This scenario behind Mark Hamill History will illuminate your day

Luke Skywalker knows how to surprise her greatest fans.

This week, Screenwriter Ed Solomonshared a storyAbout Mark Hamill who has proven that the actor is a hero even bigger than his famous ego on the screen. In a short Twitter thread that has since become viral, Solomon explained how Hamill once walked once from his way to make a child of a terminal illness that came true:

"When the son of a friend (who was so tragically, dying of an incurable disease) made a wish: meet Luke Skywalker, he fell on me - the only person the father knew who worked in the company of Movies - To make a call, "He wrote. "Not knowing Mark, I called his agent and I explained that this charming boy watchedStars wars Every day and wanted to meet NOT Mark Hamill, but rather the current character he played (the boy's own mental state had seen the point of power Grok that Luke was fictitious). The agent said that the agent said he would call Mark, but also said not to have my hope. 90 seconds later, I received a call from Mark Hamill who immediately said yes and gave me his personal address. He has not only met the boy, but I spent hours answering the question after question (sometimes the same the same), like "Luke". Even displaying it makes me tears now. He was compassionate, kind and patient. And it literally meant the world with this kid and his family. "

Hamill responded to the thread in tweeting, "there is no softer than a child who laughs - I was so lucky-feeling that it's my duty 2, I prefer that I prefer visits 2 Hospitals that the speeches helical but inspiring -Makes my career seems trivial in comparison - I wish I could do more ❤️. "

Solomon replied by saying, "It was not only that you did - which was charming. That was how you did it: simple, direct, with absolute dignity and respect for this boy - Who was pretty beautiful. And to be honest, deep. We all left better people because of that. "

Tuesday, Solomon followed another chapter at this common tale:

"After giving John and his brother a bunch ofStar wars Stuff, Mark Hamill asked John if he had more questions. John said 'yes. Can I meet Princess Leia? Joe Sikorra, John's Dad, smiles and subtly stirred to score "No no, you do not have to do that!" But Mark said "can not hurt to ask." That night, I received the second - and only other - called I've never got from Mark Hamill: "Please, tell John that Princess Leia would be happy to meet him." I called Carrie Fisher and told him from John and his brother, Ben, also afflicted with this rare and incurable disease. She became emotional and talked about the injustice of life. She then said she had only two questions: "Where?" and when?' Unfortunately, John's condition has deteriorated rapidly at that time and they have never met. I posted all this because, like many people, I felt overwhelmed by seeing hero after the tendency of mine, then grimace when I picked up my fingers to read something horrible about them. "

Indeed, the last few months were discouraged for movie fans, to the point where it sometimes seems that each of your childhood idols turned out to be a sexual predator. That is why it is particularly wonderful to hear stories that prove that Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and the end, Great Carrie Fisher, are just as brave and kind as the legends they describe on the screen (in case where You did not hear about,Harrison Ford shot a woman from a car accident just last week) And in case this is not comforting enough, remember that last year, the director ofThug, Gareth Edwards,makes a terminal diseaseStars wars The dream of fan is reality By showing him an early projection of the film two days before his death.

The force is with us. The good prevail.

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