the new trend but no matter what we think, more and more people change sex to feel better in their bodies, more themselves. We have all seen these beautiful androgyny models that have conquered the world of fashion recently and continue to explore the duality of human nature. Today, the difference between male and female is more trouble than ever and we can only make assumptions about what will happen next. By then, here are 10 superb celebrities '' Transgenres '' that are born male (but do not look like males ...) Look now!

12 iconic roles played by different actresses
When you think about a famous role, you imagine a celebrity, right? Incorrect!

8 celebrities that had strange jobs before being famous
Frequently, the public assumes that the life of celebrities has always been full of glamor, however, in many cases, their ways towards fame has been marked by hard work, and even, for quite strange jobs.