6 garden fence ideas that protect your space and always look

Keep your flowers, fruits and vegetables sheltered from intruding options with these attractive options.

When it comes to Transform your backyard , there are few larger projects than adding a garden fence. In addition to being a simple way to keep your plants kept from itinerant fauna, they can also create a comfortably isolated place in your backyard that you can enjoy in peace. But before you start publishing messages, there are some tips you want to consider to make sure you get the result you want. Read the rest for garden fence ideas that will protect your space and always look great.

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Use wood recovered as a material.

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The implementation of any type of fence in your courtyard will draw attention, which makes the equipment that you use an important decision. According to Marek Bowers , founder of More daring , the use of recovered wood can cause a unique appearance fence which is also durable.

"Each board will have its own character, adding a rustic charm to your courtyard or garden," he said. "Just make sure that wood is treated and sanded for safety and sustainability. The altered look can be incredibly attractive, but you can also paint it to match the aesthetics of your garden."

He says that you can find wood recovered from rescue sites and demolition sites (with permission, of course) or websites such as Etsy, Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace. You can also contact specialized recovered wood suppliers and local farms or ranchs for everything they could unload.

Make your garden fence a garden itself.

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The addition of a wooden or stone wall can interrupt the flow of your green space. This is where floral vines can be useful.

"An ornate tailor -made fence Bignonia capreolata - commonly known as Vivine Transversal - does not only improve the aesthetic attraction but also serves as a habitat for hummingbirds, bees and butterflies, "said Amy Hovis , Owner of Eden's garden design . "This transversal vivise is a rapidly growing persistent leaf vine that produces striking tubular orange flowers."

She adds that once you are ready to start planting vines, you need to install a wire, rope or steel cable to allow the vines to pull up as they start to grow.

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Install a living green wall.

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Kckate16 / Shutterstock

Your garden is a place where greenery is supposed to prosper - and not only in the ground. If you want to create a feeling of lush that kisses nature, even with your barriers, consider a living wall.

"These fences are made of plant panels which offer intimacy and safety while adding a lush green element to your courtyard, transforming an ordinary fence into a vibrating background," explains Bowers. "Living walls are generally mounted on an existing fence or a robust support structure to ensure stability and appropriate irrigation."

This dense foliage not only improves privacy by blocking the views of neighbors and passers -by, but also helps to absorb the sound, making your garden a calmer and more peaceful place.

Use wire fences to maximize the depth.

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PHOTOSGH / Shutterstock

Not all fences are made of solid wood. If you are looking for an easy way to personalize the appearance and give it a lifespan without installing panels, you can use other materials that help plants develop. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"We like to use fences with steel or perforated wire screens to grow vines," explains Hovis Better life . "Cover conceptions can often be obtained by superimposing vertex plants and variable textures.

However, it specifies that it is important to determine whether the plants you use are with persistent or deciduous leaves.

"If they are on deciduous leaves, the plant variety and the placement have increased importance so that the seasonal coverage remains generally coherent," she explains.

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Try using bamboo.

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Sturdy Wood is an attractive option for anyone really concerned about security. But there is another simple and affordable material that can be even better for a price fraction.

"Bamboo fencing is a fantastic option for those who want an exotic and ecological solution," says Bowers. "It is incredibly strong and develops quickly, which makes it a lasting choice. And the light color of natural bamboo adds a warm and tropical sensation to your garden."

However, this still requires a little work beyond planting or placement: Bowers warns that it is essential to secure bamboo posts and offer them to resist weather conditions.

Plant intimacy coverage.

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Before starting to put messages in the ground, consider another life option: for a natural green barrier, Bowers suggests removing your fence and planting trees closely together to cultivate a privacy hedge.

"These are my personal favorites. I tear the fences to build them!" Bowers tells Better life .

Going for life barriers can add several important elements to your garden. "This lush and alive wall offers excellent intimacy and elegance," he says. "The regular cut will maintain the desired shape and size. But the foliage is magnificent and absorbs the noise, which makes your courtyard more serene and more pleasant."

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: Garden / Home
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