15 ways experienced to lose stubborn belly fat after 60

Experts reveal easy ways to explode fat when you are older.

Belly fat - The visceral fat of the AKA, this type of fat that accumulates around the median section, nestled near vital organs like the liver and the intestines - is not simply unsightly; It is dangerous, associated with a number of serious health problems. Belly fat may seem easier to acquire and more difficult to lose, after 60 years, an era when it is even more risky, because it can prevent the body from retalling against the increased incidence of age -related diseases. The good news: if you add simple habits to your routine, you can reduce belly fat, whatever your age.

What to know about belly fat


Dr William Li, a successful author of Eat to beat your diet , tells us: "There are different types of belly fat. A type, called subcutaneous fat, is below the surface of your skin and easily visible. It is the" pliers-ench "type be pleasant to the 'Eye, but it is a rather harmless type of fat. The other type is visceral fat. This type of fat is buried deep inside your belly, stuffed like peanuts in a shipping box, and The fat rings around your internal organs,. A little visceral fat is normal, but too much is very dangerous for your health because it throws your metabolism in chaos. If you have an expanding belly, you can have too many Subcutaneous and visceral fat causing your belly to get successful. "

Why belly fat is bad for you


Nancy Mitchell, an authorized nurse with Assisted Center of Life Explain: "There is a direct relationship between chronic stress and increasing visceral fat. Increased stress hormones - especially cortisol - encourage fat storage in the abdomen. But visceral fat modifies Not only physical appearance: it can destroy your metabolism. Fat is the hormone storage site; so the more fat stored in the abdomen, the more the hormones are available in the bloodstream. This often causes hormonal imbalances and long -term metabolic ravages. "

Why is it difficult to lose weight as we get older

Older Woman on Scale
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"Losing weight becomes more difficult as you age," said Dr. Hector Perez, a general and bariatric surgeon certified by the board of directors with Bariatric newspaper . "It is because the metabolic rate, or the pace to which your body burns calories, of course slows down As you get older. So, although you can lose weight faster in adolescence or twenty, it is often more difficult to keep the weight as you age. ""

Do this 5 -minute exercise

Man using weights at home

To explode the belly fat, reach certain weights. A 2021 Review of Studies I found that resistance training effectively reduces visceral fats in healthy adults. And that does not take much time: according to a study published in The Korean Journal of Sports Medicine , overweight people who have made staircase intervals twice a day for five minutes without stopping lost on average 7.3 pounds of body weight and 5.5 pounds of body fat in three weeks. (Other studies have shown that increasing your exercise to 60 minutes a day can burn up to 30% of your belly fat over three months.)

Stop drinking your calories

Vibrant Bottles of Juice Lined Up, Close-Up

Experts say that liquid calories contribute to visceral fat. Sodas, juice, nut milk, energy drinks - all that is sweet, even drinks which, in your opinion, can pack in fat around your environment. Liquid sugar seems to accelerate the development of belly fat "being quickly absorbed, by boosting blood sugar, by doping insulin", explains Dr. Mark Hyman , a medical medical doctor from the Cleveland Clinic. "If you can do only one thing to considerably improve your health, get rid of the calories of liquid sugar."

Stop eating refined grains


Simple carbohydrates - like those found in highly processed foods and refined grains - are even worse with regard to the production of belly fats. "When you raise your blood sugar, you raise insulin. You raise insulin, you sweep all the fuel from your blood circulation and throw it into your belly fat cells," explains Hyman. Your movement: Exchange refined cereals and processed foods for a diet rich in whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, healthy fats and lean proteins.

Eat less sugar

plate of chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk
Shutterstock / Martin Gardeazabal

Reduce your consumption of sweet foods, as well as sugary drinks, and you will probably see belly fat melt. A 2020 study published in the European Preventive Cardiology Journal I found that eating too much sugar is associated with larger fat deposits around the heart and the abdomen. "When we consume too much sugar, excess is converted into fat and stored," said the main author of the study. "This adipose tissue located around the heart and in the abdomen releases chemicals in the body, which can be harmful to health. Our results support the limitation of added sugar."

Go to bed at this time

High angle view of young woman smiling while dreaming in bed at night.

