This chain of emblematic clothing firm 40 locations this year

You may have to find elsewhere to meet your fashion needs.

Most of us have a brand of confidence or a favorite store on which we count for our wardrobe. Maybe you shop at Macy since you started buying clothes, or you prefer a quick trip to Old Navy for fun but affordable improvements. In simple terms, if you are looking to update your seasonal staples or follow the latest trends, someclothing retailers are tested and true. Now, an emblematic clothing chain has announced that it would close a large number of locations this year, which means that you may have to find a new place to buy in the coming months. Read more to find out which classic clothing company firm 40 stores.

Read this then:These two popular channels close the stores, from June 15.

Many retailers recently announced closures.

Fairview Heights, ILâ€

Other emblematic retailers who resisted the time test were forced to close their doors recently, including 70 stores in the hometown of Sears. Locations across the country went to social networks toAnnounce liquidation sales, mainly on individual Facebook pages, as Axios reported. Transformco, the company which acquired Sears and Kmart in 2018, has not officially announced the closures or confirmed which stores Sears Hometown would close their doors permanently.

Another clothing retailer, more popular with the youngest ensemble, also announced that he would close the stores this year. On March 31, it was reported that240 H&M stores would be closed. The connected retailer would have been seriously affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and later by the spread of the Omicron variant and "extended restrictions" in certain countries.

And although it is already difficult to say goodbye in these places, buyers are now faced with another closure ad.

This brand known for its quality clothing and accessories firm stores.

Dcstockphotography / shutterstock

If you regularly shop at the Chico black market or the White House (WHBM), you may be dismayed to learn that the retailer announced its intention to close a total of 40 stores during the 2022 fiscal year. These popular stores are essential destinations for women, selling a wide variety of clothing, jewelry and accessories. Chico dates back to 1983 when he wasFounded in Sanibel, Florida. The White House was founded two years later in Baltimore, Maryland, and aNew concept magasin, the black market, opened in 1995, according to the LinkedIn of the Company. The brand pair was then acquired by Chico's Fas in 2003.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

According to aMarket screen analysis, the stores that close are mainly "Chico's and WHBM shops based on the shopping center". The report did not indicate specific locations to close, or when they would close their doors exactly.

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The number of stores has been described by leaders as a "moving target".

store closing signs in window

During a call for results of June 7,PJ Guido, the financial director of the fas of Chico, confirmed that the number of Chico and WhBM stores has gone from 1,410 to 1,264 since 2019. Despite - or perhaps because of this 10%reduction, the company has experienced a Increase in income, up 4.5% of 40% in the first quarter, compared to 2019. Guido also confirmed that the closure of exactly 40 stores is not set in stone.

"Although we are visiting up to 40 store closures on the Chico and White black market, store performance continues to improve, and this number will remain a target in motion," said Guido.

The retailer actually opens more stores for a different brand.

soma storefront
Dcstockphotography / shutterstock

Guido said the company did not intend to open additional Chico or WHBM stores, but this is not all bad news. The financial director noted that the plans are underway to open additional SOMA stores, which mainly sell friends and women's night clothes.

"In the future, we plan to open up to 30 Soma autonomous stores in the rear half of the year," said Guido when the results are called. The retailer has currently identified 28 locations for new Soma stores and is looking for two others, added Guido during the question of the question of an analyst.

Molly Langenstein, president and chief executive officer of Chico's Fas, said that Soma "had displayed his seventh consecutive growth quarter in the previous year" and saw an increase of 0.5% compared to the quarter of the year last.

"Soma's growth continues to significantly exceed the market for bras and non-sporting panties for the quarter. We have a strong position in basic replenishment, the bra and the inventory of the panties so that We could meet the needs of our customers, "said Langenstein, adding that the company also focuses on digital resources that" have led traffic and increased customers "to Soma, as well as WHBM and Chico.

Read this then: This emblematic retailer firm more than 70 locations, from now .

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