25 foods that men over 45 should eat

These are the tasty ways to keep diabetes, weight gain, joint pain and other age-related conditions - to ...

These are the tasty ways to keep diabetes, weight gain, joint pain and other age-related barriers - at the bay.-By Dana Leigh Smith & Stephen Perrine

Turn 45 is not what it was. Nowadays, you could be halfway up 90 and always be a hipster icon like Jared Leto or Sophia Coppola, haveShredded abs Like Justin Theroux or Mark Wahlberg, or crack cool children like Amy Poehler or Keegan-Michael Key. Each of these stars was born 45 years ago, but none of them strike us like close to "aged middle age".

And there is a good reason why: when you take care of your body by eating properly, you prevent the weight-related weight gain - the number one means to pump the brakes at the passage of time. In addition, eating at the moment will prevent all other signs of aging aging, doctor visits at senior moments.

To keep your health and your hipster Cred, intact, we have food on the kitchen table close to each lean star, adjusted, healthy over 45 and over, and should also appear on your menu. day-to-day.

Because they reduce cholesterol ...

"Like women and men are aging, their cholesterol levels increase - it's just a natural part of the aging process. Partly due to hormonal changes and a decrease in lean body mass and a subsequent increase in mass greasy "explains Sarah Koszyk, MA, RDN, Dietitian and co-author ofCerebral food: 10 simple foods that will increase your goal, improve your memory and decrease depression. To keep your "bad" LDL cholesterol levels during the verification and preparation of the dirty arteries, turn off partially hydrogenated oils (also called trans fat ") and reduce your overall sugar consumption, because the sugar has recently been linked to High cholesterol. Another intelligent movement? Add more cholesterol feeds below to your diet.

Wild salmon

Wild salmon

Fatty fish as savageSalmon Contain omega-3 fatty acids that help reduce inflammation, slow down plaque accumulation inside blood vessels and increase the relationship between cholesterol levels for cholesterol, explains Koszyk. "They have also been demonstrated downward from arterial pressure, with the chances of stroke and heart failure." You wonder how much to eat? An analysis of 20 studies published in the journalJama Indicates that eating one to two portions of 3 ounces of fat fish per week reduces the risk of dying of heart disease by an impressive 36%! If you already suffer from Koszyk heart disease, Koszyk recommends transporting your consumption of three 4 ounce portions throughout the week. "In addition to the fish, it is recommended to take three vitamins of 1000 mg omega-3 containing omega-3 vitamins containing EPA and DHA per day for people with heart disease. Do not all take them all At the same time, however. Take one in the morning, one at lunch, and one in the evening. "


Avocado cut open

Thanks to their mono and polyunsaturated fats, lawyers can help reduce cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease when consumed instead of saturated fats or transsatures. Do not overload your plate with the stuff. A medium fruit (yes, lawyer is a fruit) Packs 227 calories - So do not eat more than half in one session. Keep the pit in the non-consumed part, squeeze on lemon juice, then wrap it firmly with a plastic film. This will keep it fresh and green until you are ready to eat the rest.

Green tea

Green tea

Not only can the weight loss of green tea can help you recover faster after a workout, its powerful antioxidants can also reduce the levels of "bad" cholesterol levels, while simultaneously increasing "good" levels cholesterol, according to Harvard researchers. How it works? "Studies indicate that green tea polyphenols can block cholesterol to be absorbed into the intestine and helping the body to get rid of cholesterol," Isabel Smith registered Isabel Smith. Make the most of the benefits of tea with7 days old flat belly tea! (The test panels lost up to 10 pounds in a week!)

Chia seeds

Chiea seads and yogurt

Fish and nut are the most widely cited for their omega-3 content, with salmon as an unofficial poster of nutrient. But there are a number of surprising sources that can help you meet your daily dose, 600 to 1,100 milligrams, according to the Institute of Medicine. One of our favorites: Chia Seeds! Just two tablespoons of the material serve 4,500 milligrams of 4,500 milligrams. It is also one of the best sources of food fiber in the world, packing 11 grams in a servant of 2 tablespoons, which is particularly good news for your size. For each increase of 10 grams of the fiber consumed per day, belly fat reduced by 3.7% over five years, a recent study found. Not only can a flattened stomach can give you this Buff, Mark Wahlberg physical that you want, but it can also enjoy your heart and your life. To harvest the benefits, add small but powerful seeds to your oats, smoothies or Greek yogurt.

Oatmeal falling out of jar onto spoon and table#


Good news, in love with oatmeal, you are a morning meal, it's one of the best foods you can eat after celebrating the Great 4-5. "Searches suggest that oat-soluble fiber helps reduce cholesterol levels" bad "bad". It is believed that the soluble fiber leans on cholesterol and prevent it from being absorbed into the body, "says Koszyk." If you have a high cholesterol, you may want to consider eating oats daily. Mix an oatmeal cooked at 8 hazted mesh (another tablespoon of cholesterol-lowering), 1 tablespoon of chia seeds and 1 cup blueberries for a meal is a heart health center.

