A new study finds a shocking link between the length of the finger and psychopathy

Those who have the lines of the fingers are more likely to have psychiatric problems.

Manipulation, aggression and lack of empathy are just some of the main warning signs that can help identify a psychopath in your life. Of course, if you get to know the person - as on a date - These red flags may not present themselves visibly immediately. However, research suggests that there is a new and faster way to identify a psychopath, and everything comes down to the length of their index and its annular, especially on the right hand.

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Published in the next month of the Journal of Psychiatric Research , mental health researchers have conducted a study in which they took good hands scans Of 80 volunteers to deduce if psychology is "organic rooted". Among the participants, 44 had already received a diagnosis of psychiatric problems.

The correlation between clinically diagnosed volunteers and the duration of their fingers compared to other people tested apparently proves that psychopathy is more common among those with a shorter index and a longer annular, called "2D report: lower 4D".

Researchers think that a lower 2D report is directly linked to a fetus exposed to higher levels of testosterone and lower estrogen levels during the first quarter.

In conclusion, the study revealed that those with a shorter index and a longer annular were "associated with higher dark triad traits", which led to higher scores for "the sensitivity to narcissism and the 'Intolerance to uncertainty ".

According to Psychology today , Dark Triad can be better defined as " A trio of negative personality traits "- More specifically, narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy.

Other behavioral characteristics such as extreme competitiveness and aggression have also become discernible in this group. According to the study, adults with a 2D: 4D lower "report" obtained a high score on mental tenacity and sporting performance, but also on various types of negative psychosocial and psychological results, including intolerance to uncertainty , the affect insensitive to sensitivity to anxiety and interpersonal manipulation. "

It should be noted that a Previous study in 2022 Published in the journal Heliyon This compared the 2D report: 4D right with psychopathy, revealed that the males "present 2D reports: 4D lower compared to women". In addition, this group of researchers noted that "2D reports: low 4D were linked to higher egocentricity levels in men compared to women".

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"The subject is interesting, because the relationship of index lengths (2D) and the annular (4D) is one of the most robust organic markers formed during the prenatal stage with a remarkable Impact later on the behavior of an adult , " Serge brand , said one of the perpetrators of the recent study, told Psypost.

"That is to say: the more an adult participant had signs of psychopathology, the more it seemed that this adult was exposed to higher testosterone concentrations and lower estrogen concentrations during the prenatal period of the life, "he said.

However, Brand guarantees that the simple fact of having a shorter index and a longer ring finger does not automatically mean that you are a psychopath: "Rather, a 2D report: 4D lower and therefore a higher exposure to testosterone during The prenatal period of physiological development could allow An adult person to show a specific behavior model. ""

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