Being deficient in this vitamin makes you more likely to suffer a fall, says CDC

Falls are a main cause of death for people over 65.

Vitamins are crucial to help your bodyoperate as it should. In fact, your body cannot live without13 essential vitamins. However, in all the many ways that your body can suffer if you cannot obtain these vitamins in adequate quantities, a consequence of avitamin deficiency may surprise you. Experts from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say that this deficiency may make you more likely to fall, especially if you are over 65 years old. How you can reduce your risk.

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Falls can have serious consequences.

Man in hospital bed sleeping

At the average age, the threat of a fall may not seem so intimidating. But later in life, falls can cause serious problems. According to the CDC, more than 34,000 adults over 65deceased from falls in 2019, which makes it the first cause of death of injuries in the elderly. In the same year, more than three million elderly people asked for medical care for emergency rooms for injury due to a fall.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Many falls cause broken bones, representing more than 95%hip fractures. Elderly people who suffer from these types of injury can subsequently undergo limited mobility, which can have wider implications for their physical and mental well-being.

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Being deficient in this vitamin makes you more likely to fall.

A man pouring out vitamin capsules from a white bottle into his hand.

Few people associate the contribution of vitamins at the risk of falling, but a 2017 CDC report lists vitamin D deficiency asCommon risk factor for this type of accident.

A 2016 study published in theInternational Journal of General Medicine (IJGM) explains how this specific vitamins deficiency canlead to an increased risk of falling: "Vitamin D is known to exercise a wide range of effects in our body, including those relating to musculoskeletal development and subsistence", indicates the study. "Receivers are present in muscle tissues and bones, explaining myopathy, muscle weakness and muscle pain associated with vitamin D deficiency The chances of instability on mobility and the increase in the chances of falls", Add the research team.

Many people are deficient in vitamin D.

Senior woman with short gray hair talking to white male senior doctor, empty nest

Vitamin D deficiencies are surprisingly common, according to the Cleveland Clinic. They say that around 35% of adults in the United StatesLive with a vitamin D deficiency, they say.

However, adults over 65 have an even greater risk. "Vitamin D deficiency is common in the elderly population due to various risk factors, including a decrease in food intake, a decrease in sun exposure, reduced skin thickness, altered intestinal absorption and a alteration of hydroxylation in the liver and kidneys, "explains theIjgm study. ""Vitamin D supplementation is a fairly easy and profitable intervention that can cause or potentiate positive results, concerning the prevention of falls, "they note.

However, as for most vitamins and nutrients, it is best to obtain vitamin D thanks to your diet and other natural sources. You can increase your vitamin D levels by eating foods that contain vitamin D, such as fatty fish, mushrooms, egg yolks and fortified cereals, or spend more time in the sun.

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These other risk factors can also make a fall more likely.

Elderly woman fallen, people helping

Although having a vitamin D deficiency can contribute to its risk of falling, it is unlikely that it is the sole cause of tumble. "Most falls are caused by the interaction of multiple risk factors," said the CDC, adding that the more risk factors, the greater their chances.

Tackling your full range of modifiable risk factors is the best way to mitigate your fall risk. This may include the treatment of balance or muscle disorders, by examining your drugs for possible side effects or Drugs interactions , have your vision checked, eliminate domestic dangers, practice exercise strengthening and manage blood pressure.

Talk to your doctor to learn more about how to reduce your risk of serious fall.

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