Copperhead bites a woman outside the house: new precautions that you should follow

The victim was hospitalized after the poisonous reptile borges her on both feet.

Depending on where you live, the risk of running in a copper snake on your property can be something that you need to remain aware each time you are outside. Unfortunately, even those who do their best to avoid them can still be taken by surprise. And even if they are not naturally aggressive, surprise meetings with poisonous reptiles can lead to serious injuries and hospitalization . Now the authorities have started to urge new precautions after a copper bit a woman outside her house at night. Read the rest for more information and how to protect yourself safely.

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A woman was bitten by a copper snake in the New Jersey outside her house.

Copperhead Basking on the Road

Hot summer time makes it easier to shine outside in the evening without a second thought. But on the evening of July 21, a New Jersey wife Was bitten by a copper snake while eliminating her friend's dog near midnight, reports Patch.

The anonymous victim said that she had slipped into a pair of flip -flops and made the way to her paved alley while the dog made his way in the courtyard. But under black conditions, she did not notice a copper resting on the asphalt until it is too late.

"It put me in both feet," she told Patch. "The bite was so painful. It was as if lightning twice. It was the worst pain you could imagine."

The injury won the woman in a hospital for four days.

Patient sleeping in hospital bed.

The victim says that he could not have a good overview of the snake before he slips into darkness. But she made as soon as she made her way inside that her injury was severe, saying that Patch "had the impression that the two feet stood on hot coals. They were burning, and I couldn't walk above".

Fortunately, the women of the woman acted quickly and decided to drive her to a neighboring hospital for medical care, where she was held for treatment for four days before returning home.

"They saved my life, which I am grateful. If I had not been treated, I would not have succeeded," said Patch.

Even after leaving the hospital, the woman said that she had trouble walking for days before finally reappearing for serious swelling in her legs. And even if she chose to remain anonymous, she decided to talk about the incident because she "just wants people to be aware and really safe. If a pet or a child was bitten, it would be bad "She told Patch.

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Local officials warn that residents should take new precautions, even if snakes are rare in the region.

A close up of a copperhead snake opening its mouth
Istock / Jun Dong

The victim says she reported the incident to local authorities of the Fish and Wildlife Division of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) on July 27, according to But while excavation of his property has not revealed copper, officials still warn the inhabitants to be more cautious outside.

"It is advisable to residents living in areas where poisonous snakes occur to wear closed shoes and use a flashlight outside after nightfall," NjDEP wrote in a press release.

The officials point out that if the region technically houses copper, they are always An "unusual" view . But in addition to protecting your feet and staying alert, it is essential to remember that poisonous species are not aggressive by nature, which means that it is preferable to keep your distance from the snakes that you might spot.

"No one has died of a copper bite in the [New Jersey]," writes NjDEP. "These snakes will not pursue you, but they will defend themselves if they feel threatened."

Here's how you can protect yourself from snakes - and what if you are never bitten.

A copperhead snake coiled on the ground

It could be comforting to know that managers say that the last copper bite incident is extremely rare in the region. But experts warn that loss of habitat due to the construction of houses and climate change could make such incidents slightly more common . This includes a study published on July 11 in the journal Geohealth , who found that the risk of being bitten by a poisonous snake Increases almost 6% for each degree Celsius The temperature increases . AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Being caution can help you Avoid being bitten in the first place. According to NJDEP, copper are the most active between May and October and will use their camouflage to hide in places like the heaps of leaves and pots in pots. If you notice a snake on your property, it is best to leave it alone and call a professional to remove it if it does not seem to leave alone.

If you end up being bitten, it is better to Look for medical care immediately. "You have time to go to the hospital," Steve Lengen , a reptile expert known as NJ Snake Man, told Bronx News 12. "He will probably not be deadly. By something poisonous because it goes a lot."

According to centers for disease control and prevention (CDC), it is also useful to Get a photo of the snake In question to help doctors determine the treatment, but only if you can do so safely. You should also wash the bite area with soap and water and remove all restrictive jewelry or clothes that could be affected by swelling. However, avoid taking pain relievers preventively and never freezing the wound, reducing bite marks or trying to suck the venom.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: animals / News / Safety
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