30 ways to reduce your risk of heart attack that you did not know

Make lifestyle choices that promote a healthy heart and give prioritize your well-being.

The streamcoronavirus pandemic It probably occupies most of your attention in terms of health problems, but it is important to remember that other health conditions have not been paused. Take a heart disease, for example. It's one ofmost preventable conditions there, but he claims more than850,000 lives every year in the United States. In fact, according to disease control and prevention centers (CDC),a person dies of a heart attack every 40 seconds.

And although many people think that heart attacks occur when the heart ceases to beat - a totally different event known asSudden cardiac arrestThey are actually caused by a blockage in the arteries created by a plaque buildup, saysAlexandra Lajoie, MD, anon-invasive cardiologist At the Saint John Providence Health Center in Santa Monica, California.

The good news is that understand your family history and doChoice of healthy lifestyle can reduce considerablyYour risk of cardiac attack. Here are some important steps you can take today so as not to miss a beat. And to take care of your Ticker, check20 ways you did not realize that you are ruining your heart.

Know your family history.

Going over medical history with doctor

If you have a family member who hashad a heart attack, you are a greater risk of having one yourself. That's why it's so important to share this information with your doctor so you can recommend changes and lifestyle projections that can help you advance all potential problems.

"Everyone should have basic cholesterol and blood pressure projections, but if you have a family history, your doctor may recommend a thorough cardiac assessment," says Lajoie. And for ways to improve another aspect of your well-being, check14 ways to improve your mental health every day.

And get an annual physique.

Man getting his blood pressure checked at the doctor's office

Make sure you get an annual check-up with yourprimary care doctor Get projections of cholesterol routine and blood pressure. Some doctors also perform an EKG-A electrocardiogram or test that measures the electrical activity of your heartbeat.

"Patients who register with their doctor will have their risk factors for a coronary artery disease assessed at that time," saidNicole Weinberg, MD, cardiologist at the Saint John Providence Health Center. "You will have an EKG, a verification of blood pressure and your checked fast cholesterol. If these are evaluated at least once a year, there are fewer surprises because it concerns these" silent killers ".

Assemble a health care team.

smiling healthy woman in fitness clothes in the modern living room watching fitness tutorial on internet via laptop and doing pushups on fitness mat. (smiling healthy woman in fitness clothes in the modern living room watching fitness tutorial on inte

If you have a family history of heart disease or live with a chronic state of health that puts you at risk of cardiac attack, it is important to create ahealth care team Doctors and perhaps even a dietitian and a personal trainer registered to help you maintain a healthy weight and diet, and stay over your projections. And for more information on how you can stay in the home, discover21 easy ways to get more exercise every day.

Reduce saturated grease.

woman works at a computer and eats unhealthy food: chips, crackers, candy, waffles, soda

Further cuts of beef, lamb, pork, butter and cheese are naturally high foods in saturated fats, which is important to watch for your heart health.

"Eating food containing saturated fats can increase cholesterol levels in your blood, and high levels of LDL cholesterol in your blood can increase your risk of heart disease," saysAmnon Beniaminovitz, MD, a cardiologist of Manhattan cardiology. With that, theAha You recommend limiting your saturated fat consumption to no more than five to six percent of your daily calories - which descend to 13 grams or 120 calories in a daily diet of 2,000 calories.

Beniaminovitz also recommends limiting the amounttrans fat You consume. Found in processed foods like crackers and cookies, these unhealthy fats increase yourWrong LDL cholesterol and lowering your HDL-or yourWell-Cholesterololy, putting at risk of cardiac arrest. And learn what part of the unexpected body can talk to you about another, checkWhat your language could tell you about your cardiac health.

But fill in healthy greases.

Woman pouring olive oil on salad with avocado

The reduction of saturated fats and trans fat is essential to optimal heart health, but that does not mean thatallFats are out of bounds. Consuming healthy fat, such as extra virgin olive oil, lawyer and nuts - can help strengthen your heart health, according to theAha. These foods are excellent sources of monounsaturated greases that can help reducebad cholesterol.

