This advantage of the major health of the coffee was just proved true in a new study

New research suggests that the drink has more to offer just a caffeine jerk.

May your preference be a latte, a cream and a sugar, or a right espresso, the smell of fresh coffee grounds in the morning can be enough to get you out of bed and move. But what happens if the benefits went beyond the taste or enjoyable caffeine jolt? Research found reasons to connect this drink in the morning with specific health benefits, including aLower risk of Alzheimer's disease-And for those who engage in more than one cup, the news can be even better. Read more about how your morning Joe cup could protect your well-being.

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Drinking coffee could help you live longer and reduce your risk of heart disease.

person making coffee using french press
Shutterstock / DC Studio

Your monthly membership of Starbucks rewards has just received a lot of generous things. According to the recent conclusions presented at the US College of the 71st Scientific Session of Cardiology, drinking coffee, specifically having two cups each day,Low your risk of heart disease and dangerous heart rhythms. While coffee sometimes gets bad rap - with a lot of believing the adage that it broke that your growth data suggest that daily consumption can help you live longer.

"Because coffee can accelerate heart rate, some people fear that consumption consumption could trigger or aggravate some heart issues. This is where general medical advice to stop drinking coffee can come from. But our data suggests that daily coffee consumption should not be discouraged, but rather included in a healthy diet for people with and without cardiac disease, "the main author of the studyPeter Mr. Kistler, MD, Professor and Chief Research of Arrhythmia at Alfred Hospital and Baker Heart Institute in Melbourne, Australia, said in a press release.

"We found that coffee consumption had either a neutral effect - which means that it did not have any evil - nor associated with cardiac health benefits," added Kistler, also stressing that these benefits have been observed in patients with and withoutheart disease.

The researchers analyzed data of more than half a million patients.

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The data was collected by more than 500,000 people in the British Biobank prospective database. The participants completed a questionnaire when entering the registry, and the Kistler team gathered patients with the number of coffee cups they wore every day, going between zero and more than five years. After controlling for other factors that can contribute to cardiac health, namely alcohol, exercise, smoking, diabetes andHypertensionIt has been concluded that, in most cases, coffee consumption had significant reductions in cardiovascular risk.

When searching for a group of 382,535 people without heart disease known in a study, the team found that two to three cups of coffee daily had the greatest advantages, lowering the risk of developing a coronary heart disease, insufficiency. Heart cardiac, a problem with heart rate or death for any reason from 10 to 15%. A second study evaluated 34,729 patients with a form of cardiovascular disease at the base, two to three cups of coffee were still considered associated with a lower risk of dying.

There was no association between the drinking coffee and the risk of heartbeat problems, namelyatrial fibrillation (AFIB) - Flutter of irregular, fast and atrial heartbeat. Those who had a basic arrhythmia and also drank coffee had a lower risk of death and coffee drinkers with Afib were nearly 20% less likely to die than those who have not drank coffee . This conclusion is of particular importance, such as theCaffeine impact On these conditions, it is often a matter of concern for health care providers.

"Clinicians generally have some apprehension of people with known cardiovascular diseases or arrhythmias who continue to drink coffee, so they often wandel from caution and advise them to stop drinking totally because of Fear that it can trigger dangerous heart rhythms, "Kistler said. "But our study shows that ordinary coffee consumption is safe and could be part of healthy eating for people with heart disease."

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Here's how coffee beans can help the heart.

Coffee cup, coffee beans, and blood pressure cuff
Sergeyyrev / Shutterstock

Caffeine has its advantages and disadvantages for several coffee drinkers, but coffee beans can also be beneficial for your health, containing more than 100 biologically active compounds. According to Kistler, it is useful to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, improve insulin sensitivity and maintain your metabolism.

Kistler and his team analyzed instant coffee relative to the land, as well as caffeinated against Decaf, as a variable in a third cardiovascular risk study. Regardless of the form - whether instantaneous or mass-two to three cups of coffee daily had positive effects. These participants not only had lower death rates, but also a decline in risk of arrhythmia, blocking the artery in the heart,cerebral accidentand heart failure. Caffeine, however, played a role in and can be preferred selection. Although Decaf coffee has reduced cardiovascular disease rates, excluding heart failure, it has not produced the same favorable effects against arrhythmia of incidents.

Do I have to mount my daily coffee intake?


If you feel ready for your coffee quota tomorrow morning, Kistler warns if it puts you uncomfortable ortriggers anxiety.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"There is a whole range of mechanisms through which coffee can reduce mortality and have these favorable effects on cardiovascular disease," Kistler said. "Coffee drinkers should feel reassured that they can continue to enjoy coffee, even if they have heart disease. Coffee is the most common cognitive improvement, it wakes up, allows you to win with mentally and It is a very important element of the daily life of many people. "

The researchers also noted the limitations of the analyzes, which could have affected the accuracy of the results. Other food factors that can put participants at risk of cardiovascular disease have not been recorded as part of research and investigators rely on self-reported data collected at the beginning of the study. It was also not necessary to list the way you take your coffee, whether with creams, treatments or other sweet additives, and most of the study participants were white, limiting the generalizability of the results.

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