In vain, I tried: 11 stars, which do not go bad
In our time of the Bodiaming, the cult of a slim body has been created. Those who do not fit the established trends, often turns out to be in popularity. In pursuit of glory (or roles), many celebrities are solved on a radical slimming, although it often does it only harm their appearance, not to mention health.

In our time of the Bodiaming, the cult of a slim body has been created. Those who do not fit the established trends, often turns out to be in popularity. In pursuit of glory (or roles), many celebrities are solved on a radical slimming, although it often does it only harm their appearance, not to mention health.
1. Mila Kunis
In the case of the Hollywood actress of Ukrainian origin of cute kunis, she decided to lose weight for participation in the film "Black Swan". It goes without saying that for the role of the ballerina you need to be very slim. Therefore, to get a cherished role, Mila Cunis dropped almost 20 kg and successfully coped with the task. True, after that, the actress fans realized that such a thinness is clearly not to the face of the star, and she likes her as a couple as a couple of extra kilograms.
2. Ekaterina Varnava
The well-known Russian actress and humorist, the "Comedy Woman" participant Ekaterina Varnava recently also became the object of criticism of his own fans. And without that always, the slender Varnava turned literally in the cane. According to the star of Russian TV, she was so transformed, refusing meat and harmful products. And I must say that her fiance, dancer Konstantin Myakinkov, this will sound like a slimming, but it seems to us that Kate Varnava is such a thinness.
3. Angelina Jolie.
Angelina Joli's Hollywood star scares the whole world for several years with its extreme huge. What only did not write about her health. Having survived several operations in preventive measures from cancer, the star morally and physically depleted, and in combination with its slightly strange nutrition (it eats only cereals and roots), it was at all led to rumors about anorexia, cancer and spiritual disorders. Agree, Angelina Jolie is more seductive, and the main thing is great, looks as usual as in his youth.
4. Dima Bilan.
About how much Dima Bilan has long been torn all the tableides of the country. The singer himself says that he became a raw, and that in his present body feels easily and comfortable. What can not be said about the dedicated stars fans who believe that the "unhealthy" thinness of Bilan does not go at all.
5. Matthew McConakhi
Famous actor Matthew McConahi often surprises the public with his reincarnations. For the sake of the role in the film "Dallas club of buyers", he lost weight by almost 20 kg and began to look just terribly, but as a result, the first "Oscar" brought him the role. Now the actor is still thin, the sooner, but the extreme thinness is clearly not to his face, so he is trying to return to the former form.
6. Polina Gagarin
The famous Russian singer Polina Gagarin almost all his life was a bit in the body, especially recovering after the birth of the Son. But the last few years she demonstrates the power of will, keeping in one weight. However, many of her fans criticize it now for too thin body, which does not look so sexy as before.
7. Rene Zellweger
The main heroine of films about Bridget Jones, actress Rene Zellweger, in recent years radically changed the lifestyle. And although it has now stopped learning from behind plastics, it is also no longer that pynes from the film. Walking by himself, the actress lost much, but now she often becomes the object of criticism due to the lack of that raisin that she had before. Obviously, weight loss did not benefit her career.
8. Victoria Beckham.
Ex-Participant SPICE GIRLS and Footballer's spouse David Beckham Victoria also often condemn the excessive hoodoo. Many accused her that she promotes anorexia with her figure. According to rumors, Victoria Beckham is very little eats, so as not to recover and still be an interesting to his star spouse.
9. Pelagia
The well-known Russian singer Pelagia with recognizable vocals has always been a pyshechka, but in recent years she, like Polina Gagarin, demonstrates harmony. Getting rid of 16 extra kages, she now continues to be slim. However, most of her fans mischievous Plagiai.
10. Keira Knightley
The famous British actress Cyrus Knightley was always thin due to its genetic feature of the body, although earlier many thought she was sitting on extreme diets. But when it is experiencing stress, it loses and that small margin of "rounds", which conquered millions of fans worldwide. Agree, it does not go excessive.
11. Demi Mur.
Recall that after parting with Ashton Kutcher, the former wife of Bruce Willis went to all the grave. She entertained at parties, did not disappear alcohol and drugs, and also from stress turned into the epic. Natives forced Demi Moore to go for treatment, where she corrected her health a little and began to eat normally. But the photo is too thin Demi Moore sometimes pop up online, scaring fans.

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