If you do that at night, you could make you nightmares

Troubled by bad dreams? This end of the evening habit could be to blame.

I have already woken up and feel immediately gratefuldisturbing scenes Current in your head was not real? Maybe you were chased or knew that an attack was imminent. "There are oftenthreat of death or injury or annihilation, and you try to escape, "Tore Nielsen, PhD, professor of psychiatry at the University of Montreal and director of the dream and nightmare laboratory, saidWeather In 2018.

Whatever that made you sweat, nightmares are not fun - and frequent bad dreams can cause health problems, byWeather. The good news is that there are ways to prevent them, and one of them has to do with something you could do just before going to bed. Read the rest to find out which common habit could ruin your sleep.

RELATED:If your dream about it, call your doctor immediately.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Your late evening habits can increase your chances of a nightmare.

Woman sneaking into the fridge for a late night snack of cake hoping not to get caught

If you eat late at night, you could prepare for fear. "First of all, it is important to clarify that light snacks before the bed should not radically disturb its sleep. The nightmares are generally linked to heavy meals before the bed, especially those containing sweet treats, fatty food , simple carbohydrates and spicy ingredients ","Po-Chang Hsu, Doctor of medicine and aExpert in medical content On Sleeplean.com, tellsBetter life.

How? "At least a lot of food (or meals rich in calories) means that the body will spend too much energy trying to digest it instead of sleeping," he explains. "This generally leads to a decrease in the quality of sleep, which can trigger nightmares." A complete stomach before sleep also leads to a higher body temperature and metabolism, he says, noting: "These two aspects could cause increased brain activity during paradoxical sleep, causing nightmares."

There are several reasons to finish your meal well before sleeping.

Woman Eating Popcorn With an Open Laptop
IVANKO80 / Shutterstock

Although there is a correlation between heavy meals and nightmares, nightmares after eating a lot are not inevitable, clarifies HSU. A 2015 study from the University of Montreal showed mixed results, with 9.5% of participants reporting aLink between late consumption and nightmares.

That said, even if your meal in the microwave at the end of the evening is not that the monsters continue to you, there are still many reasons not to be used. HSU says that heavy meals before the bed can cause nocturnal disturbances; While you try to digest everything, it may be more difficult to reach a relaxing sleep. "Too much food (or some meals) can cause acid reflux, which causes sleep disturbances," he said. A good golden rule is to stop eatingthree hours Before hitting the bag, according to Cleveland Clinic experts.

Hunger just before bed? Snack on it.

Bunch of Grapes on a Table Outside
Mercury Studio / Shutterstock

When you really have to nibble, take a snack that contains low glycemic carbohydrates and proteins, advisesBrittany Lubeck, MS, RD,nutrition to Oh so spotless. "And the foods that naturally containMelatonin and tryptophan Can even improve the quality of sleep, "she says.

HSU suggests yogurt and fruits like bananas and grapes. "The grapes, in particular, contain melatonin, which is a natural hormone that your body also secretes to help sleep," he explains.

This is what could cause your nightmares.

A Variety of Open Pill Bottles
Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock

Finish your dinner early enough and face demons in the middle of the night? By webmd,Nightmares in adults are generally spontaneous, but a few things, in addition to eating late at night, can contribute to their frequency.

Certain drugs are associated with nightmares, such as antidepressants, narcotics and certain drugs against blood pressure. Webmd also says that the withdrawal of drugs and substances, sleep deprivation, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and certain sleep disorders can also trigger nightmares.

Fortunately, if your nightmares are frequent and interfere with your daily life, There are treatments . These include medical treatment, stress or anxiety treatment, image repetition therapy and medicine, according to Mayo Clinic.

RELATED: If you take this popular supplement, this could cause nightmares .

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