37 things to do when you get bored so you don't lose your head

Stay busy with this creative and complete list of things to do when you get bored.

One might think that being present for the pandemic era would mean that we have boredom on the locking (down). The truth is however, while some people have used time to carve out new and productive habits, most of us have spent our daysWatch We have already seen and our nights sacrificing sleep for social media. And as gratifying as to see what others do, it does not do much for our own evolution.

But don't worry, the opportunities to practice self-improvement are there, and they often appear when we have nothing better to do. Here are someThings to do when bored This can help you achieve well -deserved personal growth. Because as fun as it can be to keep an eye on someone else's life, it is always advantageous to stay focused on ourselves.

Read this then:50 fun things to do at home now.

37 Best things to do when they are bored at home

Productive things to do when you get bored

Boredom often and easily comes. But productivity? Well, it can be more a mixed bag. The good news is that it is not as difficult to merge the two as it seems. All you need is a bit of planning and a little discipline. Although we cannot exactly explain to you to do anything, we can certainly lend a hand with the first bit. So dream big, because good things come to meet you.

  1. Learn a musical instrument
    woman learning to play piano when bored
    Shutterstock / Chatchai.wa

    Using or losing it "is an old adage that doctors like to point in warnings about muscle atrophy, and this also applies to the brain. Studies show thatLearn a music instrument at 60 Or more can stop the cognitive decline and the memory loss. Other functions, including planning capacities and information processing, also seem to improve with music lessons. In addition, playing music is fun. There are also tons of resources available online for people who do not want to leave their home for lessons.

  2. Clean your unwanted drawer

    Some tasks seem impossible to accomplish. Or maybe they just seem super dull. However, sometimes a boring task is exactly what you need to interrupt a boring day. Cleaning your unwanted drawer is one of those things that no one wants to do, but everyone feels good once it is done. In addition, you never know what missing objects you will find hidden from the size.

  3. Plan a meeting party

    Did you know that planning an event can be as fun as real activity? It is not only a hypothesis, it is science. Seriously. According to experts, the planning of an event canhelp relieve anxiety And allows a large place to fantasy - a process that can really offer more pleasure than your plans. Outraged,Meeting nights are important to maintain connections, communication and gratitude.

  4. Clean your makeup brushes

    Here is a horrible fact: the residues left on your makeup brushes do not only be tinted the next time you use them, it can really contaminate your pores. It is true, the unl -infilled brushes are known to collectDust, dirt and bacteria- All of this can wreak havoc on your skin.

    Fortunately, there are a lot of cleaners around to help you do the work. You can also wash them, press the water and put them flat to dry. If boredom is not enough to motivate you here, the idea of ​​preventing future deborts may well.

  5. Meal preparation for the week

    According to experts,meal preparation can save you a lot of time and money. Even if you do too much, you can always freeze the leftovers until you need it afterwards. It also gives you a good excuse to experiment with different recipes and try new culinary techniques.

  6. Organize DIY projects

    man with tape measure for DIY project
    Shutterstock / Prostock-Studio

    DIY projects became large during the initial locking. It also has meaning, since we were not allowed in many places outside our own house. While things have been loosening since time since, the trend has managed to stay. And when you have a whole house to go, there are many different options to continue. Whether you want to decorate your interior decoration or imagine in your wall space, the decision depends on you.

  7. Set up a set of care for a friend or family member

    The implementation of a set of care for family or friends is a great way to practice a little empathy. It is also a thoughtful way to connect with someone you have not seen for some time. Although you have to organize the basket towards the interests of your target, there are many creative ways to put your own personal rotation on things.

Creative things to do in the kitchen when you get bored

Did you know that the kitchen can considerably increase your mental health? Unconventional thinking helps stimulate both sides of the brain, display the mind andImprovement of cognitive function. This also gives you a feeling of control and accomplishment, improving your general mood. If you seem to be a victory, read the rest. We have listed some good ideas to stick on the next list of tasks.

