If you see this by driving, "take another route," said the police in a new warning

This led to an increase in collisions, which prompted the police to address the public.

Obtaining your license was an exciting and liberating experience in equal parts, but now driving is only part of daily life. Unless you live in a city and rely on public transport, you get chancesdriving Every day to go to work and to work, collect your children or take something at the supermarket for dinner. But if you have gotten used to it so much to drive that you do not pay the narrow attention you have made, a new police warning could make you think twice. The authorities want you to keep an eye on one thing on the road. Read the rest to discover when they recommend that you "take another route".

Read this then:Never leave your car without doing it first, said the police in a new warning.

Driving can be dangerous for several reasons.

Woman with road rage yelling at other drivers

Police have bread to work, between ensuring that everyone obeys the laws of traffic, stopping those who do not do so and responding to any accident that can occur. Departments across the country have issued warnings on what drivers must be aware, including an increase indriving incidents leading to motorway fire.

Police from the State of Illinois (ISP) published a press releasealert Right up, with around 35% of the motorway shootings in Chicago linked to road rage incidents between January and mid-June 2022, an increase of 12% compared to 2021. The drivers were invited to call the 911 or ignore aggressive drivers, and not to engage or face another driver when targeted.

In July, drivers were alerted to the dangers of stretching their fuel tanks and accidentallylack of fuel.Brandon Karlen, a soldier from the Wisconsin State Patrol, told ABC-Affiliate Waow that drivers should stop, put flashers and flashers and flashers and flashers and flashers and flashers and flashers and flashers and flashersCall the police If this happens on a highly frequented road.

Running on smoke is a bad habit that you can break, but there are certain driving dangers that are not necessarily under your control.

The fall months introduce a new obstacle.

sun glare driving
Tostphoto / Shutterstock

This may not seem a major threat, but the sun can present dangers for drivers. In fact, the Celina, Texas police issued a new warning to Facebook drivers on October 18, quoting aincrease in accidents "Due to a blinding sunburn."

According to accessible ED school pilots, the dazzling of your windshield is caused by a seated sun "low on the horizon"" which causes momentary vision loss and is obviously painful for drivers trying to keep their eyes on the road. It can even be dangerous if you do not drive in the light and you have it rather behind you. In this case, the light "bounces your background," then is reflected on the traffic lights, creating another type of blinding effect.

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Commuters are faced with the biggest problems.

using sun visor driving
D13 / Shutterstock

During the fall months, the glare of the sun is getting worse, and unfortunately for commuters, it is particularly bad in the morning and in the evening. The sun is even lower in the sky, reflecting the light on your windshield at an angle lower than summer, by accessory.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"It's a large partgo to the east-west"The Celina police chiefJohn Culson said WFAA affiliated to ABC. "With the sun that rises in the morning and goes down in the evening, he returns the script. Some people meet twice a day."

While Cullison noted that there were only a "handful" of accidents, he still justified an official warning of the police.

Remember to change your travel plans.

using navigation system
Andrey_popov / Shutterstock

You may not have too much flexibility when it comes to your trip hours, but you can change the way you get there. If possible, the CPD recommends that drivers "take another route" to avoid reflections from the sun. Even if it will add a few minutes to your trip, you could feel less blinding light if there are more buildings or trees that line up, which can provide shade. Finding less frequented roads, that is to say those that have less circulation, will also make it easier and safer to sail in the sunlight.

The CPD also advises the slowdown and the distance between you and other cars on the road. Keep your sunglasses on hand, especially if they are polarized, which means they are "anti-fuss"And safer in the sun, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

Keeping the inside and outside of your clean vehicle, especially your windshield, is also useful, as is the turnaround of these visors to the sun.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: News / Safety
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