Category: Entertainment
Real Star Names: 10 celebrities who took the stage pseudonym
For various reasons, celebrities change the real name to the stage pseudonym: someone wants to hide their roots, someone chooses a more harmonious name, and someone was advised by PRs. In any case, their new names are a brand.
Hearts do not order: 12 star ruffles who broke out other people's families
They say, in someone else's misfortune, you will not build happiness, but this is definitely not about our next heroines. Show business is a world where they quickly fall in love and as fast as rapidly. Most of those whom will be discussed in our selection, met on the set. Spark, who passed between them, was the cause of Mesallians, no legitimate wives, nor children, did not
In vain, I tried: 11 stars, which do not go bad
In our time of the Bodiaming, the cult of a slim body has been created. Those who do not fit the established trends, often turns out to be in popularity. In pursuit of glory (or roles), many celebrities are solved on a radical slimming, although it often does it only harm their appearance, not to mention health.
Skandal Girl: 10 Vergovka Nastasi Sambursk
Probably not in the space of the CIS of the one who would not hear about the brown moral lamp of 30-year actresses and, more recently, the singer Nastasya Sambursk. Thanks to its sarcastic, bold aids and the absence of any constraint, Nastasya Samburskaya is now in the top of the Russian instagram. And it is not surprising, because the audience loves such shocking characters. Today we decided to summarize all the scandalous tricks of the star Russian TV, which are forming the image of Nastasia Sambursk.
Soviet cinema: 10 handsome people, Soviet women sighed
Today we want to present to your attention the selection of the main sex symbols of the USSR, on which Soviet women looked with adoration. Notice to conquer the female half of the population of that time, it was not necessary to possess steel biceps or a Hollywood smile.
Young, successful and ... with grandchildren: the youngest grandmothers show business
In our time, the fashion of the family and the children moved for years ahead, but in our selection we collected star beauties, which, in addition to success in a career, can already boast the status of young grandmothers. We are confident that the name of the youngest star granny and her age will lead you in shock!
Balovni Fate: 10 stars, which became randomly famous
Fate - a very busy thing. Some years tries to get to the star Olympus, and someone is enough to be in the right place and at the right time to shine brightly in the starry sky. In our article, read about 10 star luckympers who have become famous cases.
As good wine: 11 stars, which became better with age
Looking at celebrity pictures, sometimes it seems that they have always been perfect. But in reality, everything is not quite so. Often, behind a beautiful picture is a lot of work on yourself, self-improvement and in general some kind of a big goal. We have collected information about 11 celebrities, whose reincarnation has become a real sensation. These stars have become more beautiful over the years.
Romance on the set and in the life of 13 star couples who have experienced the love of the movies in real life
So often it happens that, having met on the set, the actors fall in love, so that they do not interfere with their previous marriages. Acquaintance in exceptional circumstances add romanticism and piquancy. Therefore, we are pleased to present a selection of star couples, which cinema love was transferred to real life.
Such love: 11 star beauties recognized in love for women
Nowadays, no one will not surprise anyone in the sexual orientation of stars. Some will say that now even a trend on unconventional relationships. We have collected information about the most high-profile cases of the love of Hollywood and Russian beauties, recognized in love for women.
In the shadow of the famous family: unknown brothers and sisters stars
It would seem that they rose in one family and in the same conditions, and life was completely different. Someone became a star-name star, and someone leads the usual, no remarkable life, constantly remaining in the shadow of his famous relative. We have prepared a selection of stars who have brothers and sisters not known to the public. We are sure to surprise you some of this rating.
12 stars who wear the honorary title of large moms
Not all the stars seek to make a career, refusing to family happiness. Many of the modern celebrities become mothers, and repeatedly, and they are not afraid to lose their popularity. Today we want to present to your attention 12 stars that are honorary the title of large mothers.
10 most sensory weddings 2016
Summing up the past year, we simply cannot but recall the loudest weddings of the rich and famous who have become a reason for discussion in the press. Get ready to hear the fabulous numbers spent on the happiest day for newlyweds.
Changed to unrecognizable: 10 legendary Soviet actresses then and now
We collected 10 actresses, which were once the personification of the era. Looking for sex symbols of the Soviet Union, it becomes clear how the time flies quickly and how merciless it is.
Red Track 2016: 8 brightest outfits of Russian stars
Celebrities are truly able to surprise: someone asks the trends and conquers fans in innovation in the field of beauty and fashion, others take out shower and bold antics for the sake of 100% and not always positive PR, and there are those who demonstrate a sophisticated taste and charisma, expressing this In clothes. This time we collected the brightest images of stars with red tracks in 2016.
