Life after Bachelor-11: How was the fate of participating in the most romantic show of the country

We reviewed the accounts account of each of the Bachelor-11 participants and decided to tell how their lives have changed after filming in the proceeding.

Life after Bachelor-11: How was the fate of participating in the most romantic show of the country
8 interesting facts about Katie Chile

The generation of the 30-year-old perfectly remembers Katie Chile since the Territories A, and the present youth met with the magic of its voice only in 2017, when a unique vocalist took part in the popular television "Voice of the country".

8 interesting facts about Katie Chile
10 coolest clothing models from Kseniaschnaid Brand

The name of Xenia today is associated exclusively with trenders in the world of fashion. She comes up with ideas that conquer his creative and unusual realization, as well as an attitude to recycling clothes.

10 coolest clothing models from Kseniaschnaid Brand
How was the fate of the main characters 7 seasons show "Bachelor"

Each show has gave great glory and popularity. Someone has taken advantage of it to build a really happy relationship and create a family, and some are still a bachelor.

How was the fate of the main characters 7 seasons show "Bachelor"
8 attractive heroines of serials that reduce all men

Attractive, sexual and talented are known actresses from popular series, which at one time did the real beauty revolution in Hollywood.

8 attractive heroines of serials that reduce all men
10 useful and delicious products that can be bought at a cheap price

In order to pose something really delicious and simultaneously useful, - it is not necessary to buy expensive products at high prices in a supermarket.

10 useful and delicious products that can be bought at a cheap price
6 reasons to refuse Gel Lac

In this article you will find 6 adequate reasons that prove that the refusal of Gel-Lac - above all, a good contribution to its own health and even the ability to help the environment.

6 reasons to refuse Gel Lac
8 simple ways to strengthen your relationship

Find a partner that is close to your soul is just a half-time. But how to build and continue to maintain a pleasant and benevolent atmosphere of love in a pair - a tool that rarely own both women and men.

8 simple ways to strengthen your relationship
Top 5 best recipes for cakes

Some are always used by ancient family cooking secrets, and some people will love to try something new and interesting. And what kulichikah you like?

Top 5 best recipes for cakes
The most original ideas how to paint eggs to Easter

Who knew that even such a familiar occupation as an adhesion of Easter eggs - can be an exciting meditation, which will I repeat monthly?

The most original ideas how to paint eggs to Easter
How to lose weight without effort and exhausting workouts

In the world of sport, healthy well-being and beautiful body there are several rules that effortless will help keep their form and achieve pleasant, and sometimes, and impressive results.

How to lose weight without effort and exhausting workouts
Alternative Luxury: Quality and Inexpensive Decorative Cosmetics

In this selection, you will learn about 6 inexpensive brands of decorative cosmetics, which are not inferior to its quality by well-known Chanel and Dior, and worthy to take an honorary place in your daily cosmetic.

Alternative Luxury: Quality and Inexpensive Decorative Cosmetics
6 zodiac signs under which the most weakly characteristic men are born

Weakness is a female weapon, but sometimes people are enjoyed. Not that they abuse this, just born under the zodiac sign. "Gift" of the universe in the form of a character that can not always be steady and decisive.

6 zodiac signs under which the most weakly characteristic men are born
How to use chocolate in home bouti-procedures?

Keep a few tiles of chocolate at home - a good idea. And not only to raise a mood for a cup of coffee, but also in order to pay time to itself and beth-procedures. To arrange a real chocolate spa at home - quite possible and real. We are talking about 6 effective ways ...

How to use chocolate in home bouti-procedures?
Why Olga Sumy does not communicate with his sister

Unexpected, but loudly, the black cat ran in the family of Sumy, namely between star actresses - sisters Natalka and Olga. What happened and what is the cause of quarrel?

Why Olga Sumy does not communicate with his sister
10 dishes that should be able to cook every girl

It is a universal so-called "golden" list of dishes that should be able to cook every woman to surprise not only others, but also itself!

10 dishes that should be able to cook every girl
6 details in the women's appearance that attract men

Call 6 the most beautiful details that attract the attention of men when communicating with you.

6 details in the women's appearance that attract men
What is known about the daughter of Olga Freumouth

Zlata Mitchell from Mom clearly inherited a lot of perseverance, purposefulness, self-confidence and a caring character!

What is known about the daughter of Olga Freumouth
6 the most delicious ways to eat fat

Nutritionists are jokingly called Salo with a Ukrainian national superfaid, and for better assimilation, it is recommended to eat it with garlic and in no case to drink cold drinks. So, which combinations will best reveal the taste and flavor of Sala - read further.

6 the most delicious ways to eat fat
New "Bachelor": What do we know about Mikhail Sovly?

On March 5, the eleventh season of this show started, and the whole country eventually got acquainted with a new bachelor - Mikhail Lovado. So who he is such a new kidnapper of women's hearts, which fan has already gently proned "Bear"?

New "Bachelor": What do we know about Mikhail Sovly?
7 reasons why it is better to divorce than live in an unhappy marriage

The sooner you get out of the zone (no longer) comfort, the stronger your mental health will remain.

7 reasons why it is better to divorce than live in an unhappy marriage
Why detectives conquer the world?

Some in the pursuit of the ideal can not stop and changed beyond recognition. So why is this happening?

Why detectives conquer the world?
Our alternative to superfudes: 6 useful analogues

We call six simple Ukrainian superfaces that are in each of us in the refrigerator.

Our alternative to superfudes: 6 useful analogues
Distribute myths of folk medicine

We urge you to relate to your own health as much as possible and always turn to the doctor.

Distribute myths of folk medicine
Why "sweet" oatmeal is harmful to your health?

From childhood we say that oatmeal is the best breakfast. And there is a honey and a spoon of tar ...

Why "sweet" oatmeal is harmful to your health?
6 reasons why male papering women and "score" on normal

Any trouble on her part - an occasion for him to show attention and bring his courage in front of her. Why is this happening?

6 reasons why male papering women and "score" on normal
6 Main Secrets of Women Who Men Wear On Hands

The secrets of such women are valued to which they listen to, and for the sake of which men are ready to rock the muscles of the hands, in order to wear them in their hands.

6 Main Secrets of Women Who Men Wear On Hands
15 years ago and today. How has the appearance of the glory of the Kaminsky changed?

We tell how the appearance of the famous Ukrainian artist has changed, which today is folted over a million Instagram users.

15 years ago and today. How has the appearance of the glory of the Kaminsky changed?
How to recover your skin after winter: 8 Best Face Masks

Careful care and attentiveness to the components that will receive your skin is the best recipe for its spring recovery and shining.

How to recover your skin after winter: 8 Best Face Masks
History of Love Valery Madalze and Albina Janabaeva

Valery Maladze and Albina Janabaeva hid more than 10 years. After the official confirmation of his relationship, the couple received not only support from the fans, but also a lot of misunderstanding.

History of Love Valery Madalze and Albina Janabaeva