Fighting with your spouse can cause a fleeing intestinal syndrome, the said study

There is a reason why the conflict hurts your stomach.

You don't need to be a doctor or scientist to know that be loved It is not only emotionally exhausting - it can let you tremble, exhausted and sick in your stomach. These physical symptoms, however, can be just the tip of the iceberg.

A study in December 2018 published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology found that after a fight, married couples were more likely to expose biomarkers For fleeing intestine syndrome, a condition that can cause bloating, gas, cramps and other unpleasant symptoms.

But what exactly is a "intestine fleeing", and why would a spouse spit cause it?

Better life asked Arkady Broder , MD, head of the gastroenterology and hepatology division at the New Brunswick, New Jersey University Hospital, to weigh on the study and explain what exactly the intestinal syndrome that is fleeing . Read the rest to find out why take a deep inspiration and leave the next time you are about to fight with your best half could be good for your instinct - without mentioning your relationship.

Read this then: 3 ways that your stomach tells you that your heart is in trouble .

Not everyone considers the intestine syndrome that fled a legitimate diagnosis.

woman talking to her doctor in the waiting room with forms

"Flee intestine syndrome remains a hypothetical condition which is currently not widely recognized as a medical diagnosis," says Broder. "It is based on the concept of weakness in the gastrointestinal lining observed in certain gastrointestinal diseases, such as Crohn's disease." He notes that current trials are conducted in order to better understand the fleeing intestine syndrome.

"Everyone's guts are semi-permeable," write Cleveland Clinic experts. "The mucosa of our intestines is designed to absorb water and nutrients of our food in our blood circulation. But some people have Increase in intestinal permeability [signifying] their guts leave more than water and nutrients - they "flee". "This can cause toxic molecules to enter your blood circulation and cause inflammation," they explain.

If you feel symptoms that you think may indicate a fleeing intestine, Broode encourages you to see a specialist. "The most important thing to start is a complete evaluation of a gastroenterologist to exclude a well-recognized medical disease," he said. "We should not ignore the disturbing symptoms of weight loss, bleeding and abdominal pain."

Our emotional and intestinal health is linked.

Woman with stomach ache

"When you consider the terms," butterflies in the stomach "or" I have an intestine feeling, or excited can confirm.

"There is an growing set of evidence recognizing the critical role of the intestine axis," he explains. "The intestine is closely connected to the central nervous system by dynamic bidirectional communication along the axis of the intestinal brain." In fact, a whole new field of gastrointestinal care entitled Psycho-Gastroenterology has been developed to meet the growing need of mental health professionals trained in intestinal health. ""

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A study has shown a link between emotional upheavals and the fleeing intestine.

Married women fighting at home in their kitchen
Bearfotos / Shutterstock

For the 2018 study, Janice Kiecolt-Glaser , PHD, and a team of researchers from Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center asked 43 healthy married couples to discuss a burning subject likely to lead to a fight. A blood test then revealed that spouses who presented higher hostility levels during the interaction (criticizing, unfolding the eyes, injunction) had higher levels of LPS binding proteins - a biomarker for the intestine that Fait - than those who kept civil discussion.

"We know that inflammation led to fleeing intestines And causes a number of age -related diseases, "Glaser said in a press release." Our research shows that conjugal stress promotes this inflammation. ""

"This is an intriguing study on the theoretical relationship between stress and fleeing intestine," said embroidered Better life . "The strength of this essay is the demonstration of a clear link between emotional distress and systemic signs of increased inflammation. However, the concept of a weakened intestinal barrier requires a more in -depth study with more important tests and more objective measures of the weakness of the intestinal lining. "

Mindfulness techniques can help keep your intestine healthy.

couple doing yoga at dawn on a beach

Couples, married or not, are necessarily conflicts from time to time - it's just a reality. But this study highlights the need to try to keep your civilian disagreements, for your physical and mental health, if nothing else. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

How can you keep your intestine healthy? Broder offers some ideas: "Intestinal health is no different from any other organ, and generally A balanced diet And the regular exercise will guarantee intestinal longevity, "he says." Mental health also plays an essential role in our intestinal health, and mindfulness techniques such as yoga and therapeutic interventions cognitive behavioral are very beneficial. ""

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