In a multinational study of more than 137,000 people published last June in Jama Network Open, researchers found that people who went to bed after 22 hours had a higher risk of being obese or having a big size. In people who regularly hit the hay between 2 and 6 am, the risk was almost double. Scientists think that late sleeping times could increase the production of stress hormones, who say that belly fat to drag.

Start strength training

Older woman lifting weights and working out at the gym

As you reach 50 years, you have already lost 10% of muscle mass, and this decline rate is even higher after the age of 60, according to the American College of Sports Medicine - That's why 'Force training is so important. "The muscle is more metabolically active - it burns more calories than fat," said William Yancy Jr., MD, director of the Duke Lifestyle and Weight Management Center in Durham, North Carolina . "Thus, having a higher ratio of fat in fat means that you burn more energy - just sitting. To build this muscle, you have to exercise, and it also burns calories." AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Eat more protein

Grilled chicken fillets on slate plate

Research shows that eating more protein can help weight loss, according to experts. "The aging muscles become less receptive to protein, but you can counter these age -related changes by increasing your daily proteins and ensuring that each meal contains 20 to 30 g of high quality protein (proteins that contain all acids Essential amino that the body does not make factory itself). These essential amino acids do things like repairing body tissue and decompose food, " says dietitian and physiologist of the Caitlin Reid exercise . "For example, you will find 30 g of protein in 110 g of cooked red meat. This amount of protein will provide enough essential amino acids to help you maintain and, over time, muscle proteins. Dairy products, Eggs, nuts, wheat, lentils, sunflower and sesame seeds, tofu, soy proteins, spinach, turnip, broccoli, snow peas, kidney beans and watercress. ""

Eat more fruits and vegetables

fruits and vegetables

Dr. Perez says: "The best way to avoid winning visceral fats as you age is to live a healthy life. Stop consuming processed foods, sugary drinks and excessive quantities of alcohol. ""

To manage stress

man stressed looking at phone bill
Fizkes / Shutterstock

According to the Cleveland Clinic, "If you feel stressed, your body probably releases the stress cortisol hormone in your blood circulation. Although this can cause weight gain, there is a strong link between an increase in cortisol and higher quantities of fat viscerals. "

Reduce alcohol

Bartender pouring strong alcoholic drink into small glasses on bar, shots
Bogdanhoda / Shutterstock

The Cleveland Clinic says: " Research Show that if you are a big drinker, you can have more belly fats than social or relaxed drinkers. In addition to the additional calories that you consume by drinking excessive quantities of alcohol, alcohol can reduce your inhibitions. ""

Consider taking creatine

creatine, OTC drugs, smarter

Scientific proof Note that creatine can compensate for the muscle loss linked to age in restoring energy exhaustion and increasing muscle mass when associated with exercise. You can mix it with water, juice or tea.

Find an active hobby

couple kayaking for their first date
G-Stockstudio / Istock

Anything that makes you move every day is ideal for keeping the belly fatty at a distance. You do not need to join a gymnasium or run for kilometers - just make sure to exercise in a fun and lasting way. "Exercise is the key to weight loss and the maintenance of this weight loss," said endocrinologist Bartolome Burguera, MD, pH.D . "Generally, however, people who succeed in losing weight and maintaining it tend to be physically active - up to an hour a day. Building in a form of exercise three times a week is highly recommended."

Losing weight

Person Getting on a Scale
Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock

If you are overweight or obese, losing weight can have a significant impact on your belly fat. "Weight loss is really the most important thing," said Dr. Klein . "You don't have to become thin, but lose a little weight, even if you are still obese, may have important advantages if you can keep the weight in the long term."

Try not stress-manger

Young woman eating sweets at workplace in office.

Do not use food to try to relieve stress, warn experts - it's bad for your belly. "It is not only a formula of calories and calories. What we eat and how much can our overall weight determine, but stress influences where this fat is really deposited on our body", " said Elissa Epel, Ph.D. "We know that excessive exposure to cortisol can increase belly fat. It is therefore logical that the reduction in stress should minimize it."

In relation: 11 Easy things you can do to slow down aging

Talk to your doctor

Doctor talking to patient during medical appointment in a hospital - wearing protective face mask

Dr. Perez says: "Doing these lifestyle changes can help reduce your risk of developing visceral fats and improving your overall health as you get older, especially if you have medical conditions. In this way, you can Make sure that the changes you make are safe and suitable for your individual health needs. "

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