A way to make your daily walk more effective, says science

Walk, exactly in this way, to burn more calories, strengthen your heart and live longer.

If you are capable, walking is undoubtedly the easiest and most effective way to get a regular exercise for good health and good health. After all, the learning curve is non-existent.

Ah, but is it really? The unique way, in fact, the best way, to make the most of your daily walk is.How? 'Or' What walk, suggest many studies and an expert on foot we talked to who says theThe key to make your daily walk more efficient is to simply shorten your stride.

"We are so comfortable with the march we tend to get rid of energy efficient," says the walking coachMichele Stantten, author ofGet out of weight: Burn 3 times more fat with this proven program to cut your belly, buttocks and your rear grease. Too much efficient energy. "We do not burn enough calories."

Related:36 Tips when you walk to lose weight, according to experts

Hundreds of studies have shown that the better you walk for all kinds of health reasons: weight loss, low rate of arterial and blood glucose, best cholesterol profile, stress reduction, mood improvements, memory and braflowpower and longevity. (See:What happens to your body when you walk every day.) But faster you walk more efficiently and efficiently, your efforts will probably be.

"The great mistake that most walkers make the longest stride," says Stantten. "When your foot lands right away in front of you, it acts almost like a brake and slows you down.By shortening your stride, you will walk faster and you will burn more calories. "

How a shorter stride and a walk at intervals can make your walk more efficient.

It's criticism,ahemRemove your walk to a new level with a training technique called intervals.

Intervals Has nothing more than walking on a fast pace for a short period, say 30 seconds, followed by 30 seconds to a minute or more recovery at a slow to moderate pace. Made properly, interval walk can be difficult, but the potential gains are big enough.

For one, you will save: a rhythm of 3.5 mph will accommodate you at home much faster than a 1.5 mph rhythm of 1.5 km / h and will facilitate the task of taking a walk in your busy day. In addition, as in other forms of interval workout, walking interval - "pushing me out of your comfort zone," says Stantten-increases Calorie Burn.

The advantages of interval walk.

Danish research presented inDiabetic treatments Studied with people with type 2 diabetes that have been randomly assigned to a continuous walking group that headed at a moderate regular speed or an interval walk group that alternate repetitions of 3 minutes at low and high intensity . After four months, researchers found that only interval walkers have improved their blood sugar levels, reducing their BMI (body mass index) and losing a dangerous visceral belly fat.

In a related study published in 2015 in the journalBiology lettersThe researchers at the Ohio State University have discovered that walking at variable speeds can burn up to 20% more calories than maintaining a sustained pace. The researchers put the participants on a treadmill fixed at a constant speed and asked them to walk quickly at the front of the treadmill or to move slowly at the back of the treadmill belt while they watched their breathing. Their analysis showed that the very act of changing speeds burns more energy because the legs must do more work to go from a slow pace at a fast pace and vice versa. The researchers estimated that up to eight percent of the energy we use in the normal daily walk could be due to the energy needed to accelerate and slow down.

Walking over a fast pace also seems to improve longevity, suggests an analysis inProcedure of the Mayo ClinicBased on data of nearly 475,000 people who were followed for seven years. The study implied that physical condition is a better indicator of life expectancy than the body mass index and that the regular running jurisdiction can be added up to 15 years in the lives of people.

Expert advice to make your walk more efficient.

The addition of two or three days of walking intervals to your weekly routine is a simple way to get your heart rate and create better cardiovascular form, says Stantten. Improving your walking form will help you walk faster and get more fitness for your money, she says. We have allocated some tips to help you make your walk more efficient. Read, and for more other, checkThe 30 seconds thing to lose more weight while walking.


Keep your head up.

woman walking

Do not burn. Stand Tall, roll your shoulders back and lift your chest and keep your chin. "Look 10 to 20 feet in front of you instead of falling on the ground," said Stantten. "You'll always be able to see what's in front of you and you will not tripe." Stantten tells the story of a 70-year-old woman with Parkinson's disease that drives a running. The woman was so nervous to fall that she would only look at her feet walking. "When I showed him that she could still see the ground looking before, she was so excited because for the first time in years, she could enjoy the landscape."

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Fold your arms.


You do not run with your arms directly then do not beat you either. "Flexion and swing your arms will give you more power; your legs will want to follow," says Stantten.


Take shorter steps.

Woman walking

Make your stride shorter by lifting your knees like walking. Put your lead foot on about 5 inches in front of your back. "Earth on your heel, through and pushing with the ball of your foot and your toes in a smooth stride," says Stantten.


Accelerate, slow down.

Couple on an early morning walk

Try 30-second intervals at a fast pace followed by 30 seconds, one minute, or more recovery at a slower walk. And continues to alternate this way. "Count your steps," advises Stantten. "As a general rule, 130 to 137 steps per minute are about 4 miles per hour, so try about 65 steps in 30 seconds." If you do not want to rely on steps, evaluate your intensity by your breathing. At a fast pace, it will be very difficult to talk in complete sentences.


Hit the hills.


You can also measure interval periods on a walk using telephone posts or lamppost positions. Alternate walking at a fast and moderate pace from one to the other. The walking and bottom of the hills is another way to automatically create intervals in your walk because the intensity changes with elevation.

With the practice, your quick trips can even turn into fast walking sessions, where, at a rate of 5 mph, you will burn as many calories as if you were running. Know it up to 5.2 mph and you will burn even more calories than you would like to run because "the race is too easy to walk at this rate," says Stantten.

You want more workouts? To tryThis 20-minute walk routine to get in shape and burn fat.

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