You can add 6 years to your life with these easy habits, show new research
These simple interventions will transform your health.

In a world of biohacks and health things, it can be easy to get lost in all advice of well-being. However, experts say that, in the end, there are just a handful of essential rules that you should follow if your goal is a longer and healthier life. In fact, the American Heart Association (AHA) has identified eight habits, known as Life is essential 8 , which says that organization is your simple control list for "good health for life".
Now, a new study has put these habits to the test and found that sticking can slow down the natural aging process of your six -year -old body. "These results help us to understand the link between chronological age and biological age and how to follow healthy life habits can help us live longer," said Donald M. Lloyd-Jones , MD, SCM, Faha, president of the writing group for the main part of life, via Press release . "Everyone wants to live longer, but more importantly, we want to live more healthy longer so that we can really enjoy and have a good quality of life for as many years as possible."
Ready to transform your health and make the stopwatch back on your organic aging? These are the easy habits that you can start today.
In relation: 15 habits that change life to add to your wellness routine .
1 Eat better.

Eat a healthy diet De Whole Foods is one of the most important things you can do for your health. "He protects you from many non -transmitted chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer," said the World Health Organization (WHO).
Many experts suggest building a diet that emphasizes fruits and vegetables, meats or lean fish, whole grains, nuts and legumes while limiting your consumption of processed foods. "Eating a variety of foods and consuming less salt, sugars and trans-products saturated and industrially, are essential for healthy diet," add WHO experts.
In relation: 7 "healthy" habits that are actually bad for you, according to doctors .
2 Be more active.

Doing regular exercise is another way to add years to your life and strengthen your well-being. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend targeting a minimum of 150 minutes Exercise of moderate intensity per week, but notes that the advantages continue to come if you do more than that.
Building in an exercise diet can help reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer. It will also strengthen your bones and muscles and improve your balance, which can help you avoid falls or injuries later in life.
3 Check cholesterol.

"Cholesterol is the key ingredient for heart disease. It leads to an accumulation of plaque in our arteries, which increases our blood pressure and our risk of heart attack," said Catherine RALL , RD, a dietitian recorded with Happy v . "Focusing on reducing your consumption of" bad "cholesterol or LDL in particular will help a lot here."
The Mayo clinic says there is a Little key food exchanges This may target this area of your health specifically. They recommend limiting saturated fats and reducing trans fats while increasing your supply of omega-3 fatty acids, soluble fibers and whey proteins. Stop smoking and drinking can also help you reduce your cholesterol levels. A doctor can help you determine if drugs can also be beneficial.
4 Manage blood sugar.

Then, managing your blood sugar is another important step to add years to your life, suggests the study. According to the CDC, keeping these figures in your target range Can not only help you avoid providing type 2 diabetes, but it can also prevent or delay the appearance of heart disease, vision loss and kidney disease. "Staying in your target range can also help improve your energy and mood," note CDC experts. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
The Mayo clinic adds that a diet that helps you Manage your blood sugar is actually "the best food plan for almost everyone". Their experts suggest consuming whole foods in moderate portions and eating at regular hours. "It is a healthy driving plan which is naturally rich in nutrients and low in fats and calories. The key elements are fruits, vegetables and whole grains," they explain.
5 Manage blood pressure.

Having high blood pressure is a main risk factor for death and disability. Indeed, uncontrolled hypertension can increase your risk of heart attack, stroke, heart failure, kidney disease, dementia, metabolic problems, etc.
The good news? By adopting other habits on the AHA control list, you are already on track for better blood pressure. Talk to your doctor to find out if drugs are also necessary.
6 Leave tobacco.

Stopping tobacco is one of the best decisions you can make for your health and longevity. In fact, the CDC says that stop smoking Can reduce your risk of premature death and add up to 10 years to your life expectancy.
It can also considerably improve your quality of life, by reducing your risk of cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (MPOC), poor thoroughness health and cancer.
7 Sleep healthy.

Getting between seven and nine hours of quality sleep per night can also transform your health and make your biological clock back down.
"Every night, when you sleep, incredible things happen," said Naheed Ali , MD, PHD, the main writer at Sleep bubble . "While we are sleeping, our body does essential repair work. It is like giving all a focus while you rest. The cells regenerate, the hormones that control growth and stress find balance , and the brain processes the information of the day so that memories can form properly. This is crucial to remain mentally sharp as we age. "
That said, not all summits are created. Ali says that consistency and quality count as much as the amount of sleep. "When your sleep scheme is constantly changing, it disrupts these repair processes. Imagine trying to repair something, but never know when or how long you have before being interrupted - it would be difficult! Well, the inconsistency can really make us older at a cellular level than we really are. "
8 Manage the weight.

If you do everything else on this list, especially to eat well and exercise regularly, your weight management will most likely be a by-product. This is excellent news since Maintain a healthy weight can reduce your risk of several chronic diseases. In particular, people who manage their weight "are less likely to develop diabetes, heart disease, certain cancers, bile calculations, osteoarthritis, respiratory problems and sleep apnea," explains AHA.
Talk to your doctor before starting any new health plan.
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Best Life offers the most up -to -date information for high -level experts, new research and health agencies, but our content is not supposed to replace professional advice. Regarding the medication you take or any other health issue you have, always consult your health care provider directly.