In addition, Omega-3 fatty acids in the form of polyunsaturated fat found in fatty fish, nuts and soy, offer your body the fats it can not happen, but are crucial for cardiac health . In fact, a 2011 study in the newspaperHypertension Suggests that poor diets in fish and polyunsaturated fats can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Reduce your sodium consumption.

Woman putting salt on some pizza

Sodium derives water into your blood vessels, resulting in an increase in your blood pressure, that lajole notes can cause a heart attack if it is not properly treated. "Arterial hypertension is a stress on the heart, so it must work harder to pump blood through the body," she says.

Bread, cheese, cold cuts, canned soups and packaged snacks are common guilty of high sodium, so try limiting these foods in your directory. To help you stay on track, refer to theDietary guidelines of the USDA, who say to consume less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium daily. And for more useful information delivered directly in your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

And relieve sugar.

young white woman refusing food
Shutterstock / Best_NJ

With excess sodium and saturated grease, sugar is one of the worst things for your heart. In fact, theAha Recommends women limit their daily sugar consumption to more than six added sugar teasakers and men limit their nine teaspoons.

"Consuming too much added sugar can increase blood pressure and increase chronic inflammation - which are both pathological tracts on heart disease," says Beniaminovitz. The surpassing on sugar can also contribute to obesity and lead to diseases such as diabetes. And it is not always so obvious that foods are raised in sugar-icy tea, granola bars, peanut butter and salad dressings are all sneaky sources of sweet stuff.

You can help keep your blood sugar by eating more vegetables, whole grains and other fiber-rich foods.

Eat more fiber.

Meal of eggs, steak, bread, beans, and spinach

Research has shown that fiber-rich diets are equipped with vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans and other fiber-rich foods - can reduce the incidence ofcoronary heart disease. A 2019 review inThe lancet The shows that consume 25 to 29 grams of fiber daily can help protect against cardiovascular disease.

Eat more whole grains.

Quinoa salad, healthy grains

Quinoa in the form of whole grains, Farro, brown rice and rolled oats - are packed with fibers, vitamins and minerals. And according to a 2018 study in theEuropean nutrition newspaperIncreasing your oatmeal and oatmeal intake can help reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, which promotes heart health and help prevent potential problems.

Eating lean proteins.

Chicken breast

The AHA recommends inclining a3-ounces serving-About the size of the palm of your protein hand at each meal. The best way to integrate this into your diet is done by migratory protein, chopped beef, salmon, turkey and chicken breast protein, such as soy, beans and legumes . These high protein foods offer not only important vitamins and nutrients essential to a healthy heart, but they can also help reduce processed foods and reduce your saturated fat intake.

And get enough folic acid.

Spinach smoothie in blender

Eating foods rich in folic acid - a type of vitamin B found in spinach, citrus fruits, beans, cereals, rice and pasta - can reduce your risk of having a heart attack, according to the 2014 research published in the newspaper.Plos a. Vitamin B can reduce homocysteine, a body compound responsible for blood coagulation - whose high rates can lead to increased probability of heart attack.

Improve your dental health.

Closeup of woman's hand holding dental floss

When your dentist impresses you, the need to spend the dental silk, it is not only for the good of your oral hygiene. Research has boundpoor dental hygiene with increased risk of cardiac attack. A 2018 study inHypertension Even discovered that periodontal disease - a chronic inflammatory disorder in the gums - can cause high blood pressure, which can damage the walls of blood vessels and increase plate accumulation that blocks blood flow to your heart.

To prevent gum disease and protect your heart, brush your teeth for two minutes twice a day and make sure you move the daily dental silk.

Regular exercise.

Older couple exercising lifting weights

Exercise helps you not only burn calories and fats, but it can alsoStrengthen your heart.

