A new depression treatment changes people's lives - doctors say it's dangerous
The concern rises because the start-ups encourage people to try it at home themselves.

Things have changed a lot since the time whenObtain a completed prescription This meant putting a sheet of paper to your local pharmacist after a trip the doctor. Now there are virtual visits and medical information are available everywhere, symptom auditors on webmd to advertisements for drugs on Tiktok.
While many of these new approaches prioritize convenience, they can be risky. In an article published by the National Library of Medicine, the researchers discovered thatSome of the potential dangers Linked to telehealth include the erroneous diagnostic potential, as well as the risk of confidentiality and security. The virtual prescription of controlled substances has also raised concerns, in particular in combination with possibly misleading advertising which can cause self-diagnosis. At the beginning of 2022, NBC News reported that Meta and Tiktok had "fired advertisements fromA major mental health care startup"Because advertisements" promoted negative body images and contained misleading allegations ".
Now, a particular treatment of depression is announced on social networks - and it is a type of therapy that patients self -administer at home. Read the rest to know why doctors think it's a dangerous idea.
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Depression presents a serious global risk for health.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression is thePrincipal invalid cause worldwide. "About 280 million people worldwide suffer from depression," said the site. "Especially when it is recurrent and withmoderate or severe Intensity, depression can become a serious health problem. "WHO reports that more than 700,000 people die from suicide each year, noting that suicide is the fourth cause of death in people from 15 to 29 years old.
People are trying new depression treatments announced on social networks.

With these statistics, it is not surprising that the treatments that would be effective in reducing depression are received with enthusiasm, in particular a type of therapy that uses a once notorious drug. But advise patientsTo try this home therapy, not supervised by a health professional, is a "professional fault at the limit",Roberto Estrada, Md,chief doctor by Lenox Hill Mindcare,recently toldRolling stone.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
"This is a drug that can cause acute confusion state," warned Estrada. "At a minimum, the first treatment must be supervised by telepsychiatry. To give a medication to someone and expect them to be in an altered state and monitor their own blood pressure and call it psychotherapy assisted by assisted by assisted by assisted by Psychedelic, you do not deliver what you are promising. "
Ketamine therapy is gaining popularity as a treatment for depression.

For years, Ketamine drugs -also known as k- was known to be aillicit and illegal substance. "Ketamine fell into the" club's drug "category in the early 1990s," saidLantie Jorandby, Md,Chief doctor At the Lakeview Health Addiction Treatment Center in Jacksonville, fl.
However, the origins of ketamine go back much further - at 1962, when it was initially used as anesthesia, says Jorandby. Now it is known as a way to effectively treat (and legally) of depression resistant to treatment, in the care of a health professional.
"If a person responds to ketamine, they can quickly reduce suicidality (potentially fatal thoughts and acts) and relieve othersserious symptoms of depression, "Explains Harvard Health." Ketamine can also be effective forTreat combined depression with anxiety. "Ketamine therapy is generally administered by a doctor in a medical environment, but some new startups are trying to change this approach.
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Taking a doctor's unattended ketamine is risky.

ByRolling stone, several telemedicine start-ups areprescribe remote ketamine, for home use, in response to its new popularityDepression treatment. Their ads on social networks "Young attractive young people on the impact of ketamine, "journalistEj dickson reports.
"Ketamine is prescribed remotely by psychiatric practitioners rather than doctors, depending on what some former patients say to me to be a lax screening process," writes Dickson. "And the sessions are not supervised by a trained health professional, patients being rather invited to take ketamine under the observation of a family member or a friend."
Some of the risks of taking étémé without supervision by a health professional include drug orAlcohol dependence, Hallucinations and psychosis, advises Jorandby. "People must be monitored by mental health providers when using ketamine," she said. In addition, "ketamine can affect the cardiovascular system, and more rarely, the respiratory system", explains Jorandby. "During the administration, attentionBlood pressure monitoring The saturation of pulse and oxygen is necessary. "In addition", due to the dissociative effects of ketamine, behavioral management during administration is also necessary. ""
If you are looking for depression relief, always talk to your health care provider before trying a new treatment.
Best Life offers the most recent information from high -level experts, new research and health agencies, but our content is not supposed to replace professional advice. Regarding the medication you take or any other health issue you have, always consult your health care provider directly.

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