How to drink alcohol without gaining weight

Spend the last books is as simple as making smart choices at the bar.

When looking to clean your diet and lean, alcohol is usually the first thing to do. As it should be - Booze is the definition of empty calories: double and triple figures with few nutritional services. Cut out the beers after work or the bottle of wine with dinner will help you accelerate to your flat-stomach goals.

But no diet can succeed when it is built on total deprivation. And yes, you can actually drink alcohol without gaining weight. You just need to be strategic about it. Here's how.



Tequila glass lemon

And by that, we hear straight, not a margarita soaked with sugar (and for the love of God, nothing coming out of a machine). The research suggests that agavines, natural sugar found in the agave nectar of tequila, are not metabolized by the body. So, they will not dig your blood sugar, then turn, while high levels of sugar and artificial sweeteners can enforce stomach blockers to raise it.

"At the bar, I usually control tequila with Seltzer and lime splash," says Nutritionist Leah Kaufman, MS, RD, CDN. "The tequila is made with Agave, so it is naturally mild without the added sugar. The lime gives it a tangy flavor and adds fruit. Seltzer is still preferred on calorie and sugar-free tonic. This combination is tasty, but weak in Calories. "

A TEQUILA JIGGER runs about 96 calories. These are the fruity mixers and punches that put you in difficulty, doubling and even tripling the calories. If you need a mixer, SelTzer is an excellent choice.


Sip a glass of red wine

Red wine
Kym Ellis / Beldposhing

In recent years, science has discovered that the red wine - OG of Abvs, the first thing that the primitive man created to be suboured - is actually super-high technology. Researchers at the State University of Oregon have found some red grapes (like those who make pinot black) contain a chemical called elegiac acid, which slows the growth of fat cells and prevents the news from training!

"I like a good glass of Burgundy, so it's my first preference," says Nutritionist Dana James, founder of the NYC & LA Restoration Coach. "I drink more slowly than a cocktail, which finally means fewer calories of a boozy night."

Keep it with a glass or two. Chase IT with a glass of water to soak the thirst, that you could confuse for hunger, driving you to your late food choice that you will regret in the morning.



Vodka shots

Among the "healthy" alcohols is clear favorite. Researchers found that vodka drinking moderation can improve heart health by creating more blood vessels connecting the heart and lungs and improving traffic. A vodka with SelTzer and Lime or Lemon is a suitable calorie cocktail alone - without mixer sugar, car carbohydrates or toxins in brown liquors. (Et-fun - Asking your alcohol with a carbonated zero calorie drink will actually beknow you faster.)

"Drink an ounce of vodka mixed with water and total lime approximately 65 calories. It would be possible to have one of these drinks and not ruin the diet of a person," says Jim White. "The key would be to keep these drinks at least and only a single drink for a woman and one to two drinks for a man."

What is a glass, you ask? Twelve ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine or a 1.5 ounce blow of distilled spirits at 80%.

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