This is the only place of the US without a single case of covidae reported
How did this rural area manage to remain free of Covid all this time?

The United States reported more than11 387 700 COVID-19 cases, according to the latest data ofThe New York Times. And if you look at a card that follows coronavirus, you will quickly see that it is difficult to find oneUnited States Region This has not reported at least some infections. Why? Because there really is not. More specifically, there isa. According to the declaration byThe New York Times November 17, Rural West Texas Display County has not officially reportedOnly one case of covidation since the pandemic has started. This is the only region of the United States continental that can make such a request. But do people live there really completely without covidation? Continue discovering more details on this rural steep value of the pandemic. And for places that act against Covid,These are all states locked again.
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1 The County of Love has less than 200 residents.

One of the reasons that the county of love could keep cases of Covid, well, zero, it's just because there are not many people who live there. WithA population of 169 peopleAccording to the US census office, the smallest of the United States, spreading in 669 square miles of extended open land, residents of the desert city can not prevent social distance. And for the initiate, take the current climb of Coronavirus, checkI am a doctor and that's what is the most devastating about Covid now.
2 There were some other covidation counties until recently.

For a moment, the County of Fabric was part of a handful of rural areas scattered in the United States that had managed to avoid Covid. However, the grip decreased in recent months and when Esmeralda County in Nevadareported his first case On November 13, the County of Love became the last standing - at least in Kalawao Continental County Kalawao in Hawaii also not reported any known cases, according toThe New York Times.
3 At least one person has been infected.

A staff member of a local health clinic in County LoveThe New York Times a positive Covid test occurred during the summer. However, as the patient was not a permanent resident of the region, the case has never been officially reported. And for the latest Covid news and more delivered to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.
4 Residents of the County to love have always felt the impact of COVID.

While the virus itself has not crossed the rural area, Love County residents were stillaffected by the pandemic-Reat prices dropped, workers were abandoned and the business sectors, say. "With the pandemic, many closed things"Ricardo Galan, who works for a supply company that has reduced 50 employees and now works with a staff of 12 people, saidThe New York Times. And to see where Covid looks for the worst, checkWhat is the gravity of the COVID epidemic in your state.

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