  1. Try an old family recipe

    man learning to cook online when bored
    Shutterstock / Stock-Asso

    The only thing that is better than cooking for sport is to cook for purposes. Through cultures, food is used to share history, heritage and tradition. The reintroduction of plates appreciated a long time ago can alsoHelp trigger certain memories, allowing individuals to get back with people and places of their past.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

  2. Or recreate your favorite restaurant meal

    Ok, so everyone is not in home cooking. It's ok, there are many ways to enjoy quality meals at the restaurant in the comfort of your own kitchen. Many establishments have actuallyreturned their public revenues.

    Whether they really want to make their dishes more available or just think that the movement will do them well, it doesn't really matter. What is important is to be able to enjoy high quality meals at home and for a fraction of the price.

  3. Plan your next dinner

    Yeah, we are back to planning. And yes, it is still as beneficial as when it comes to day. Only this time there are additional details to obsess. Placemats? Yes. Cutlery? Definitely. Themes? A perhaps final. If you've already dreamed of channeling your interior Julia child, it's now your time.

  4. Try a new cocktail recipe

    woman making cocktails at home
    Shutterstock / Floor Image

    Good food is something that deserves to be celebrated. But good foodand Drinks, well it's a fairly stellar combo. And if you just want to take advantage of the latter, it's okay too. Trying a new cocktail recipe is a great way to one day boring. Just make sure you have taken care of all your responsibilities in advance and that you do not plan to take the wheel afterwards.

  5. Make homemade ice cream

    If you are going to experiment with candies, you may want to bring together some friends. In this way, you don't do all the damage alone. Homemade ice cream is not only delicious (fresh and without risk of freezer burns), but it is also relatively easy to make. If you wish, you can also make healthy variations.Fruit ice cream is an excellent house alternative to products loaded with dairy products and saturated fats.

Read this then:20 ways to kill time without smartphone.

The best things to do when they get bored: online edition

Things may have taken a hit in recent years, but there is at least one thing to be grateful: Internet. This helped us stay connected, entertainment and even novels at our most isolated moments. Of course, his offers go much further than that. Below, we have listed a few other things to do online.

  1. Follow an online course

    woman sitting in front of her laptop - things to do when bored
    Shutterstock / Fizkes

    Following an online course is an easy way to expand your knowledge on a given subject. And when we sayany Subject, we want it. Today you can find online lessons on super niche subjects like theSuperhero philosophy,,The art of clowning, and theHuman skeleton.

  2. Go through your favorite clips

    Listening to music is always a good way to pass time. Starting some of your favorite clips offers a little additional entertainment. Not only will this help inspire a trip in the past, but it also offers some opportunities to learn new movements.

  3. To learn a new language

    Did you know that learning a new language can actually increase theBrain size? It is also a great way to familiarize yourself with other cultures and customs. There is a lot of online applications that can help you start. In this way, you don't have to spend a lot of money on books and instructors.

  4. Play a video game

    Video games tend to get a bad rap, but there is evidence suggesting that activity can help improve things like space navigation and motor function. In addition to these advantages of gray matter, the game also offers opportunities to interact with others, allowing individuals to improve key social skills likeNegotiation and collaboration. In addition, they are a fun way to spend time.

  5. Find a penal

    It's true, the pens are back. And yes, we can thank the pandemic. Some have started writing to foreigners as a means ofDistribute During dark times. Others have done so to forge new social connections when they were isolated. And of course, there are also those who did it out of pure boredom. If you are interested in continuing the trend, you can turn to popular networks likeClume Global Penfriends WherePenpal World.

  6. Make an online training
    man doing an online workout in his living room
    Shutterstock / Prostock-Studio

    Again, we must thank the pandemic for it. After all, it is difficult to stay in shape when you do not have access to the gymnasium. In recent years, online training has become more popular and accessible than ever. Although there are tons of paid services available, there are many free resources. Just connect what you are looking for on Google and the algorithm should take care of the rest.

