Drinking this improved memory in dementia patients, says the study

The drink has multiple health benefits, including increasing brain health.

What we choose to drink - or not drink - can have a powerful effect on our brain. Did you know, for example, thatdrink tea can reduce your risk of dementia? On the other hand, consumption of dietary soda canincrease this risk Significantly. And the old ordinary water increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain. "[This] improves concentration and cognition ... andhelps balance moods and emotions, Reduce stress and headache, "said Women's Brain Health Initiative.

However, it has been shown that a particular drink improves memory in people with dementia (while having a significant impact on general well-being). Read more to find out which drink could give your brain and taste buds a boost.

Read this then:Drinking a cup of this day can reduce your risk of stroke, says a new study.

Dementia is increasing.

A senior woman sitting in a chair after feeling dizzy

Dementia - The term for a group of diseases that cause cognitive decline, such as dementia in the body of Alzheimer and Lewy - is a debilitating condition which is unfortunately increasing. The statistics are surprising: according to the Alzheimer's association, onSix million people In the United States, Alzheimer's disease, with this number, should increase to 13 million by 2050. Puts that breast cancer and combined prostate cancer, dementia kills one in three elders.

Find ways to protect andBoost our brain health is crucial even in the best circumstances. But as dementia can cause significant damageThis vital organ And its billions of brain cells that work hard, it is important to know what you can do to potentially avoid damaging your cognitive function or manage brain health after the start of dementia.

Acidulated cherry juice is rich in antioxidants.

Aleksei Bezrukov / Istock

A 2019 study published inFood and function found that tangy cherry juice - in particular the juice made from Montmorency cherries -helped improve cognitive capacities in Alzheimer's patients. Researchers believe that juice antioxidants can be essential. Why? "Several studies suggest that 'oxidative stress"Can play a role in changes in the brain that cause Alzheimer's disease," said Alzheimer's society.

Acidulated cherry juice has proven to be rich in antioxidants, which can treat oxidative stress. According to Healthline, "tangy cherries and their juice contain large amounts of antioxidants and other compounds of beneficial plants that may haveprotective effects on brain cells. ""

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Acidulated cherry juice also has many other health benefits.


Studies have shown that tangy cherry juice is rich in vitamins and nutrients,who can help With the painful muscles, sleep problems and hypertension, as well as conditions such as gout and arthritis, explains Healthline.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

These advantages can be linked to the effect that cherry juice has on the brain. "ThePotential beneficial effects Aciduous cherries can be linked to the bioactive compounds they have, which include polyphenols, anthocyan and melanin, "explainedSheau CHING CHAI, Deputy Professor of Behavioral Health and Nutrition at the University of Delaware and principal author of theFood and function Study. "They can also be linked to the potential effects of lowering blood pressure from Cherry, described in a previous study that we have conducted in the same population, because blood pressure can influence blood flow to the brain."

Healthy lifestyle choices can help prevent dementia.

Cecilie_arcurs / Istock

Make sure you stay up to date with your general well-being and seekFirst signs of dementia, can be an important part of the management of the condition.

"An early diagnosis means that you can be more involved in personal decisions concerning your future," saidRyan C. Warner, clinical psychologist at1 and1 life. "You can start treatments earlier, which makes them more effective, and you can start targeting certain conditions that could worsen your dementia symptoms, such as vitamin deficiencies, sleep disorders, depression or abuse D 'alcohol."

Some lifestyle choices can help reduce your risk of dementia or improve cognitive function. In particular, the exercise can beA brain booster. The search shows that 20 minutes of exercise per dayReduces risk Cognitive decline even after the start of dementia, providing protective proteins for the brain, and "it seems to function regardless of whether a person already has markers for Alzheimer's disease and other dementia," reports CNN.

Otherhealthy habits This can help prevent the loss of memory and motor skills, in particular to sleep sufficiently, to limit your consumption of alcohol, to engage socially and to remain mentally stimulated.

Read this then: If you notice it while you are talking, check dementia .

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