Expert longevity reveals how to reorganize your kitchen to lose weight

These tips can help you eat better, get healthier and live longer.

Living in better health goes hand in hand with to live longer . For some people, this objective may involve trying to lose weight, because obesity is a major risk factor For several main causes of death in the United States, including diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer accidents, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). But with as many treats and candies easily accessible to us, eating better is always easier to say than to do. In this spirit, Dan Buettner , expert in longevity and founder of Blue Areas Inc., says that the real secret to losing weight can reside in the way you reorganize your kitchen.

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In the early 2000s, Buettner worked with National Geographic To identify five places in the world which have the highest rates of individuals living beyond 100. Called "blue zones", they are Ikaria, Greece; Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Loma Linda, California; And Nicoya, Costa Rica. The longevity expert has also spent a large part of his life looking for the habits and diets of those who live in these regions to discover exactly why they live so longer than most. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

In a July 2023 interview with Mia Johanna Dige , a metabolic health coach working with the health technology company Lumen, Buettner shared that one of the best ways to start eating better (like that in blue areas) involves changing your kitchen configuration.

The worst thing you can have in there? A toaster on the counter. According to Buettner, Cornell Food Lab's research show that people who keep their toaster on the counter in their kitchen weigh on average, six pounds more than those who do not.

"There are very few healthy things that we put in a toaster and very few healthy things come out of a toaster," he told Dige.

Buettner also explained that the simple view of the toaster makes us more likely to eat unhealthy things more often, such as pop pies, waffles or cinnamon bread.

"So withdrawing the toaster for your counter is one of the easiest ways to lose weight in 2024," he wrote in the legend of a January 3 Instagram Post where he shared a clip for the interview.

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It is not only the toaster that you should consider when it comes to reorganizing your kitchen. According to Buettner, you should also keep your drawer with junk food away - whether it means that you have to "lower yourself, reaching up or walking around the pantry" to get there.

"This makes a huge difference in the number of fries or cookies you eat, instead of leaving them on the counter," he said. "You know, I like to joke, we are on a" see the diet. "We eat the food we see."

Buettner told Dige that he was also a big fan of having a bowl of fruit in your kitchen.

"So, invest in a very beautiful fruit bowl, put it in a well-lit central place and each time we go to the grocery store, filling this," he advised. "In this way, when you cross the kitchen, instead of seeing Doritos, you see bananas or apples or oranges or whatever the fruit you like."

Best Life offers the most up -to -date information for high -level experts, new research and health agencies, but our content is not supposed to replace professional advice. Regarding the medication you take or any other health issue you have, always consult your health care provider directly.

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