  7. Find a new podcast

    If you are not a mood to watch television but you want something a little more engaging than music, then podcasts are the way to follow. You can connect while doing the dishes, at the gymnasium, or even simply sitting on the sofa. These programs cover anything from the latest news, popular culture, real crime and tons of other exciting subjects.

  8. Look for new recipes for your next dinner

    We all like to browse the web, but do it with a real goal in a way changes the game. As mentioned above, there are tons of incredible recipes available online, including some of your favorite restaurants. In addition, it is important to keep an eye on your ingredients. Just make sure you ask your guests any allergy or intolerance before finalizing the menu.

  9. Make a virtual visit to the places where you want to go

    Travel is one of those things in which almost everyone is. Unfortunately, it is also one of those things that not everyone can do. Expensive plane tickets, demanding working hours and other obligations are often to be blamed so as not to book.

    The good news is that you can always start the planning process. And thanks to the Internet, we can access information and images that would have been impossible to come years ago.

Read this then:15 effective autonomous care tips designed for quarantine.

Here is what to do when we get bored with friends

Boredom can knock at any time, even when surrounded by friends. After all, the company cannot always remedy situations where there is simply nothing to do. But don't worry, we found some ways to entertain the group. Continue to read below to start.

  1. Play a board game

    group of friends playing a board game
    Shutterstock / Viktoria Shylling

    These are not only pens that have made resurgence in recent years. According to figures, board games are also back. Between 2013 and 2016,World game sales And the puzzles went from $ 9.3 to $ 9.6 billion - and it seems that millennials lead the trend. The best sellers include "Settlers of Catan", "Mentality" and "Wingspan".

  2. Learn to make your own candles

    A change of atmosphere is often welcome, especially when you get bored. Candle manufacturing kits are at a reasonable price and offer essential stimulation when they are hungry for something to do. In addition, it is a great way to comfort space. And if you ever find yourself with too much product on your hands, you can always offer them as gifts.

  3. Learn to do French braids
    woman doing french braids on friend
    Shutterstock / Evgenia Zakharishcheva

    If your best friends have long hair, this next activity could be worth explored. After all, learning to make different styles is fun. But it is also an interesting way to connect to the past. Although the name can suggest the opposite, the French braid can in fact be attributed to Algeria, whererock Almost 6,000 years ago, almost 6,000 years ago, women carrying this style. If you cannot understand it for yourself, there are many online tutorials to help you start.

  4. Cook cookies

    Again, we are back in the kitchen. Cooking cookies is both easy and fun and offers many opportunities to give you a little taste of the dough before leaving the oven. With so many different varieties available, you can even consider cooking different types to see what the group likes most.

Fun things to do for boring teenagers

Boring teenagers are not really a good company. They are in a bad mood and hormonals, and a little difficult to read. If you have children this age, it is worth helping them to stay busy. Here are some elements to suggest the next time the children cry for boredom.

    1. Assemble new outfits

      teenage boy cleaning closet when bored
      Shutterstock / Dean Drobot

      Teenagers tend to worry about their appearance. The realization of new outfits is a way of maintaining their confidence. It is also a good way to browse the closet to see which articles they can reintroduce in the wardrobe, and which are ready to be thrown. At the very least, it could buy you some time between trips to the shopping center.

    2. Create a photo album for when you want to go to memory

      There is something about these years of adolescence that seem perpetually sentimental. And with so many photos floating around our phones, it's good to have some physical items to keep. Creating an album of people and places from these years of training is an excellent way for adolescents to express themselves. This could even inspire more creative projects all over the line.

    3. Set up a reading list of your favorite songs

      teenager on her phone looking at pictures
      Shutterstock / Antoniodiaz

      Having a prepared and ready to leave reading list is always useful. Whether you are at the gymnasium, whether you are organizing a party or simply for a long journey, it's great to have all your favorite songs in the same place and without advertising. In addition, adolescents tend to change the moods fairly quickly, so it never hurts for them to have options in the queue.