Because they keep your edit sharp ...
Person completing Sudoku puzzle

Wear an excess belly fat only makes your pants feel tight and filming your knees, she beats the brain too. In fact, research indicates that obesity of mid-life is a risk factor for dementia later in life. What is the connection of the belly-brain? Like the fat in your environment causes a plaque to obstruct the arteries that nourish the blood to your heart. Thus, it obstructed the arteries around the brain - a factor contributing to the development of Alzheimer's disease. To protect your brain and make sure that you will remember all the names of your child well after your arrival of a grandparent, make stocks about these delicious eating that have been demonstrated to shrink your size and strengthen your brains.

6 and 7
Blueberries and strawberries

Mixed berries in a bowl

They are sweet, they are juicy and they make perfect additions to salads, oats and smoothies. But better yet, the berries areunbelievable Cerebral food and powerful fiber sources, a nutrient shown to facilitate weight loss. On aAnnals of neurology Report, consuming a diet rich in blueberries and strawberry can contribute to slow mental decrease and help keep memory and focusing in your golden years. Strawberries are also rich in folate, a nutrient that consumed with B vitamins has been demonstrated to prevent cognitive decline and dementia.

Olive oil

Olive oil with olives in bowl

Olive oil is rich in polyphenols against cancer and monounaturated fats that stimulate heart health, slow brain aging and reverse memory deficits, explains Koszyk. A diet rich in the Mediterranean has also been shown that adiponectin increases adiponectin levels, a hormone charged with decomposing fat into the body. (The more someone has, the drop in their BMI tends to be.) Collect the advantages by making olive oil your cooking grease and use it in dressings and sauces. But remember: "The oil is a fat and we must always be cautious about our overall daily calorie consumption to prevent weight gain." Do not consume more than a tablespoon a day.


Three eggplant

Packed with chlorogenic acid to radical recovery freely, the eggplant is good for more than amongigiana. The brilliant and purple vegetarian is also packed with powerful antioxidants called anthocyanins that offer neuroprotective advantages such as reinforced short-term memory. And bonus: "Several studies have also found that anthocyan can help prevent heart disease by reducing inflammation and decreasing arterial hardening," says Koszyk. To get the benefits, add the purple veggie to Turkey burgers, sandwiches, seafood risottos and pasta dishes.


Walnut cracked in half

Nuts are a double nutritional threat: not only are they one of the best food sources of polyunsaturated fats, a type of fat that activates the genes that reduce fat storage, they have also been demonstrated to improve the cerebral function at Mice with Alzheimer's disease. Although we can not be some of the same thing would remain true in humans, adding the nut to your diet can only enjoy your health, so it's worth it to be cut. Tow your oats and salads with them, or mix them in the culinary robot and add the homemade pesto sauces.

Because they are moving away or control diabetes ...


According to the American Diabetes Association, as we get older, our risk of type 2 diabetes increases. Although you can not get older, but you can stay active, lose weight and add diabetes food to your diet to reduce the chances you develop the condition. Do you already have diabetes? In addition to a list of protective foods, we also gathered diet suggestions that can improve your condition. Continue to enter the knowledge.



Get this: Studies suggest that people with high vitamin C levels in their systems may also have the lowest incidence of diabetes. But before reaching this orange to stay healthy, consider this: Guava provides 600% of the vitamin C of the day in a single cup! A small round orange, on the other hand, measures only 85%. Although tropical fruits 4 grams of protein per cup, Smith suggests pairing with an additional source of protein-type nuts or a low fat cheese stick to ensure that sugar levels. In the blood remain equal.


Black beans

Beans can be the most powerful antidiabe medicine in the grocery store. In a study, diabetics that ate a cup of beans every day for three months have seen better improvements in their blood sugar and body weight than those who have eaten other sources of fiber. And a longer study that followed 64,000 women for an average of 4.6 years has found that high bean consumption was associated with a reduced risk of 38% for diabetes. But all the beans of the grocery store, the kidney beans embroid the largest food wallop; Just half a cup of beans supplies 14 grams-more 3 servings of oatmeal! And it's not just a window fiber, but a special shape called "resistant starch". This type takes longer to digest that other fibers, making it a very "low glycemic" carbohydrate that helps prevent blood glucose peaks. If you generally purchase the canned variety, check the label for additives such as sugar and salt and thoroughly rinse your beans before digging.



Cherries are packed with anthocyanas, an antioxidant that helps reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics. In fact, aAgricultural Chemistry and Food Journal The study revealed that anthocyania could reduce insulin production up to 50%! And get this: cherries can also help get your environment.



Good news omeles, aAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition The study of 2,332 people has found an inverse relationship between eating eggs and low blood glucose. Have also been demonstrated to prevent large fluctuations from glucose and insulin levels, according to aInternational Journal of Obesityreport. But that's not all: the popular breakfast protein is also a powerful choline source, a compound that helps regulate genes that cause abdominal fat storage. In other words, eating them on the REG can help you lose your love handlesand keep the disease away. Eggs also have tons of other health benefits.

