What happens to your body when you do not move all day
Do you want to stay healthy? Take your feet!

Keep itcoronavirus More in detachment, directives relating to social distancing have been applied and non-essential employees have been invited to work at home. This has changed our daily lives drastically lived - we said goodbye on the shuttle and hello to wear sweatpants all day. But living a sedentary life for long periods can damage your physical and mental health. Yes, work at home can focus on your work easier (there are no office distractions), but many of us can find us to lose a time track. Before you know, we sit on the same chair, in the same position, for hours at the end. Here are some of the ways the lack of physical activity can damage yourglobal health.
It can contribute to the conditions of life in danger

When working intensely and you type at your desktop, it does not feel like a person who goes wrong with your body. But sitting all day has been linked to the development of several diseases ", including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, blood clots, metabolic syndrome and even death," according toHannah DAUDER, CPT-NASM and Fitness Expert, which serves the Advisory Council forFitter Living. Do not move can lead to poor blood circulation and if you do not do a lot of physical exercise, "it is linked to increased blood pressure and unhealthy cholesterol levels," says Monica Stressith, Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness ACE ToAlgae. This can, in turn, increase the risk of heart disease.
Repair: Make sure to book some time to go daily - even housework or walking can have great advantages.
This can increase the risk of osteoporosis

The saying "use it or lose it" is very real. If you are sitting all day and do not use your important muscles, they can become weak and steep over time. "Low muscles can lead to more fragile bones, which increases the risk of falls and fractures. In fact, the less active you are, the more yourrisk Osteoporosis, "says Streah.
Repair: Take a short pause during working hours to make a micro-drive (or two). Micro-drives are 10 minutes sweat sessions with a minute of high intensity workouts.Research Suggested that they can improve cardiovascular health and be just as effective as a 45-minute session.
This can increase the risk of thrombophlete

If you work at home, you are more likely to spend most of your sitting time. Who can lead to the formation of thrombophletitis blood clots in the leg veins and inflammation of the surrounding tissue. If you are sitting for long periods, it increases the risk of plunging your blood into the veins of the leg that can form blood clots. The blood clots that are formed in the deep veins are serious as they can go to the heart and the lungs (deep venous thrombosis). Blood clots that are formed in surface veins are called superficial thrombophlétes, "says Dr.Nisha bunke, MD, FACPH, RPHS, specialist in venous disease atThe Jolla Vein Care.
Repair: Using a standing desk for a few hours a day, there may be a long way to preserve the health of your veins.
This can cause chronic pain

Sitting in a too long position can be really painful for your body. The problem is that soft tissues such as muscles, tendons and fascia will adapt to that and cause an imbalance. "The muscles that were in an elongated position get used to it and want to stay elongated. The muscles that were in a shortened position are used to it and will want to stay shortcut. As a result, your body becomes essentially dysfunctional," says Dr. Alex Tauberg, chiropractor and owner ofChiropractor Pittsburgh. This can lead to poor posture and a reduced range of motion that can cause chronic pain in areas such as your neck, shoulder and your back.
Repair:Dr. Tauberg recommends Rule 20/20/20. You get up every 20 minutes and walk at least 20 feet for at least 20 seconds. This helps your body stay active and painless.
READ MORE:Click here for all our last coronavirus coverage.
This can compromise the immune system

Working at home can reduce your chances of getting coronavirus, but if you do not move your body all day, you can reduce your immune system. "Different studies reveal that the 30-minute session can start assigning the lymphatic system. The body must move so that the lymphatic system works and the lymphatic system is responsible for our immune system," said Lara Heimann, physiotherapist and pioneer yoga forYoga lyt. You put yourself in danger for a cold.
Repair:Take a quick walk for a few minutes, even if just up and down your block or yard. As long as your body is active, you already do a lot of good for your body.
Sitting or maybe you maybe maybe being harmless but it can cause sustainable effects to your body. This can increase your odds of heart disease and weaken your bones and muscles that can lead to other conditions. Most online meeting platforms are mobile, the next time you have a zoom meeting, do not be afraid to throw your earpiece and take a walk during your meeting!

Biden has just called this Covid aspect a "national emergency"