Your hand disinfectant does not work if it does not have these four things

These are the four precise ingredients for an efficient hand disinfectant, according to experts.

If you went to the pharmacy over the past two months, you have probably noticed that something important was missing - other than hygienic paper and dishwashing soap, that is to say. The hand disinfectant has been short of offer since the beginning of thePandemic of Covid-19, with consumers impatiently tearing one of the most effective protections against the virus (whenhand washing is not a possibility). Some people have even takendo their own hand disinfectant Or order online bottles from unlikely sources. It is important to note, however, that all hand disinfectants are not created equal: there are four ingredients in the disinfectant of the hands, and it is the only four that make it an essential element in the fight against coronavirus. And for more than a good use of hand disinfecting, make sure you know you knowThe # 1 thing you should never do with your hand disinfectant.

Ethanol or isopropyl alcohol

bottle of ethanol alcohol in a lab

According to the Guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO), the firstIngredient of hand disinfecting is alcohol. A hand disinfectant should be produced with ethanol (at a concentration of 96%) or isopropyl alcohol (at a concentration of 99.8%). This ensures that when everything is mixed together, your hand disinfectant should have more than 60% or 70% ethanol of isopropyl alcohol than disease control and prevention centers (CDC) indicatenecessary to kill germs. And for more information on the role of alcohol in hand disinfecting, learnThe # 1 thing about your hand disinfectant you need to know.

Hydrogen peroxide

bottle of hydrogen peroxide in front of cotton balls

The next ingredient is hydrogen peroxide (at a concentration of 3%). Hydrogen peroxide is adisinfectable agent which destroys germinal cells, caregiverDeactivate viruses Like Covid-19, as well as killing bacteria.


bottle of glycerine in front of other bottles

The disinfectant ingredient of the third hand is glycerol (at a concentration of 98%). What's thisgives a disinfectant the consistency You know, which facilitates the transaction and rub in your skin. And if all the hand wash and the use of hand disinfecting you suffer, try them7 things you should do to deal with your dry hands.

The water

close up of boiling water in clear pan

And the fourth ingredient in hand disinfectant is, simply enough water. But as the Note of the US and Drug Administration (FDA), thewater must be sterileThis is why the list of WHO ingredients mentions "Distilled or sterile frosted water". In neuroscientific andstem cell biologist Samantha Yamine, PhD, noted on Twitter, "there isa certain water in the detinctor of the handsThis helps dissolve the proteins inside the pathogens so that the alcohol can kill them then. "And if you wonder what detributor by handnot to discover12 surprising gems catering hand will not kill.

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Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus
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