8 things to know before obtaining a pet rabbit, according to experts

They can be small, but taking care of them is a big problem.

The owners of pet rabbits often say that their life has changed forever when a cotton or two friend jumped in their hearts. If you arm yourself with the right information, rabbits can beSome of the best animals You will never have the pleasure of sharing your life with it. They are affectionate and intelligent; They can be trained in litter; They are clean, calm, curious and, of course, ridiculously cute. But rabbits are not quite as little maintenance as many suppose it. To learn what is necessary to keep a happy house rabbit, read more to hear veterinarians and animal experts. As long as you plan in advance and do your research, you will be on the Bunny path to a very satisfactory relationship.

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Rabbits are not suitable for children.

Rabbit Being Brushed
Steklo / Shutterstock

Rabbits are physically and emotionally delicate creatures, so they don't make the best pets for young children. Even older children can be bored with the tasks and details of rabbit care, so make sure that an adult is ultimately responsible.

"The stereotype is that rabbits make excellent pets for children; unfortunately this is simply not the case. Of course, children love rabbits, but rabbits are never delighted to be taken in Loaded by small children. Strong noise and sudden movements can easily start and scare rabbits, "explainsDaniel Jackson, specialist in behavior and nutritional animal and CEO ofCompany lover.

Rabbits cannot be kept outside.

Two Rabbits Inside a Cage
Pumpuiist / Shutterstock

Contrary to what you may have heard, you cannot keep a house rabbit in an outdoor pen or a tank, even a large, for two reasons. First, domestic rabbits do not tolerate cold or wet well. More importantly, rabbits kept in an outdoor enclosure are very likely to be tracked down by predators, in particular stray cats, foxes, raccoons, birds of prey and snakes. Even if these predators cannot enter the enclosure, seeing them from the outside can easily terrify your pet. AccordingThe lady rabbit, keeping an animal rabbit outside can reduce its lifespan by 10 years to only five to seven years.

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Rabbits need room to wander.

Rabbit Standing on Window Sill
Olga Smolina SL / Shutterstock

Ideally, the rabbits should have the (supervised) race of the house to exercise for at least two to four hours a day, in an area designated and closed. Apart from that time, you also want to make sure that your rabbit's house is as spacious as possible.

"For the happiness and health of your rabbit, he needs to have as much room as possible to run and play given your special life situation, including the largest and most troubled housing or habitat that you can manage, "advisesAmanda Takiguchi, veterinarian and founder ofTrendy breeds. "Most of the cages sold for rabbits you find in animal stores are simply too small to adequately shelter a rabbit, especially if they deem it necessary to keep it in the cage for much of the day, you must therefore seriously examine alternatives such as habitats to be made yourself built from desk storage cubes (many of whichPeople of houses swear by). ""

Rabbits also need their privacy. If you have more than one, everyone must have a minimum quantity of square feet for themselves in their domestic pen, even if it is a glued pair.

Your house must be the rabbit test.

Bunny In Its Crate
Farhad Ibrahimzade / Shutterstock

Rabbits will chew everything and everything they find, which can be dangerous for them and damaging your home. In the space designated as a attachment base, keep the electric cords away and cover the moldings, the furniture legs and fundamentally everything you don't want to be chewed. While they are on the move, they should be supervised, and everything that is really dangerous should be distant from note.

In a video on howBunny to the test of your house,,Lorelei Carlson, expert in rabbit and human mom at the famousLennon the rabbit, offers several inexpensive and easy ways to protect your rabbit area:

  • Put adhesive tape and corner guards around the corners of the plinths
  • Wrap the wall corners and plinths with shelves grids
  • Try a bitter apple spray on items you don't want your chews
  • Put the toxic plants out of reach
  • Wrap the phone and other electronic cords in flexible tubes, wire lids - or just an ordinary garden pipe

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An expert veterinarian and sterilization / sterilization are must.

Rabbit at the Vet
Danilobiancalana / Shutterstock

"It is important to find a veterinarian who has been trained and has experience with rabbit medical care. This can be more expensive than veterinarian for dogs and cats because rabbits are classified as "exotic" animals, explains Takaguchi.

And do not delay in finding this veterinarian, because the rabbits of the house must be sterilized or sterilized early, especially if you will bind a rabbit to another rabbit. In addition to health reasons (Up to 80% female rabbits will develop uterine cancer if it is not sterilized) theHouse Rabbit Society Explain that "the sterilization or sterilization of your rabbit improves litter habits, decreases chewing behavior, decreases territorial aggression and gives your rabbit a happier and longer lifespan." They suggested that your rabbit is sterilized between four and six months.

Rabbits do better when they have a boyfriend.

Two Rabbits Outside
A3pfamily / Shutterstock

Homemade rabbits thrive in glued pairs. "Rabbits like to be with other rabbits and should never be kept as pets," according to Jackson. "Your rabbit will be much less anxious and much more social with another rabbit."AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

However, they don't get along with each rabbit. It is a good idea to try potential roommates with "game dates" in the premises of the refuge or the breeder. Although it is not 100% necessary to make a boyfriend at your bun, it is much more important than you spend quality time with them if they are alone to avoid boredom and depression.

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Rabbits require a lot of attention and patience.

White Bunny Being Cuddled
Stock_studio / Shutterstock

Sometimes the new rabbit owners are initially disappointed that their rabbits are not as sweet and cuddly as they seem. The reality is that rabbits are very sensitive and intuitive creatures. Getting closer requires patience.

Many rabbits do not like to be picked up. As prey, the idea of ​​being lifted from the ground can surprise and stress them. Sit or lie on the ground-at their level. Spend a lot of time talking and interacting with your new pet, while waiting for them to approach you so that they feel safe. The treats also help, although they should not supplant their regular diet.

And know that how they show that affection may not be what you expect at the beginning. "These are very intelligent animals with a very complex language based mainly on the body postures they use to communicate shadows of deep and subtle emotion", explains Takiguchi. "For example, a rabbit will often suffocate you as a means of communication. The pinch is not an assault or a wickedness, it is communication."

Pay particular attention to food requirements.

Two Rabbits Eating Out of a Basket
Arlee.p / Shutterstock

Foods often associated with rabbits is actually rich in sugar. A carrot for occasional treat is good, but will cause problems like a daily snack. "The rabbit belly is very delicate, and too much outside of their regular diet can send them to the GI stasis," said Carlson.

Takiguchi explains that rabbits need a specific herbivorous diet consisting mainly of fresh grass hay, in particular Timothy hay, which should represent at least 75% of their daily diet, as well as fresh green leafy vegetables And a lot of fresh water suitable for drinking.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: animals / News / Pets
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