10 best natural antibiotics

Of course, the plants cannot compete with medical preparations. But they have no dangerous side effects. And there are gifts of nature at times cheaper by medicines.

Of course, the plants cannot compete with medical preparations. But they have no dangerous side effects. And there are gifts of nature at times cheaper by medicines. Read in our review of the 10 most effective natural antibiotics.


Even in the ancient times, garlic was used to treat respiratory diseases, colds, influenza. Nowadays, garlic is part of drugs that are struggling with hypertension, skin diseases and some forms of tumors. The garlic is obliged to a special substance with an altitium-sulfur compound with its healing qualities, which has powerful bactericidal properties.


Turmeric is used to treat respiratory diseases, diseases of the intestinal and gastric tract, skin problems: psoriasis, eczema and seborrhea. It has a pronounced painful, anti-inflammatory and antiviral action. And all due to the high content of curcumin - natural antioxidant, protecting cells from inflammation.


The medicinal properties of ginger mankind is known for two thousand years. Especially effectively, ginger is fighting with the diseases of the upper respiratory tract: cough, angina, bronchitis. Regular use of this spice contributes to the strengthening of immunity, normalizing blood sugar levels and the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.


Honey is one of the most popular products used as a natural antibiotic. According to modern research, therapeutic properties of the product provides protein ß-defenseine 1, which falls into honey thanks to the bees.

Orego oil

For three thousand years, humanity effectively uses Oregano oil to combat infections. It has high antibacterial, painful, antiparasitic and antimicrobial properties. Oregano oil is even able to neutralize the snake poison!


Onions are effectively used to treat out cold and cough. Its essential oils stimulate the work of the glands of the bronchi and trach. The onion "aroma" loves not everyone, but he perfectly cleans the respiratory tract. Due to the high antibacterial properties, onion juice is also great for processing wounds.


The binding properties of the pomegranate help "pull" the wet with bronchitis and pneumonia. Pomegranate juice is useful to rinse the throat with inflammation. Pomegranate juice also advise consulted at high body temperature, bronchial asthma and malaria.


Lemon and lemon oil are used to prevent infectious diseases. They greatly strengthen immunity in winter. Lemon is one of the best natural antiseptics. It is often part of various drugs designed to combat microbes and rapid wound healing.


Cinnamon has a powerful force action, so it is especially useful to take this spice with colds and flu. Cinnamon is used to prevent respiratory diseases. It is an effective immunomodulator.


Kalina is a storehouse of vitamins and biologically active substances. Thanks to them, she perfectly removes inflammation and struggles with infections. Kalina is advised to take with a cold, cough, bronchitis, pneumonia and high body temperatures.

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