6 natural ways to remove black spots on the face, easy to do at home!

Here are 6 natural ways to remove black spots on the face that are very easy to do at home. What ways are there?

Black spots on a stubborn face often interfere with our appearance. Especially if it's time to chat with my sweetheart or meet family. Duh, so it's not really confident! Well, to handle it, we have summarized 6 natural ways to remove black spots on the face that is very easy to do at home. What ways are there? Let's check the first list below.

1. Apple apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has proven effective in removing black spots on the face you know! This is due to apple cider vinegar or commonly called apple vinegar containing citric acid. The substance is included in alpha hydroxy or AHA acid groups, which are often used on various productsSkincare Because it accelerates the turn of dead skin cells, which can eventually get wrinkles and black spots on the face. How to use it is quite easy, just follow the following steps.

Mix apple and water vinegar with a ratio of 1 appeal 3, but if you have sensitive skin, then add more water. Then clean the face with facial cleansers that do not contain alcohol and dry it. After that, apple apple vinegar to the face area there is black spots. Then let stand for about 1 minute and rinse with water and dry it. Repeat this way every day and feel the benefits!

2. Use original honey

Famous honey has many benefits, ranging from body health, to human skin. This is because honey has a lot of vitamins and minerals and antioxidant content that can detox the poison and take off the skin of the skin on facial skin. But keep in mind that don't choose honey that already has a mixture of sugar or other additional materials, choose genuine honey.

How to use it is very easy. Apply the original honey directly to the black spot area or evenly into your facial skin. Then let stand for about 20 minutes and rinse with clean water. Then dry it with a clean towel and do it every day!

3. Use a green tea bag

Next there is green tea which can turn out to rejuvenate the skin! According to the research results of Medical College of Georgia, it turns out that the content in green tea can rejuvenate, enlighten, lift the skin to die, and remove black spots on the face! Wow, it's very useful! Then how do you use it?

The method is quite easy. Prepare several green tea bags that have been used, at least 2 bags. Then take the pulp in the bag and apply it in the black spot on your face. To be more maximal, you can mix it with honey. Wait for about 20 minutes and rinse using clean water. Do it every 3 days!

4. Almond pasta mask application

Besides being pleasing to eat, it turns out that almond has a myriad of benefits for human health, including for facial skin health! It happens because almonds contain lots of vitamins and fats that can lift dead skin cells and remove black spots on the face. Well, you can make almond pasta masks yourself to remove black spots, you know! How to?

The first step, pour almond powder into a medium size bowl and add water or UHT milk. If you don't have almond powder, just puree the almonds using the mixer. Then stir until it forms fine pasta and applys it to the face and neck. Let stand for 10 to 20 minutes and rinse using clean water. Don't forget to dry it also use a towel. Do this method at least once every 3 days.

5. Papaya porridge application

Did you know that papaya fruit has good benefits for your skin health. Papaya contains papain enzymes that can encourage skin regeneration so as to form new skin cells. In addition, papaya also contains many vitamins such as vitamins A and C which are very good for skin health. So by applying masks or papaya porridge, we can remove black spots on the face! How to?

The method is very easy. Peel papaya until the remaining meat is left. Then soften papaya to become porridge. Then apply on the face and let it sit for 10 to 20 minutes. Then clean it using clean water and dry it using a towel. You can also combine papaya porridge with tomatoes, egg white, or honey. Well, good luck.

6. Turmeric Mask Application

Besides being a material, it turns out that turmeric is great for skin health, you know! This is because turmeric contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances, so that it can brighten facial skin, improve the pores structures, to get rid of scars, black spots, acne scars and wrinkles on the face. Lots of benefits! Well, how do you make a turmeric mask? It's really easy!

The first step, prepare turmeric and water then puree using a mixer, you can replace water with UHT or honey milk. Wait until processed thickens into pasta. After becoming a pasta, apply the turmeric mixture evenly to the neck and face area, then let stand for 10 to 20 minutes. The final step, rinse using clean water and dry the towel. Do this regularly at least every 3 days and feel the benefits!

Well, that's 6 natural ways to get rid of black spots on the face that is very easy to do at home. Keep in mind that if there are signs of irritation or allergies, stop the applications immediately. In addition, we also recommend consulting a doctor first, to get information about the skin conditions and natural ingredients that are suitable for your skin. Well, do you think what natural way can you try at home? Tell us in the comments column!

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