"Exercise promotes positive physiological changes, such as encouraging the arteries of the heart to dilate more easily," says Beniaminovitz. "It also helps your sympathetic nervous system, which controls heart rate and blood pressure, be less responsive." A 2017 study published in theEuropean Journal of Preventive CardiologyAlso suggests that exercise can help reduce the risk of dying of cardiac attacks and protecting survivors of heart attack of future heart failure.

TheAmerican Cardiology College (ACC) recommends that adults get at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate exercise, ie 75 to 100 minutes of vigorous activity every week. The CCA also advises adults to participate in at least two force training training per week.

Reduce stress and anxiety.

Woman reading in bed

Whether you deal with a demanding workload in the office or anxiety in a relationship, chronic stress tax on the heart. A 2017 study inThe lancet suggests that emotionalStress factors can lead to cardiovascular disease, who can put you at risk of having a heart attack.

You canstress In your life by exercising, meditation, logging and engageing in social activities with your friends and family. You should also try to put all electronic devices, including your phone, well before you sleep.

Talk to a therapist on grief.

Man talking with a therapist in therapy

If you have recently lost a loved one or experienced a traumatic event in your life, it is important to talk to a professional of what you are going through, because deep feelings of grief lead to heart disease.

Broken heart syndrome - or stress-induced cardiomyopathy, occurs often after the loss of a loved one and has similar symptoms as a heart attack, such as chest pain and irregular heartbeat, theAmerican Heart Association (AHA) says. And although this does not actually result from a blockage in the arteries, the heart expands temporarily and does not work as well as necessary.

To be social.

Older group of friends having a dinner party

Feel a little lonely? Connection with old friends or people in your community is what the doctor ordered. An analysis of 2018 inHeart suggests that those who do not have social relations are at increased risk of developing heart disease andcerebral accident. Log in with local groups and communities that match your hobbies and interests, such as reading clubs, hiking groups and cooking classes. Even if you can not connect physically, there are virtual means to remain social.

Stop smoking and vaping.

Person putting cigarette out

Smoking cigarettes canRaise your blood pressure And tobacco chemicals can damage your heart. TheMAYO ClinicAlso note that cigarette smoke reduces the amount of oxygen in your blood, increasing your heart rate. "Smoking stop will reduce the risk of cardiac attack and stroke from 40 to 50%," saysSanjiv Patel, MD, interventional cardiologist of Memorialcare Heart & Vascular Institute at the Medical Center of the Orange Coast.

Despite what was originally believed by consumers, it turns out thate-cigarettes are not better than you. TheAccessory Reports that electronic cigarette users are 56% more likely to have a heart attack and 30% more likely to undergo a stroke. If you have difficulty quitting, talk to your doctor to recommend a smoking drug or help you develop a plan to hit the habit once and for all.

Limit your alcohol consumption.

Man drinking a beer

Drinking too much alcohol can increase your blood pressure and increase your risk of cardiomyopathy andatrial fibrillation-Aso known as irregular heartbeat - theAha reports. To help you reduce your risk of cardiac disease, theCDC Says it is better to avoid all alcohol or limit your consumption to a daily alcoholic drink for women and up to two for men.

Get enough sleep.

Woman sleeping in bed

Sleep deprivation can lead toA crowd of health problems, including weight gain, diabetes and arterial hypertension, all are risk factors for cardiac disease. "The bad sleep causes an increase in stress hormones, which can lead to elevation of blood pressure thanks to their direct effects of increasing arterial rigidity and heart rate," says Beniaminovitz.

Talk to your doctor if you havedifficulty falling or staying asleep At night, as could be a sign of an underlying medical condition.

Treat other health conditions.

Doctor talking with patient

Heart disease often goes with other health conditions because they share a lot the samerisk factors. For example, uncontrolled glycemic type 2 diabetes puts you at increased risk of cardiac crisis. According to the 2019 research published in theJournal of the American Heart AssociationType 2 diabetes may result in structural abnormalities in the heart and quality of life more mediocre.