Relaxing things to do at night

Boredom can knock at any time, but it's always unhappy when it comes to night. In fact, the state is often associated with something that scientists callProcrastination at bedtime, and it is known to have a significant impact on sleep. The idea is that the less you do during the day, the more likely you are to recover time later, to delay sleep and finally have an impact on your REM cycle. Fortunately, we have gathered several ways to reverse the habit.

  1. Prepare for a day of a spa at home

    image of a woman's legs in a bubble bath
    Shutterstock / Breslavtsev Oleg

    Guess what - theGlobal Spa market should reach more than 185billion By 2030. The services are at high demand, although there are drawbacks to be considered, as getting there and the amount of money that you will have to spend after landing.

    Home alternatives are a great way to make SPA type experiences for home comfort and without costs. We suggest starting with a foaming bath, working up to a facial mask, maybe throw a few layers of nail polish and call it one night.

  2. Facial mask

    Autosoin practices are a fun way to prepare for the bed. The best part is that these activities are not too expensive and do not take long to do. Launching a facial mask is not only beneficial for your skin, but it can also offer a sense of responsibility with regard to your own health and well-being.

  3. Write a news

    Journalization before bed is an easy and effective way to help you sleep better. According to experts, activity helps you refocus anxious energies on more positive experiences instead. He can also help youfall asleep And take advantage of an improved sleep quality once you have broken down.

  4. Practice deep breathing
    woman practicing deep breathing exercises and meditating in living room
    Shutterstock / Antonio Guillem

    Breathing exercises have been linked to less stress and better sleep. The latter is associated with increased production of melatonin and a quieter nervous system. Popular practices include4-7-8 Method and breathing of boxes.

Outdoor activities for when you get bored

Looking at the same walls day after day can age. The good news is that you don't have to go far to change your decor. You can always go to the backyard the next time you are bored. Even if you do not have access to a private courtyard, there is a lot of space outside for people who need something to do. You will find below some ways to get the most out of the available outdoor space.

  1. Dress your outdoor space

    woman with gloves building a shed - things to do when bored
    Shutterstock / Grands-Brothers

    Public spaces are an ideal place to appreciate the outdoors, but having to share the view with anyone else is not always ideal. If you are the kind of person who prefers a little more privacy, you can always try to disguise your own outdoor space. Patio furniture andpots can make a long way here.

  2. Have a picnic in your own backyard

    If you have already taken the time to create an aesthetic outdoor space, you can also start enjoying it! A picnic in the backyard is a simple way to appreciate all the efforts you have made. In addition, it is an easy way to sneak in a little more time with the family.

  3. Bike

    Improvement of heart health and circulation to the increase in the regularity of your stools, it is difficult to locate theBest thing about cycling. Sport is even ideal for your mental health, helping mood, memory and creative thought. It's also good for the environment and - as long as you already have a bike, completely free!

  4. Hit the beach
    person on bench at the beach
    Shutterstock / Lucigerma

    Not only are the beaches beautiful to look at, but they also overflowed with activities to entertain you. Whether you want to swim, dive with snorkel or paddleboarding in the region, there is probably a rental somewhere around. And well, no need to do too much. If you want to relax with a book or even sneak up in a short nap, it also works.

  5. Take a long walk

    Of course, going to a long step may not seem to be themore An exciting suggestion on this list, but it's certainly a good way to break these boring long stretches. In addition, there are tons of advantages to walk, weight loss to improved memory , reduces anxiety, and much more.

    It is also a great way to spend time that is very necessary at home. If you are afraid to get bored by walking, be sure to bring headphones. In this way, you can make some phone calls, listen to music or even listen to a new podcast.


This is all for our list of things to do when you get bored, but be sure to come back with us soon! Better life Undertakes to keep you happy and diverted all year round. Subscribe to our newsletter To take advantage of similar content, as well as health, entertainment and travel parts.

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