11 foods you need to become skinny and toned

When considering building muscles, it's easy to assume that you have to start carrying massive trays of whey supplements (maybe while wearing a mesh tank top).

Do not be distracted by this propaganda of protein powder. You can get many muscle nutrients by adding good foods to your diet. These 11 bases are basic elements for every meal of the day, ideal for strengthening energy and accelerate muscle recovery before and after the gym. (What you wear, there is always you.)


Greek yogurt

greek yogurt

Packed with nourishing muscle nutrients,Greek yogurt is the ideal training partner. "It's a good source of protein, calcium and vitamin D, which are good for muscles," saysIlyse Schapiro, MS, RD, CDN, an accredited dietitian with practices in New York and Connecticut. "Vitamin D is definitely important for your bones - you need strong and healthy bones to support the muscles - and it affects protein synthesis. People with low vitamin D levels have been consistent with a Reduced resistance and more muscle waste. "

Skip varieties with added fruit; They have too much sugar. Go for the plain, the complete variety of fat (it is higher in nutrients than sparkling).



kidney beans

The simple grain is actually an advanced and muscular muscle building machine. "Beans are an excellent source of protein that includes fiber," saysLeah Kaufman, MS, RD, CDN, CDE, a dietitian inscribed on the city of New York. "It will make sure your blood glucose does not point and give you energy to build the muscle you want."

A cup of black beans has 12 grams of protein and 9 grams of fiber; They are also rich in folate, vitamin B that leans muscle growth and copper, which strengthens tendons. In addition to that, aSpanish study has shown that the consumption of four weekly portions of beans or legumes accelerates weight loss.


cottage cheese

cottage cheese

It turns out that the fuel clip of the women's years of the 1970s deserves a place on a musclehead plate. "It's very rich in protein and it is perfect for building and muscle maintenance because it also contains calcium and vitamin B12," says Schapiro, which advises you to take the low fat variety. Double stalling food? A cup of low grease cc has 163 calories and 28 grams of protein, as many eggs.


Chocolate milk

chocolate milk

Add Kiddie Concectment to your essential snacks before and after training. In a study published inJOf the International Society of Sports Nutrition, given subjectsChocolate milk High before equipping motionless bicycles could pedal 49% longer than cyclists gave another beverage replacing glucidity. The natural electrolytes of chocolate milk keep you hydrated and its softness accelerates energy in the muscles, which also makes it good after your workout. "Chocolate milk is good for muscle recovery, as you get protein, vitamin D and milk calcium and that little chocolate sugar to help fuel refueling," Note Schapiro.




Bananas are an ideal fuel source. They are rich in glucose, a highly digestible sugar, which provides fast energy and high potassium content helps prevent muscle cramps during your workout. Each average banana contains about 36 grams of good carbohydrates: their low glycemic index means that carbohydrates are slowly released into your body, thus preventing sugar accidents and stimulate the muscular recovery process. If you think you need something more substantial, get good fuel ideas from our best guidePre-training snack For each training.



roasted beets

Yes, beets. ANumber of studies Have shown that beet consumption can improve your sports performance. Topics that have been drank of beet juice have increased 38% of blood circulation towards muscles, particularly "rapid constraints" muscles that affect breaks of speed and strength, a study conducted at the University of Kansas State.

Another study published in theJournal of the Academy of Nutrition and DieteticsDiscovered that the riders who have eaten beets cooked before a 5k ran from five percent faster, a result attributed to beet nitrates, a natural chemical that increases endurance and lowers blood pressure. Spinach and carrots are also high in the compound of the muscular building.




"My preferred source of protein is an egg," says Kaufman, who notes that each contains seven grams of muscle builder. "Depending on training and their goals, I usually say to my patients to have proteins in increments of seven. If you do aHigh intensity training, you should have 14 grams of protein. Two eggs are perfect. "




The magic bullets of nature have been demonstrated to have special grease combustion properties if you consume them before a workout: a printed study inThe Journal of the International Society of Sports NutritionI found that L-arginine in almonds can help you burn more fat and carbohydrates in the gym. When it comes tomuscle strengthening, a quarter of raw almonds eight grams of protein and is rich in magnesium, which stimulates energy and endurance. "Almonds are excellent - you just need to look at the quantity," says Kaufman. "I recommend eating 20 max. If you spend on it, your body will store fat instead of building muscles."




The clip of the muscular manufacturer maintains its status for a reason. In addition to being rich in protein - 54 grams per six ounce service, the chicken breast is also rich in leucine, an amino acid which is the key to muscle building because it increases the synthesis of proteins. InStudies at the University of IllinoisThe researchers nourished a meal group containing 10 grams of leucine per day and another group a lower leucine regime. In two studies, groups that ate high leucine diets lost more weight and body fat - and maintained a leaner body mass. According to the USDA, a six ounce chicken breast contains about 4.4 grams of leucine per serving and 52 grams of protein.


Fourte-fed oxen

grass fed beef

The beef nourished with the grass in the Holy Trifecta of muscle building: it is the source of food n ° 1 of creatine, which increases muscle mass by accelerating the protein to the muscles; It is rich in CLA, an anti-inflammatory fatty acid; And it provides more than half of the protein GDR in a four ounce server. "It's great for you - rich in iron, magnesium and B12, that you have to have for muscle building," Kaufman said, who notes that she tells his patients who have a high cholesterol history so as not to eat more two portions of red. meat a week.


Wild salmon

wild salmon

The high content of wild salmon salmon proteins - 39 grams per serving - is complemented by its healthy acids in healthy cardiac health, healthy and inflammation. Just make sure to become wild. Livestock salmon, PCB fish and PCB fish (polychlorinated biphenyls, chemicals causing endocrine disruptions), must be thrown into the refrigerator case. "There is definitely a taste difference between the wild and high salmon on the farm," said Kaufman.

"While nature is more expensive, it's worth the difference so that it is not high in a farm, where there can be a lot of chemicals," she adds. Another reason for which it is a smart purchase: a study published in theAnnals of internal medicine He showed that people with omega-3's highest blood levels lived two years, on average, than those with lower levels. More time to show these firearms.

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