Doing this for 2 minutes after eating increases muscle mass, says a new study

It doesn't take long to improve your health.

Research shows thatstrength training is essential to many aspects of your health, including metabolism, bone health, blood pressure, mental well-being, weight management and blood sugar control. For example, add more muscle to your advantagesweightloss, since the skinnymuscle burns more calories than fat. In addition, maintaining muscle mass as your age reduces the risk of falls and fractures by improvingbone mineral density.

Now, according to a new study by the University of Toronto, you don't need to spend countless hours in the gym to stay strong and improve your health. Instead, doing this single activity for as little as two minutes after a meal can help you maintain your muscle mass as you get older. Read the rest to find out what that is and why you should add it to your daily routine.

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Sitting is bad for your health.

Man Texting While on the Couch
Prostock-Studio / Shutterstock

Sitting regularly for long periods, whether at an office, on the sofa to watch television or drive, can wreak havoc on your health. A prolonged seat canlead to metabolic syndrome, with symptoms such as high blood pressure, deregulation of blood sugar, excess body fat, high cholesterol levels and increased risk of chronic disease, including heart disease and cancer. Given the risks according to which sitting your health, it is essential to move your body more to avoid unfavorable health results.

Sits too long without regular exercise can ensure that your body breaks down muscle tissue. It's harmful, because the maintenance of lean muscle tissue isEssential for healthy aging. "When you are sedentary, the signals to develop the muscles are not sent because you do not carry out any actions that indicate to your body that you need new muscle tissue," saidRachel Macpherson, CPT, an ACE certified personal coach withGarage gymnasium reviews. "Conversely, when you get up and move more - such as walking or carrying out weight activities - the session are sent to use amino acids to develop and keep the muscles."

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New research indicates that this promotes muscle strengthening.

Woman Doing Body Weight Squats
JR-50 / Shutterstock

A recent study published in theJournal of Applied Physiology has examined the effects of breaking up prolonged space periods, common occurrence in workplaces, to determine if this would increase the capacity of muscles to use amino acids (the constituent elements of proteins) of food to help them repair or replace damaged proteins.

The researchers discovered thatInterrupt an prolonged session with an intermittent exercise- also called "activity snacks" - can increase the synthesis of muscle proteins (MPS), the process of your body of construction of new muscles. They concluded that two minutes of walking or body weight squats can effectively increase MPS.

Daniel Moore, PHD, principal researcher of the study and associate professor of muscle physiology at the University of Toronto, saysBetter life"We have seen that the reduction in time seated with practical activity snacks allowed a larger part of the amino acids that our participants have eaten to rebuild contractile myofibrillar proteins, which are the main proteins that contribute to the size of Our muscles and which allow our muscles to generate strength. "

The "activity snacks" after time help regulate blood sugar.

Woman Walking While Talking on Phone
Andrew Makedonski / Shutterstock

Moore and his research team also found that making activity snacks after a meal improves blood sugar control and allows more effective use of amino acids to help maintain muscle and quality.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"We know that prolonged sedentary periods harm the body's ability to filter blood sugar after a meal," explains Moore. "However, the rupture of this sedentary period with brief episodes of activity, such as two minutes of walking of moderate intensity or climb and drops of 15 times of a chair (for example, body weight squats) , can improve the way our body eliminates sugar from our meal. "

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Do these exercises after your next meal to stimulate muscle mass.

Woman Doing Jumping Jacks
Shunevych Serhii / Shutterstock

If you want to build new muscles or maintain muscle quality while improving blood sugar control, try the next two -minute activity snacks after your next meal. Macpherson suggests making slots on foot, sissy squats, body weight standing movivers, boards, burs and pumps (either regularly, against a wall or on a slope).

Moore recommends exercises that engage the leg muscles because they are the largest muscle group in your body. "" Brief walking periods And the exercises sitting on foot are the examples we have used in the study, but you can also go up and down a staircase or make slots to one leg. However, people can consider higher intensity or complete body exercises such as pumps or jumps. ""

Another great way to break your time sitting during the working day is to use the Pomodoro technique , an efficient time management tool that improves productivity and disrupts the time sitting by working by 25 -minute increments followed by a five -minute break. Instead of scrolling through social media or seizing another cup of coffee, use your five minutes to make "activity snacks" and encourage healthy aging.

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