How to help a man choose a shirt: 6 basic rules

The ideal landing is the key to external appeal. Everything that will turn, wrinkles and departs to the sides should be thrown immediately. At the most inopportune moment, any disadvantages will be brought into the eyes and spoil the impression. What to pay attention to, choosing the perfect men's shirt?

The ideal landing is the key to external appeal. Everything that will turn, wrinkles and departs to the sides should be thrown immediately. At the most inopportune moment, any disadvantages will be brought into the eyes and spoil the impression. What to pay attention to, choosing the perfect men's shirt? Follow the simple instruction.


The collar should not be too tight or, on the contrary, too relaxed. There is a simple rule: two fingers should be placed between the neck and a fastened collar. But do not forget that some fabrics give shrinkage after washing. Be sure to consider this fact when buying a shirt.


Shoulder seams should be located exactly along the edges of the shoulder joints. If they are higher, then the shirt is small. And if below - on the contrary, great. If there are doubts, during the fitting, you turn your arms to the sides, lift forward and up. The shirt should not shine movement. Feelings of cramped or excessive freedom should be awesome immediately.


The length of the sleeve should end just above the level of the top of the thumb. Flex a hand in the elbow, the wrist should not be found.


The perfect shirt should not be too covered with a figure. The option when the buttons barely restrain the shelves of the shirt, not exactly suitable. Another extreme is too spacious. If such a shirt is fed into the pants, ugly, volumetric folds will be formed on the sides. Always look for the golden middle.


The optimal length of the shirt is the one that comes to the beginning of the hip. All that is shorter, will definitely be creating trouble. In the sitting position or when the slope, a short shirt will definitely be knocked out of the trousers. Meanwhile, too long the option also negatively affects the appearance. In this case, the shirt will sit "bubble", forming folds.


Cotton, flax - in any case, better give preference to natural tissues. They are soft, nice to the body, easy to care. And with the right operation will be long preserved a worthy view. Under the tuxedo is better to wear a silk shirt. Pay attention to accessories. Cheap patterns of buttons are made of plastic. A high-quality shirt buttons will necessarily be from expensive materials.

Categories: Fashion
Tags: wardrobe / shirt
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