Drinking tea really stimulates your heart health, confirms a new study

Some cups a day could reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke.

Whether you press yourself in a training early in the morning or exchange fries for a salad, Make healthy choices for the heart Can often feel like a sacrifice. The good news? According to a new study, there is a cardio-friendly choice that you can make that only improves your daily routine.

Researchers discovered that drinking black or green tea every day helps reduce a key cardiovascular risk factor It is associated with the heart attack and a stroke. Read the continuation to find out more about the reasons why these types of tea offer major cardiovascular advantages, and what other foods can also help improve your heart health.

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Foods containing flavonoids promote heart health.

Woman's heart getting checked

Flavonoids are compounds found abundantly in plants rich in antioxidants. Research has shown that flavonoids are useful to the body to help fight inflammation and oxidative stress, and can help protect against certain chronic diseases such as Type 2 diabetes ,, hypertension , and Some types of cancer .

A study of November 2022 by a team from the Edith Cowan University (ECU) confirmed Another key advantage To add to this list: he concluded that flavonoids are beneficial with regard to heart health. The team behind the study brought together 881 elderly women with a median age of 80 to assess the advantages of regular consumption of flavonoids, and found that those who regularly consume certain foods with flavonoids were less likely to feel an accumulation abdominal calcification (AAC) - a significant risk factor for the heart attack and stroke.

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Green and black teas offer a high dose of flavonoids.

Older Woman Drinking Tea and Looking Refreshed
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The study explained that drinking a special drink rich in flavonoids helps every day Promote heart health . The team found that regular consumption of green or black tea has contributed to reducing the risk of the AAC of subjects, and that black tea was the main source of the group's eating flavonoids.

When the researchers compared those who drank two to six cups of tea per day to those who did not, tea drinkers experienced a reduction of 16 to 42% of the extended AAC. However, although the health health benefits have increased with the quantity they have consumed, it is important to note that green and black tea is most often cavity and can come with its own set of side effects when It is consumed in excess.

You can also load flavonoids by eating these other foods.

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If tea is not part of your favorite daily diet - or if you are looking for a caffeine -free way to enjoy the advantages of flavonoids - experts say that several other foods are rich in healthy for the heart. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Good sources of flavonoids include berries, red and purple grapes, cocoa and dark chocolate, green and black tea, cinnamon, kale, parsley and soy", " Lindsay Delk , RD, RDN, The dietician of food and mood , recount Better life . "In order to collect the rewards of flavonoids, try to consume at least five portions of fruits and vegetables every day, as well as drinking one or two cups of tea per day," she advises.

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Certain sources of flavonoids are less beneficial, according to experts.

young man biting into chocolate

The study also examined other food sources of flavonoids and found that they are not all created also with regard to Health health benefits . Fruit juice, red wine and chocolate - voted as dense flavonoids - do not seem to reduce the risk of abdominal aortic calcification, according to the study of the ECU.

Delk also warns your main source of flavonoids against supplements, explaining that you should always aim to "meet your nutritional needs from food. In court, but enjoy a wide variety of health benefits that come from the consumption of a balanced and varied diet, "she said Better life . "Some research has suggested that flavonoid supplements could also be beneficial, but there is not yet enough evidence to draw solid conclusions."

Talk to your doctor or nutritionist to learn more about how to stimulate your heart health thanks to your daily diet.

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