Never eat this only thing before training, warn the experts

Providing this food could slow you down.

Exercise is a great way toImprove our health, but between occupied work schedules, family and other commitments, it can be difficult to find energy, even when we take the time. This is where your diet comes into play. Experts say that eating certain foods can help improve your sports performance, allowing you to get the most outTime at the gymnasium. In fact, studies also show that there is a type of foodnever Eat before training because it can really inhibit your performance. Read the rest to learn the only thing you should never eat before exercising - and what to feed instead.

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The time of timing your meals can help you feed your training.

woman waiting to eat with clock intermittent fasting
Pheelings / Shutterstock media

Eating bad foods before a training session can make you feel swollen, lethargic or nauseating, all this can slow down your sporting performance. Of course, food is fuel, so don't eat enough can leave you with low energy, dizzy and hungry. The key is to find the right balance of nutrients to recharge the turbo loading your time spent on the treadmill or in the weight room. It is also important to plan a meal calendar that helps digestion before hitting the gymnasium.

According to the Mayo Clinic, it is preferable toWait at least three to four hours Between eating a larger meal and working. You can eat smaller meals or snacks one to three hours before exercising, which should give you a slight increase in energy. "The snacks eaten shortly before the exercise will probably not give you additional energy if your training lasts less than 60 minutes, but they can prevent the distraction of hunger," write their experts.

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Never eat this well before exercising.

man holding a burger sandwich, sitting in a pub

Healthy fats are asignificant part of your diet, and they should represent around 35% of your calorie contribution, according to arecent report of the American Department of Agriculture (USDA). However, experts advise to eat fatty foods in the hours preceding training. This is because it takes more energy to treat fat, and it can slow you down while you are doing the exercise.

If you choose to eat fat as part of your snack before training, it is always better to avoid saturated fats in favor of more nutritious choice. Healthy fat sources include nuts, avocados, fatty fish, chia seeds, eggs and olive oil.

Consumption of a regime rich in carbohydrates can improve sports performance.

Portrait of woman eating oatmeal with fruits for breakfast
Prostock-Studio / Shutterstock

Studies have shown that consumption of complex carbohydrates in the days and hours leading to intense or prolonged training can help improve endurance.

"A key goal ofNutritional strategies pre-exercise is to maximize carbohydrate stores, thereby minimizing the ergolytic effects [the impaixion] of the exhaustion of carbohydrates, "explains a 2004 study published in theJournal of Sports Science. In fact, researchers have found that the increase in food carbohydrates in the days preceding sports competitions that 90 minutes or more increase in muscle glycogen levels - fuel with muscle construction - and improved exercise performance.

However, balance in your diet is essential.

close up plate of salmon over rice and lentils with green beans

Although eating carbohydrates is a great way to fill up for your training, the best thing you can do for your overall health is to eat a wide variety of whole foods that offer a range of nutrients. Fibers, proteins, vitamins and minerals are all crucial and can be found in lean meats and fish, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and legumes.

Listening to your body while you try different food combinations can help you reach an optimal balance. "Individual experience should shed light on individual practice" Sports science Study notes.

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