4 red flags on the use of your partner's mobile phone, according to the therapists

Keep an overview of these potentially problematic habits.

Mobile phones play an omnipresent role in modern relationships. Send SMS and call to social networks , we use them to stay in touch with our partners, whether close or far. They offer an easy avenue to make date plans, registration during working day or simply let your other significant other that you think of them. But they can also cause Problems in relations , Also. This is why experts say that it is so important to pay attention to the use of your partner's mobile phone. Certain habits and activities can express problems.

"The way your partner uses his mobile phone can provide valuable information about his state of mind," said Lisa Lawless , PHD, clinical psychotherapist and CEO of Holistic wisdom . "In some respects, it can assess the health of your relationship and things that may need to be treated."

This does not mean that all the shaded behavior of the mobile phone Epelle Doom for your relationship. On the contrary, the experts advise the confrontation of your partner on any prior behavior that you have noticed so that you can get their side of history - and hope it, repair the problem before it is more. In this spirit, here are four red flags that you want to monitor.

Read this then: 5 red flags on emojis that your partner sends SMS, according to therapists .

They are suddenly on their phone all the time.

young couple sitting in the park with cell phones
Prostock-Studio / Shutterstock

Some people spend more time on their phones than others - and it's ok. But if you notice that your partner has been stuck on his screen more often than usual lately, it could be a red flag, says Rachel Hoffman , LCSW, chief clinical director at Real .

"A dramatic change in behavior, whether in the use of mobile phones or anything else can be worrying," said Hoffman. "It is very important to pay attention to how the use of your partner's mobile phone makes you feel. Do you feel uncomfortable, anxious or uncomfortable? If this is, then it is possible That the way your partner engages with his mobile phone is different from you that he has done in the past. It is important to respond to these feelings with a partner rather than criticizing them for their use of the phone. ""

They hide their phone as soon as you enter the room.

man hiding phone
Mladen Zivkovic / Shutterstock

According Laurel Steinberg , Phd, a Relationship therapist In a private cabinet, it should be noted that your partner is super secret with his phone - for example, he hides it or extinguishes the screen whenever you are approaching.

This could potentially mean that they hide something from you, whether it is an addiction to the game, inappropriate SMS with a colleague or something else. The only way to know with certainty, however, is to have an open and honest conversation on this subject.

So, rather than making assumptions about what they do on their phone - and why they are so concerned about the fact that you see it - it is better to ask.

Read this then: 5 things you don't send to send sms to your partner that therapists say you should be .

They are on their phone when you try to have quality time.

Senior couple on couch with wine and cell phones

This is one thing if your partner scrolls occasionally in Instagram or responds to the texts while you hang out in the living room or watch a show in bed. But if it seems that they can never be fully present with you, no matter what you do together, or they cannot present themselves for you because they are more invested in what is happening on their phone, Steinberg says it is a cause of concern.

To be clear, this does not necessarily mean that your partner is have an affair Or is not interested in spending time with you. Steinberg notes that it might indicate that something is wrong at work, of course, you would probably want to know so that you can support yourself.

Try to let your partner know how their constant use of mobile phone makes you feel and ask him what's going on in a curious but non -accusation.

"We are all guilty of the integration of our phones in our lives," adds Marquita Johnson , an authorized professional advisor and owner at MC3 . "But it can be useful to discuss borders around what is going well in your relationship." AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

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They get a defensive on their use of their mobile phone.

Couple arguing about smart phone
New Africa / Shutterstock

Let's say you confront your partner about their mobile phone habits , whether it is the frequency they are on their phone or how they hide their phone. If your partner responds with the defensive, it's another red flag, according to Lawless.

This may indicate that they know that they do something wrong, but cannot recognize it. Or, it can simply show their reluctance to validate your feelings and adjust their behavior if necessary.

If this is how your partner reacts, Lawless suggests being as initial as possible on the effects that their habits have about you. "Concentrate on your feelings and avoid blame, because it will allow a more open dialogue with each other."

More specifically, Lawless suggests finding opportunities for the sincere use of sentences like "I agree", "I understand" and "it's useful to know" in order to disarm your partner and encourage them to reduce their Defense mechanisms.

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