8 rules of healthy nutrition, which is better forget about

On the wave of universal concern, we try to replace the harmful products to more useful. But in most cases, such a replacement not only does not benefit, but also harms us frankly.

On the wave of universal concern, we try to replace the harmful products to more useful. But in most cases, such a replacement not only does not benefit, but also harms us frankly. We have collected several popular rules about healthy nutrition, which have long been time to forget.

1. Instead of sugar, I eat honey

We often hear such advice from nutritionists. Indeed, honey is a more useful product, but by caloric content, it is not only not inferior, but also surpasses the usual table sugar. So if you are worried about the volume of your waist, you should not lean on honey.

2. Dried fruits-Best Snack

When drying, dried fruits lose up to 80% of vitamins and useful trace elements. In addition, many unfair manufacturers are added to dry fruits sugar for a more saturated taste. Naturally, in this case, no healthy snack and speech can be.

3. You need to drink 1.5 liters of water per day

Water is indeed important for a person. According to scientists, there are 1,5 liters of fluid per day on average. However, it is not only clear water. Here you can attribute tea, soup. Water is also contained in vegetables and fruits. It should also be understood that each organism is unique. This means that the required amount of fluid for each individual. Therefore, you should not force yourself to drink if I do not want.

4. Useful oils improve any food

Olive, pumpkin, linen - vegetable oils is useful to refill salads. But for frying, they are absolutely not suitable. For example, flaxseed oil due to a large number of unsaturated fatty acids when heated turns into a real poison.

5. Fresh vegetables good prepared

In some cases, boiled vegetables turn out to be much more useful than fresh. For example, in boiled carrots, more carotenoids, and in stewed tomatoes -copins. Therefore, stewed or steam vegetables should not be overwhelmed with bills.

6. Coffee is harmful to the body

There is an opinion that coffee negatively affects human health. In fact, there are many antioxidants in coffee beans that help prevent premature aging of the body. The main thing is to use this drink in reasonable doses.

7. Black bread is more useful than white

White flour can be on the calibration in black bread. Appetizing, "tanned" shade can be obtained thanks to caramel dyes. We advise you to stop your choice on whole grain bread.

8. All chocolate is harmful

Fortunately, sweet tooths not all chocolate brings harm to the body. Black chocolate with cocoa content of at least 80% is even useful. It strengthens immunity, improves the cognitive abilities and the work of the cardiovascular system. And also "bitter" chocolate stimulates the production of serotonin - hormone joy.

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