7 ways showing the enhanced apple vinegar for health and beauty

It turns out that apple vinegar is a great treatment improves digestion, acne treatment, and enhance your hair and beauty.

Apple vinegar (known as ACV) has become common among a group of beauty care and fair celebrities. The noise may be a little thought over the past months, but there is still some noise. May be ask why this happened? Well, it turns out that apple vinegar is a great treatment improves digestion process, acne treatment, and promote your hair and beauty. It looks great! Here are 7 ways to use apple vinegar in enhancing your health and beauty.

Make your hair from toxins

Apple vinegar helps you rinse hair and helps the parties to restore their normal. Hair products tend to accumulate on your hair and your head scraps, creating a heavy fatty sense that may continue even after using shampoo. The ACV removes product accumulations and cleans natural oils and makes your hair softens and silver. Simple rinsing using a few tablespoons of apple and water vinegar and used before washing your hair with shampoo. Deck on the scalp and leave for 5-10 minutes, then wash your hair as usual. You can also work a special peeled using apple, honey and himalayan salt and a bit of coconut oil.

Get a bath to renew youth

It turns out that apple vinegar can do miracles for your skin. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, apple vinegar works on skin restoration and tasteless, making them more healthy. Reduce pH in your skin and can be used even to treat sunburn. Add 8-10 ounces of apple vinegar to your bathtub and stay for about 15 minutes. Your skin will become really smooth! Apple vinegar also works as a natural pointer.

Hair veneer treatment

Apple vinegar is famous for its antifungal properties and its ability to kill all kinds of germs, making it an effective treatment for headcharis. To get a special rinse with head, you will need a completely saturated mixture - the amount of water must be equal apples. It is good to use this rinsing directly before washing your hair with shampoo. Tell him gently in your head and then use the shampoo and the balm as they usually do. Apple vinegar helps restore the pH balance for your skin and protect them from the appearance of fungi in the future.

Use it as a facelist

Apple fungus vinegar fights and viruses and all kinds of bacteria that may be on your face. It is an ideal treatment for young people as he calms your skin and reduces inflammation and reduction. Mix the equal parts of the water and apples the placement on your face with a cotton piece. You may not see immediate changes, but they will definitely restore your skin if you are using daily. It is also good to put this ink overnight.

Remove bad smell

If you suffer from a bad foot smell, the foot bath can be able to remove the smell, bacteria and spoken fungus. Take four cups of water, and he added a single cuba from apple vinegar, and soak your feet for 15-20 minutes. Anti-bacterial and fungi properties in apple vinegar resist bad smell and improve your feet. You can also work for unplugging removal wipes. If you are fed up with the chemical race and you want to leave an extremity relaxing for some time, use the same monster wet napkins instead of the usual sweat remover.

Manufacture of your nail polish remover

This mix may seem a bit shaded, but a lot they swear it works like magic and removes nail polish with the same quality native nail polish remover. Whether this is true or not, it is good to have a nail polish remover recipe in case of regular recipe. For manufacturing nail polish remover from apple vinegar, you will need a fresh lemon juice and about four tablespoons of apple vinegar. Put your fingers in a small basin with warm water to soften ancient nail polish, then put them in a basin with your nail polish remover for approximately 10 seconds. Use cotton bandages to remove nail polish and do not forget to moisturize your hands after finishing. This is it!

Teeth whitening

If you are a loyal coffee lover, you know that teeth staining is not just a fairy tale, but it is a harsh fact in our daily lives. Smoking can cause soy sauce or even drink tea in your teeth staining, and steal your beautiful smile. A simple mix of apples and water will help you solve the problem - take a teaspoon of apple vinegar and mix with three tablespoons of water and rinse your mouth well. The wills also fight bad breath and a number of mouth infections because of the properties of disguised apple vinegar. If you suffer from sore throat - you can use the same ratio 1: 3 to create an ideal treatment for him.

Categories: beauty
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