Maintain a healthy weight.

Woman stepping on scale to weigh herself

If you are overweight or obese,losing weightImprove your overall health and will reduce your risk of heart attack and other serious forms of cardiac diseases. Obese people are particularly threatened for coronary artery disease, which arrives when the arteries that provide blood from the heart become stiff and narrow, and a peripheral disease of the artery, which affects the arteries in the arms, the legs and feet, according to a 2018 study in theJournal of the American Heart Association.

Take medicines as shown.

Older couple taking medications reading instructions carefully

Whether you take medication for high blood pressure or high cholesterol, make sure to take them as shown. Your doctor will recommend a certain dosage based on your specific state of health and lifestyle, so it is important to discuss any changes you bring or plan to be relevant to any of these factors, Because they could affect how your body reacts to an individual. medication. You can also ask your pharmacist to know how your medications can interact with your diet and other medications or supplements that you could already take.

Listen to your body.

Woman feeling sick and dizzy while going for an outdoor run or jog

Symptoms of heart attack vary between men and women. For example, someWomen can experiment A shortness of breath without discomfort of the chest - a current sign of heart attack in men.

"If you normally run a mile without any symptom, but now you can not run in front of a city block, you have to see your doctor," says Weinberg. "The symptoms of coronary artery disease are not always chest pain or shortness of breath. That's why it's essential to use your regular exercise as a barometer."

Consider post-menopausal risk factors.

Doctor talking with patient

When women enter menopause, the amount of estrogen which, theAhaSaid, help protect the internal layers of the artery wall and prevents flexible blood vessels - they produce begin to refuse, which can possibly lead to serious heart conditions. "We tend to see an increase in cardiac events during this period," says Lajoie.

Other cardiac risk factors such as high blood pressure and cholesterol also increase with age, so it is crucial for women to talk to their doctors on preventive measures they can take.

Manage thyroid conditions.

Woman getting her thyroid checked by a doctor

Your thyroid gland produces hormones that help control the speed with which your heart beats and burns calories. And when you havehyperthyroidism-A condition that causes your body to produce an excess thyroid hormone - you face an increased risk of atrial fibrillation. When atrial fibrillation is not treated, atrial fibrillation can lead to blood clots, stroke and heart failure.

Stay healthy during pregnancy.

Pregnant woman walking drinking from water bottle

Cardiac diseases are the leading cause of death among pregnant and postpartum women in the United States, according to a 2019 research paper published inObstetrics and gynecology. As a precaution, the study stated that women who have a family history of heart disease and are considering getting pregnant should consult a doctor to learn how to adopt healthy habits that will reduce their risk of having a heart issue.

Adopt a dog.

Boy holding a puppy

Research shows that having a four-legged four-legged friend with you can help you live longer, especially if you have had a heart attack. A 2019 study published inCirculation: Cardiovascular quality and results It is even suggested that possessing a dog can help people who have had a heart attack successfully with an increase in physical activity and providing them with emotional and social support.

Get a shot of influenza.

Woman getting a shot

Research published in theNew England Journal of Medicine In 2018, you found that your chances of heart attack are increased six times in the first seven days after being diagnosed withinfluenza. So, if you risk having a heart attack, make sure you get an influenza shot each year.

Eat dinner before 7 hours.

Early dinner with family

If you want to practice habits that promote good cardiac health, avoid dinner after 7 m., Said a 2017 study of theSchool of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. The researchers found that those waiting until 11 am. Because their last piece of food had a higher body weight and an increase in quantities of cholesterol and triglycerides in their blood, which can increase your risk of cardiac problems.

Make fun of yourself.

Woman laughing at herself

Having a sense of humor and being able to relax enough to make fun of yourself or a good joke has been found for your blood vessels to work better. How? 'Or' What? Well, according to a 2005 study of theMedical center of the University of Maryland, Laughter makes the inner mucosa of the blood vessels develop and increase the blood flow.

Adder report by Adam Bible.

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