Gebby Vesta transformation, from the past until now

This time we will discuss the transformation of Gebby Vesta, from the past until now!

If you follow the world of the passage of the homeland, he must have heard a feud between Lucinta Luna and the famous DJ of Gebby Vesta. What is Gebby Vesta? Maybe you often see it on the television glass screen, but don't know him deeper. In addition to the problem of the gender transformation, there are still many other interesting things from him. This time we will discuss the transformation of Gebby Vesta, from the past until now!

1. Since childhood it's sweet

Photo of Gebby Vesta when a child was circulating in cyberspace, precisely in Gebby Vesta's personal Instagram. It suddenly invited comments a lot of netizens about his appearance when he was still a man at that time. Gebby said that he had looked sweet when he was little. There is a netizen that agrees, and there are also those who blosse. What do you think?

2. From being a maid to become an artist

Gebby Vesta's career journey is very winding. Starting from helpers, to success as artists and business people. Initially, Gebby was determined to migrate to Jakarta at the age of 14 to make a living. After arriving in Jakarta, Gebby decided to become a maid at a brothel. A few years after working in a brothel, Gebby decided to move to work in a night club as a LC and lasted several years. Until finally around 2009, Gebby decided to become a professional DJ and build model management andDancer.

Initially, Gebby was interested and close to the legendary Indonesian DJ, DJ Delizious Devina and DJ Milinka. After you often see themGig, finally Debby was interested and decided to have a career as a DJ. Gebby also began to be active in Instagram's social media since 2014. After more famous, Gebby also became an advertising star, model, to a big screen film actress. Extraordinary!

3. Confess Transgender

In 2019, Gebby claimed to be a transgender since he was 19 years old after conducting an operation in Thailand around 2013. Gebby admitted that since he was a child, he never felt a man. He finally behaves like a woman and finally decided to transform gender, from men to be women. Gebby also claimed that the operating costs reached 148 million. After the recognition, many support his decision to be honest with netizens.

4. It's legitimate as a legal woman

After claiming to be a transgender, Gebby said that he had also changed his identity legally. Gebby explained, "I have made a substitution of self-data, all the trial. In the eyes of the law, in the eyes of my country it is legitimate. All of KK, KTP, passport, all change. I arrived until the trial to ratify it. " Gebby also claimed to need 3 trials until finally his status as a legitimate woman in the eyes of the law!

5. Never conflict with Lucint Luna

It turns out that Gebby Vesta has been a conflict with Lucinta Luna a few years ago you know! Gebby revealed that the beginning of the conflict occurred when Lucinta Luna did not want to pay royalties to Gebby from the song Lucint titled "Bobo where". Even so, Gebby initially wanted to let although I could not be royalty. But it turned out that Lucinta Luna continued to insinuate, mocking on social media, to circulating GEBBY's gender change letter.

Finally the feud of Gebby Vesta and Lucinta Luna further heated up. Gebby also revealed the real name of Lucinta Luna when she was still a man! Meanwhile, Nikita Mirzani also participated in the feud. Wow, there's there! I hope you will immediately make peace.

6. Claiming to want to go back to being a man after Covid-19 is missing

Pandemic Covid-19 has a vigorous impact on all netizens in Indonesia, including Gebby Vesta. Wow, what's wrong with Gebby? On his official Instagram account, Gebby said that he wanted to become a man after Covid-19 disappeared. It was revealed around 2020, a year after he announced that he was a transgender.

7. Ever followed Miss International Queen 2020

On March 8, 2020, Gebby Vesta participated in the Miss International Queen 2020 event. At that time, Gebby was wearing a typical Dayak clothes, with a look like a bird. At the event, Gebby won the title or award as Miss Congeniality or Miss Friendship. Even though it doesn't become a winner orRunner-up, But Gebby said he was proud to take the prestigious event. Meanwhile, Miss International Queen 2020 was achieved by Valentina Fluchaire from Mexico.

8. Currently focus on living business

At present, the name Gebby Vesta has actually faded in the world of parental. Investigated, it turned out that Gebby was focused on developing several businesses, such as salons, culinary, boarding houses, and cosmetic brands. Gebby claimed to be pioneering his latest business in the cosmetics field named Vestabeaute, in order to survive in the pandemic of Covid-19 which was not finished.

Gebby added, "Almost all women certainly want to look beautiful, just sometimes the reason for their inadequate matter so you can't buy good cosmetic products. Therefore, I decided to make cosmetic products with very good quality. "

Well, that's the transformation of Gebby Vesta from the past until now. Since childhood, it's really sweet! Well, have you ever found one of Gebby Vesta's business? Or maybe have you bought the product? If ever, don't hesitate to share your experience in the comments column huh!

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