Top 8 Pregnant Defile in the history of modern fashion
Modern women are distinguished by hard work and purposefulness. And if earlier, preparing for motherhood, it was possible without remorse of conscience to leave on the decret, now such "happiness" is not available to everyone. These beautiful women are explicit proof. They were able to make an incredible, proving that the model and rounded tummy were compatible things. Here we collected 8 brightest pregnant defile.
Hot blood: 6 stars who married Eastern Men
Star beauties rarely associate their fate with ordinary chosenses. As a rule, these are status men with influence, money and, of course, great authority in a certain area. This time we decided to pay attention to the stars who married the eastern men. Their destinies have developed absolutely differently: who has happily, someone - no, but in any case they deserve our attention.
Our answer Barbie: Author's dolls Larisa Isaeva
Russia is rich in talents. And many types of folk art are very popular not only in their native edges, but also abroad. Russian masters are able to create amazing items. And today we offer you amazing work - the author's dolls are a talented needlewoman Larisa Isaeva.
Heroine series 90 changed drastically
In the distant 90s life was full of landmark events and landmark TV series. For most families, the evening came to an end at the TV screens. "The area of Beverly Hills," "Melrose Place," "Wild Angel", "Charmed" ... With the characters of these series, we learned to love, to hate, to forgive and just come off at parties. But nothing of the beauties - the main characters and say nothing. Women envied, admired by men. Want to see how they look now, 20 years later? Most of them have changed beyond recognition, and some have unraveled the secret of eternal youth! Do not believe me? Then look.
Top 10 "Kachkov" of the Russian show business
In recent years, there has been a real surge of love for a healthy lifestyle, training and verified food among celebrities. In pursuit of the beautiful body, what the stars do not go to what only the tricks. And if earlier such Lifestyle was more popular with women, now it's especially carefully working on the body of steel and men. We are confident that our next selection will delight women and inspire men to go to the gym even in this cold weather.
10 most beautiful pair of Russian show business
It is no secret that the most popular topics in the network is the personal life of the stars. "Scandals, intrigues, investigations" - what attracts the audience. This time we have prepared a selection of 10 star couples who enjoy great love of the public and claim the title of the most beautiful couples of the Russian show business.
Russians in fashion: 10 world celebrities with Russian roots
Khokhloma and Bears, Vodka and Matryoshka, President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin ... Russian today is fashionable. And it is not surprising that the particle of the mysterious Russian soul lives in many celebrities. Meet 10 of the world famous for the world with Russian roots.
Shooting to her face: Singer Tree and her fantastic hairstyles
The stars of the domestic show business truly know how to attract the attention of the public: some are satisfied with the scandalous PR-parting with loved ones, others participate in popular TV show, and the famous singer Christmas tree is striking and the success in creativity, and outrage. Each appearance in the light of the Lupu is considering the press and fans. But what exactly does not take away from universal attention, this is its extraordinary hairstyles.
10 loudest star parting 2016
Unfortunately, 2016 was filled with loud partings of celebrities, including a wave of divorces of some of the most stable star couples.
Stars who will be mothers in 2017
In our selection, we collected 9 well-known women, which in 2017 will become mothers.
The most popular instagrams of Russian stars: 15 star accounts with a multimillion army of fans
Daily millions of people around the world start their day with "checking" star accounts in Instagram to find out who and what lives in this minute. The fame of Russian celebrities is growing literally by the clock and it is displayed on their personal pages in social networks. This time we prepared a selection of the most successful and popular instagram accounts of Russian stars, which every day inspire their fans with personal photographs.
Nobody is ideal: stars who have noticeable physical flaws
Looking at perfect glossy pictures in magazines or on large screens, it often seems that celebrities are celebrities: they always have an ideal figure, hairstyle, the most beautiful second half, etc. But do not forget that first of all the stars are the same ordinary people with their shortcomings. In this selection, we collected celebrities with the most noticeable physical flaws that you could not know. And yes, we still continue to keep them!
8 celebrities who are considered too ugly for Hollywood to start a career
Hollywood smithy not only talented, but also incredibly beautiful actors and actresses. Not for nothing that many of the Hollywood stars began his career as a model. Beauty standards of Silicon Valley on so high that sometimes seem ridiculous. Below are the talented and popular actress in Hollywood, where filmmakers, film agents and producers considered "strashnenkimi" Hollywood at the start of their careers.
15 most beautiful actresses of the old cinema
Film star of the last century is striking not only for its beauty but also for its incredible energy and aura. They wore modest clothes, and were not zamesheny in endless scandals, however, as soon as they walk into a room like most men and women have lost the gift of speech. Who are these incredible beauty of old Hollywood?
10 fantastic beautiful actresses of the past
There is no doubt that the current actresses are talented and amazing. But today we will talk about real treasures. They became the legends of their era and forever remained in the memory of many people.