7 celebrities who have been criticized for their forms

Celebrity has a price, and they are not the stars who will tell you otherwise. Indeed, whether the singers, actresses, models, the influenceuses or other celebrities, most of their actions are scrutinized.

Celebrity has a price, and they are not the stars who will tell you otherwise. Indeed, whether the singers, actresses, models, the influenceuses or other celebrities, most of their actions are scrutinized. Their choices are analyzed, praised or criticized. But if there's one thing that makes much talk about is women's bodies. These face of body shaming or the grossophobie from the media and social networking platforms. Some of them have had to absorb sharp criticism for their curves. In this article you will discover 7 French and international celebrities who have been criticized for their forms.

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian comes from a wealthy background. She became known to the public thanks to its issuance of reality TVKeeping up with the Kardashians. But what has caused a lot of ink, are the articles about her curvaceous and voluptuous. His body was criticized at first because it seemed to have resorted to cosmetic surgery, although it has never actually confirmed that her ass firm and bounced back had indeed been redone. In any case, it was a model for many women.

Aya Nakamura

Aya Nakamura, famous singer from Mali, became internationally known through his song "Djadja". In her videos, she's not afraid to show her rounded the media have also sometimes criticized him a little too show under her bikinis.

Amel Bent

In 2004, Amel Bent singing "My philosophy" title with which she was successful and the words which proudly said: "I've shapes and curves. "Early in his career, these have been the main subject of many articles. Today, it features a thinner figure which she is proud. However, it does not advocate is to slim down, but simply to feel good about her body.

Marilou Berry

Marilou Berry is a French actress, daughter of the famous actress Josiane Balasko. If at the beginning, she sported a body with forms, she lost in 2016 more than 25 kilos, lightning weight loss which the tabloids have talked a lot. There is some time, it is however reappeared with a coated body. Despite the comments about it, she is proud and feels good.


Since the beginning of his career, Louane faces grossophobes comments, the development of social networks did not help matters. Louane tries to ignore these comments and quickly move on, even though it may sometimes be affected by them.


The famous singer Adele has already offended questions that it raises on its weight, size and shapes. Throughout his career of over 10 years, her body has often been analyzed and judged, although it has recently lost weight. She insists that she does not make music for the eyes, but for the ears.


Like the other women on the list, the singer Beyoncé has often received comments on his body and forms. One time, we talked to her example of her thighs a bit too big. There were also times when she lost weight before regaining weight: each phase of his life was scrutinized and criticized. But since she is mom, Beyonce insists she is proud of its forms and it feels more feminine with her curves.

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