Unprocessed wheat bran

Wheat bran

Fiber: the most magical nutrients of the food kingdom. Not only is it super satisfied, making it a must for those looking to lose weight, it has also been shown that this has also been demonstrated to reduce the risk of heart disease and help control sugar levels in the Blood, according to the Mayo clinic. Although all, vegetables and fruit on nuts and legumes contain nutrient, wheat sound is one of the most powerful sources, wearing a height of 14 grams per half-cup. Made from the outer shell of wheat grains, these slimming grains can be used to add sweet and hazel flavor to homemade muffins, waffles, pancakes and bread breads. This also makes a good addition to warm and cold cereals. If you are really trying to stimulate your food fiber, consume it solo, porridge style, with a pinch of cinnamon and fresh berries.


Cooked sardines

Sardines are a powerful source of omega-3s, a nutrient that can improve all of your cholesterol profile and your mood to your ability to expand Alzheimer. In a small study of 148 people at risk of diabetes, the researchers found that those with a higher ratio of omega-3 in omega-6 in their blood were more likely to improve their blood glucose levels and reduce their risk diabetes than those with a less favorable profile.

Because they keep inflammation away ...

Man in pain holding knee

With each anniversary passing, pain and pain become all the more common, usually as a result of inflammation or excess weight. "When you are heavy or experimenting with weight gain, extra books can insist on the joints and prevent them from fading more quickly. That's why overweight people are also at increased risk of developing arthritis" We tell us Koszyk. "In addition, fat contains inflammatory chemicals called cytokines, which can promote inflammation and negatively affect different body systems, including our joints."



Think curcuma as the natural ibuprofen of mother nature. Curcumin, the active ingredient of the Indian spice blocks the effects of pro-inflammatory enzymes and messengers of chemical pain, relaxation of arthritis pain and swelling. It has also been found that turmeric interferes with the growth and propagation of cancer cells and lower cholesterol levels. To add the yellow spice to the diet, sprinkle it on a scramble tofu, discard it with roasted vegetables or add it your brown rice - the options are really endless.


BBQ Carrots

Thanks to their vitamin A content and beta-carotene, orange vegetables such as orange peppers and carrots are high inflammation fighters. These vegetables are also rich in beta-cryptoxanthin, a type of carotenoid pigment, which can expand conditions related to inflammation such as arthritis.


Green Salad

You already knew that the green leafy green nutrients such as Kale, Bok Choy and spinach should make a steady look in your diet, but did you know that they can help you keep your ills and pain at the bay? It is true - and everything is thanks to their high levels of sulforaphane, a compound that blocks enzymes related to articular destruction and inflammation.

Because they are good for your blood pressure ...

Blood pressure check up

You are heading on the salt shaker and you have abandoned the processed foods filled with market sodium, but your blood pressure is still high. Which give? "Our blood vessels have receptors that monitor our blood pressure and naturally bring changes to help maintain consistent blood pressure. However, these receivers become less sensitive so that the blood pressure of people can change due to lower regulations, Explain Koszyk. " In adding, as we get older, our arteries become thicker, more rigid and less flexible. Our arteries help pump the blood of the heart, so if the blood flow is not as good and the heart must work stronger, blood pressure can increase. To reduce your levels to normal, continue to avoid excess salt and add these six bloods to reduce food pressure to your weekly range:

20 & 21
Betets & Beet Greens

Fresh rooted beets

Beet Beets and Beet Greens are rich in nitrates, a natural chemical that increases endurance, lowers blood pressure and protects the heart by dentering arterial walls, according to the Mayo clinic. The VEGGIE rural also contains 12% of the potassium of the day, a mineral that regulates arterial pressure and helps rinse excess salt.


Sweet potato diced

The soft potatoes are packed with potassium, a mineral that can reduce the effects of sodium on blood pressure. They are also rich in carotenoids, powerful antioxidants that help stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce insulin resistance, which prevents calories from being converted to grease. (Woohoo!) Roasted them as one side of grilled meats or fish, or slice it and cook them in good health.

Dark chocolate

Shaved dark chocoloate in spoon with dark chocolate bars

Good news, Chocoholics: The same dark chocolate that makes your taste buds sing can also do wonders for your blood pressure. Cocoa products are rich in flavonoids that can lower BP among those with hypertension and prehypertension, according to 2010BMC medicine to study. Other scientific results indicate that cocoa flavanoles can help the body to form nitrites, the same chemical in beetroots and beet greens that expands blood vessels, facilitates blood flow and blood pressure levels.. We love Alter Eco Blackout and Green & Black, 85% Cocoa Bar at 85%.

Whole grain bread

Sliced whole grain bread

According to one 2010American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Report, eating three servings of whole grains daily was linked to a reduction in systolic blood pressure. Quinoa, Amaranth, Farro, Wheat and Bulgarur berries are some of Smith's favorites. We are also big fanbread fans as it is super simple to add to any existing plan. Just exchanging the white bread you get for breakfast and the slices you use to make your sandwiches and hit the three-day mark.

Pork fillet

Pork Tenderloin

The pork net serves more than fatty protein and inculking choline. A portion of three ounces also transports 10% of potassium and 6% of the magnesium you need every two days the most powerful nutrients BP-drop. Cooking a lot of tendelloces at the beginning of the week and keep them at your fingertips so that you can easily add them to your weekly meals.

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