Beauty and monster: 10 nonideal star couples

About such unions often say: "What did she find in it?" Indeed, why often the fatal beauties choose themselves in satellites of pretty non-pieces? Definitely, the real love is involved here ... or not?

About such unions often say: "What did she find in it?" Indeed, why often the fatal beauties choose themselves in satellites of pretty non-pieces? Definitely, the real love is involved here ... or not?

1. Beyonce and Jay-Z
He made a celebrity from her and presented her his heart, and another ring with a 18-carat diamond worth $ 5 million on the wedding day. One of the most romantic pairs of business show does not like to discuss their relationship publicly. Their love story is a mystery for seven seals.

2. Vera Brezhnev and Konstantin Meladze
The marriage of the singer of faith of the Brezhnev and composer Konstantin Meladze became a real sensation in the world of show business. For a long time, the pair rejectedly denied that there is something between them, but all the secret once becomes apparent. Recently, in one of the interviews, Meladze admitted that faith turned his life into a real holiday.

3. Elena Permnova and Alexander Lebedev
For Lena, Alexander Lebedev immediately became the guardian angel. She threatened the prison sentence for the distribution of drugs, when, at the request of her parents, the deputy Alexander Lebedev intervened. Subsequently, their relationship moved to a closer level. Despite the larger difference in the age (Perminov for 6 years, the younger son Lebedev), the couple admits that they cannot live without each other.

4. Monica Bellucci and Vensean Kassel
The relations of one of the brightest pairs of world cinema is difficult to call cloudless. Vensane and Monica met in 1996 on the film schedule of the film "Apartment". A mutual dislike immediately arose between them, which subsequently turned into a wild passion. However, this couple has always been for "free relationship." In 2013, the disappointment of many fans, they all announced their divorce.

5. Christina Asmus and Garik Harlam
The novel between the two stars of the Russian show business began in social networks. The guys have long rewrite on Twitter, then in Vkontakte, and only then decided to go on a date. And despite the loud scandals associated with the marriage process (the divorce of Garik with the first wife), a couple had a novel in a couple, and a wonderful daughter was born soon. Let's hope that a difficult road to happiness will make this union even stronger.

6. Heidi Klum and Force
The novel between the German supermodel and the British singer was bright and memorable. He made her an offer on the top of the glacier in Canada."Forces brought me there on a helicopter, - told Heidi. -There, on top, a needle was built, and inside the bed, rose petals, candles, champagne. So romantic! It was terrible, we felt sliced ​​from around the world. But it was amazing! ". Unfortunately, this happy marriage broke up in 2014.

7. Alena Shishkova and Timati
The first meeting of Timati and Alena Shishkova occurred on the set of the artist's clip. The next day he took out her phone number. However, the first date took place only after three months - Alena is extremely in demand in the profession. Today she is in Moscow, tomorrow in Paris, and the day after tomorrow in New York. But Timati turned out to be very persistent. As a result, they had a rapid novel, and a daughter was born in a few months. And although the couple has already managed to part, recently rapper hinted fans that their love story with Alena has not yet been completed.

8. Polina awards and Dmitry Dibrov
They met the beauty contest. She was a participant. He is a jury member. As the lovers declare, it was love at first sight. In addition, Dmitry says that he immediately understood: it was Polina who will become the mother of his future children.

9. Dita Background TIZ and Marilyn Manson
It was love at first sight. Dita was a burlesque queen. Manson - Living Legend of Rock. Despite the originality of the pair, their relationship was very romantic. Marilyn Manson has always been gentle and sensitive towards his girlfriend. And after a while he ventured to make her proposal. However, the happiness of the stellar pair lasts quite long. Two years later, Dita Von TIZ announced a divorce with rock singer.

10. Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller
He was a recognized playwright and intellectual. She is a sex symbol and a frivolous blonde. Subsequently, Miller admitted that he had never dreamed about such a beautiful woman.

Categories: Entertainment
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