10 Best foods to eat in the morning for faster metabolism, say nutritionists
Here is what to eat so that your body burns more fat.
Your metabolism, the process by which your body converts food and energy drinks, is affected by a wide range of factors, some of which are under your control. In particular, your muscle mass and your level of physical activity can both influence your metabolic rate. To a slight extent, macronutrient Contents of your diet .
This is because each time you eat, your body breaks down and stores the nutrients of your food, spending energy in the process. This is known as the Thermal effect of food (Tef), and it generally uses around 10% of calories that you consume . However, certain foods require even more energy to decompose, essentially increasing your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) in the process. Starting in the morning with rich foods, you can potentially burn more fat than you would do when making other eating decisions.
Wondering what foods are the best to burn fat faster? According to nutritionists, the 10 best foods stimulate your metabolism.
There are many health benefits associated with eating oatmeal for breakfast regularly. For example, according to a study published in the medical journal Nutrients , eating oats was linked to a modestly reduced risk Chronic diseases , including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity in adults. It can also improve blood lipid levels, post-repas insulin levels and subjective satiety measures, the study indicates.
But the advantages do not stop there - some experts say that it can also help stimulate metabolism and slow hunger throughout the day.
"This whole grain cereal is rich in soluble fibers, slowing down digestion and stabilizing blood sugar, which prevents dips and tips that can trigger desires of hunger and potential supercharging," explains Krutika Nanavati . Clinicots . "Oat flour also allows you to feel full, potentially reducing the global calorie intake throughout the day." AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
2. Bays
Svetlana Lukienko / Shutterstock
According to Harvard Health Publishing, The berries are "among the The healthiest foods you can eat . "In addition to reducing inflammation and promoting heart health, they are also supposed to stimulate metabolism.
"Packed with antioxidants and fibers, berries such as blueberries, strawberries and raspberries help regulate blood sugar, potentially reduce desires and provide a sustained source of energy," explains Eric Sornoso , CEO of the meal delivery site Meal .
Protein -rich foods such as eggs take longer for the body to digest, which means that you tend to spend more energy shortly after eating them.
As Nanavati explains, this "improves the thermal effect of food, which temporarily increases your metabolic rate". She also underlines that the eggs "allow you to feel full longer, reducing the desires and the potential supercharging".
Sornoso adds that because eggs contain proteins and so many essential nutrients, they "support muscles repair and help control appetite - their choline content helps regulate metabolism by decomposing fats for energy."
4. Greek yogurt
Greek yogurt fills you and keeps you full throughout the day, you will therefore be less likely to make food decisions impulsive later. This can also help stimulate metabolism, say experts.
"A fantastic source of proteins and intestinal probiotics, Greek yogurt promotes the burn of calories thanks to TEF and supports healthy digestion, which plays a vital role in global metabolism," explains Nanavati. "Choose varieties with a low sugar content and associate them with berries to add fibers and antioxidants."
Then Nanavati recommends including the Chia in your breakfast, noting that they can be easily added to yogurt, oat flour and smoothies.
"The tiny but powerful chia seeds are loaded with omega-3 fiber and fatty acids", explains the dietitian. "They absorb the liquid, expanding in your stomach to allow you to feel satisfied and potentially stimulate the burn of calories thanks to thermogenesis."
6. Walnut
Krasula / Shutterstock
Eating a small handful of nuts every day can help you protect from heart disease and diabetes. They can also help you stay longer and increase your metabolism.
"Rich in healthy fats and protein, the nuts are sitting, preventing supercharging later in the day. In addition, they contain minerals such as magnesium, crucial for the enzymatic function involved in metabolism," explains Sobroso.
The addition of herbs and spices at breakfast that you have prepared can give it a metabolic boost.
"The peppers contain capsaicin, a compound that can slightly increase the calorie level and the metabolic rate. Adding them to your meals in moderation could offer a subtle metabolic boost," said Nanavati.
8. Green tea
Green tea comes with a range of main health benefits: research suggests that it can promote heart health, help prevent cancer, fight inflammation, etc. This could also help you increase your metabolism for the day.
"This drink contains a compound called Epigallocatechine Gallate (EGCG) which could stimulate thermogenesis and fat combustion," explains Nanavati. "Although the effects are modest, green tea can be a good addition to your morning routine for its potential metabolic advantages and its overall health properties."
Research is increasingly suggesting that regular consumption of beans and legumes is associated with better health results and greater longevity . Experts also say that it is one of the most effective foods to stimulate metabolism and lose weight.
Benedict Ang , a coach of fitness, nutrition and mind, and a senior coach for the fitness site Total shape , says that it often recommends them to customers because they are an excellent source of fiber and protein from plants.
"A diet rich in fiber can certainly be a precious tool in your arsenal," says Ang Better life . "One of the main ways it helps is to promote a feeling of fullness and satisfaction ... This makes you less likely to eat or snack between meals. In addition, foods rich in Fibers often have fewer calories compared to their volume, which makes them ideal for reducing your overall caloric intake without being hungry. "
No food will reveal your metabolism more than eating a diverse range of whole nutrients rich in nutrients. This is why drinking a smoothie rich in protein full of these types of ingredients can pack such a powerful punch.
"A well-composed smoothie can be an excellent breakfast option to increase your metabolism. Including ingredients such as spinach, kale and other green, as well as fruits and seeds, can provide a dense meal of nutrients, "explains Deniz Efe , a fitness expert and founder of Fitted fitness . "The mixture of healthy fibers, proteins and fats can contribute to an increase in metabolism and energy levels throughout the day."
Best Life offers the most up -to -date information for high -level experts, new research and health agencies, but our content is not supposed to replace professional advice. Regarding the medication you take or any other health issue you have, always consult your health care provider directly.