Here's all that the ex-cdc chef said about Virus coming from Wuhan Lab
"I do not think it came from a bat to a human," said Robert Redfield, Chief Ex-CDC.

Was thecoronavirusDeveloped in a laboratory? And if so, could it be released intentionally? Or does it simply jump from a bat to a human man, another chapter of the long history of evolution of species? These are the questions of virus experts investigated since the first appearance of the virus. A global team of the health organization concluded that it was "extremely unlikely" that the virus came from a laboratory, but today, former head of the CDC Robert Redfield, which was on the front lines of the 'epidemic last year, disagree, appearing onCnn. Read on his opinion - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.
Dr. Redfield thinks the virus was created in a laboratory

"If I had to guess," the coronavirus "began transmitting somewhere in September, in October, it was at my point of view," said Redfield at Dr. Sanjay Gupta of CNN, who lifted his eyebrows at the How early it was (scientists said they thought the virus appeared for the first time at the end of 2020). "This is just a notice, I am allowed to have opinions," continued redfield. "Now you know, I'm from the point of view that I still think that the most likely etiology of this pathogenic and Wuhan agent was from a laboratory, escaped, other people do not believe that it is good . Science will eventually understand it. It is not unusual for respiratory pathogens that are worked in a laboratory to infect the laboratory worker. "Keep reading to see if he thought it was released intentionally.
Dr. Redfield did not mean he was intentionally dropped

He ended up clarifying: "It does not imply any intentionality. You know, it's my opinion, no? But I am a virologist. I spent my life in virology. I do not think it came from a Bat at a human. And at that time, the virus that came to man has become one of the most infectious viruses we know in humanity for human transmission to human transmission. Normally when a pathogen passes from zoonotic to man, it takes some time to determine how to become more and more effective in humans, human transmission. I simply think it makes the biological sense. . "
Dr. Redfield believes that scientists were trying to make an effective virus

"So, in the laboratory, do you think this process of becoming more effective was?" asked Gupta. "Yes, let's just say that I have coronavirus that I work," replied Redfield. "Most of us in the laboratory, we try to grow virus. We try to better become better and better better and better. We can do experiments and Learn more. The way I put it together. "
What was Dr. Easer's answer to all this?

To the White Covid-19 Briefing Response Team on the same day,Dr. Anthony FauciThe Chief Medical Officer of the President and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases were asked about REDFIELD's remarks.
He did not seem to hear them first, but said, "From what I gathered from the press of what he said, he said it was a possibility, and he is entitled to his opinion now - It was his exact words. I think what he probably expressed is that there are certainly opportunities. As I mentioned ... how a virus adapts to effective spread in humans. You know, one of them is in the laboratory and one of them is most likely, that most public health officials agree, it was probably lower On the radar screen, propagating in the community in China for several weeks, if not a month or more, which allowed it to be recognized clinically well adapted, "said Fauci. "But according to Dr. Redfield's words, he said that he simply expressed an opinion and an option of what it could be with regard to the information to the CDC."
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The current CDC head agrees with Dr. Faisci

In response, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, current director of the disease control and prevention centers, said, "I have no indication for or against one of the assumptions that Dr. Façi has just described." It does not matter where the virus comes, to be vaccinated when it becomes at the disposal of you and protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit any of these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .