Stay young and lose weight with these 20 super anti-aging dishes

The ultimate grocery list for men on the north side of forty years.

Once you hit your 40th birthday, you probably know what you should and should not eat. Hope you have broken your pussy - a habit and reduce the number of Guinness you have at the bar. But even if you have been health conscious for a decade or more, as you have aged, the needs of your body have changed. On the one hand, your metabolism has slowed down, which means you can not eat as much as you have used it. Your risk ofProstate cancer is also on the rise, like muscle mass andtestosterone The level is both declining. Yes, these are natural changes that every guy passes, but you can thwart their negative effects by supplying large anti-aging foods in men over 40 years old. And while you are there, be sure to learnthe 20 foods you are definitelyshould not pick up on this grocery trip.

Red salmon

Raw salmon, which is one of the best anti-aging foods for men north of 40.

The high quality protein is essential to preserve your muscle tone on your 40-year-old. But the red meat rich in protein has a lot of mischievous fat, especially. Instead, head to the seafood driveway for some salmon, which is rich in protein and healthy omega-3 fatty acids, and with low saturated grease. Neil O'Nova, expertise in health, fitness and weight loss, as well as certified sports nutrition and founder, exhorts that men seem specifically for red salmon.

"It's a better choice than" regular "salmon (ket) because it's almost always captured," he says. "Sockeye salmon is also petrol that Keta salmon, which facilitates cooking (it is not as likely to dry out) and higher in omega-3 fatty acids." Although we have you, checkThis decade recipe for salmon preparation.

Broccoli cabbage

Broccoli Sprouts, which is one of the best anti-aging foods for men north of 40.

Mom was wrong: You do not need to eat your broccoli. Instead, you should eat broccoli-broccoli plants just three or four days. They look like alfalfa cabbages and tasting radish, but pack up a huge antioxidant punch. "One of the most exciting and powerful new anticancer compounds today are called sulforaphases," explains O'Nova. "Sulforaphane kills cancer cells and have also been linked to many other health benefits, reduce cholesterol to improving inflammation. The best source of this nutrient from far? Germs from Broccoli, with 10-100 times more power of sulforaphane production than broccoli fully cultivated. "

Broccoli cabbages are becoming more and more public. They would not be at your local grocery store. Fortunately, it's easy (and cheap)Grow at home. And for more good healthy food advice, here is here25 foods that keep you young forever.


Sardines, healthy food, which is one of the best anti-aging foods for men north of 40.

Cara Walsh, dietician recorded atMedifast California Weight Control Centers, calls sardines "ultimate power" - for many reasons.

"They promote heart health, bone health, are packed with protein and are overall good for your body," she said, adding that they are also one of the most concentrated sources of fatty acids omega-3 APE and DHA (which lower cholesterol level) available. "Sardines are also an excellent source of vitamin B12, which promotes cardiovascular well-being. This diet is a source rich in vitamin D."

Like all fish, these anti-aging foods are charged with protein, but sardines specifically are packaged with amino acids, that the bodies use to create new cells and structures. Eat sardines is one ofMany ways to help you live at 100 years.

Roast turkey

Roast turkey breast, which is one of the best anti-aging foods for men north of 40.

"Including meager protein sources in your diet is important when you try to lose weight," says Walsh. "Roasted Turkey's chest is the lowest-calorie option when taking the part of the bird to eat."

It adds that on average, the chest of roasted turkey has 160 calories, 24 grams of protein and 6 grams of fat. We have a recipe for a roasted sandwich with roast and delicious turkeyhere.


Oysters, which is one of the best anti-aging foods for men north of 40.

Men's testosterone levels naturally decline as they get older, leading to low energy and decreased libido. But according to O'Nova, oysters are a food that can help you stop this trend in its tracks. Think of themLike the viagra of nature.

"Oysters are a fantastic source of zinc, one of the most important minerals your body needs to manufacture testosterone," he said. "Eat them once a week to make sure your T-level levels stay high and healthy."


Tofu, health food, which is one of the best anti-aging foods for men north of 40.

This coarse coat of beans made up of coagulated soy milk is much more blatant than it seems and finally burst its reputation as one thing something that something appreciated by health nuts. Everyone from home cooks to the heads of Elite have found ways to integrate it as one of the counterpire anti-aging foods in their cooking.

"In addition to being rich in a crowd of essential nutrients, Tofu serves two other important purposes," saysAndy de Santis, an authorized dietician and a health consultant. "First of all, it replaces meat in meals, that most men eat too much. Second, it contains soy proteins, which can contribute to the reduction of your LDL cholesterol levels (bad)."

If you are new to Tofu, set a lens to exchange a meat-based entry for a tofu based at least once a week. And here are some moreMen in their forties should eat.

Spinach, curly cabbage, Brussels sprouts

Kale, which is one of the best anti-aging foods for men north of 40.

Green vegetables have enormous benefits for anyone at any age - they are packed nutrients and compounds against cancer. But for guys in quarantine, the Greens offer another important element: lutein. National health institutes have found that those who consume the largest amount of this carotenoid found in plant foods are 43% less likely to undergo macular degeneration (a bad view). So, if you want to continue to see clearly, add one side of spinach to your meal. Speaking of vegetables, discoverThe firefighter who remains torn on a vegetarian diet.

Tomatoes / tomato sauce

Tomatoes and Tomato sauce, which is one of the best anti-aging foods for men north of 40.

Barely an exotic ingredient, the tomatoes nevertheless have the major benefits for quarantine guys.

"All vegetables are good vegetables, but tomatoes have a special place in the world of men's health because they contain a biochemical component called lycopene, associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer in men," has declared from Santis. You can find even more ways ofImprove your diet here.

Allium vegetables

Onions, which are some of the best anti-aging foods for men north of 40.

You know, even if you have never heard the word "Allium" before. Think about onions, garlic, leeks, chives.

"These vegetables often steal under the radar, but they contain unique compounds that can contribute to the reduction of various chronic diseases, including certain types of cancer," said Santis. "Throw them with your tomato sauce for the health of the health of ultimate men." And for more ways to eat healthy, here isThe best foods for your heart.

Steel cut

Oatmeal, which is one of the best anti-aging foods for men north of 40.

All the gruelles are not as good for you. Mix this brown sugar and this instant maple trick and pick up a steel cut oat box - it will cost you about one-tenth of what sweet stuff do and easily defeat it in terms of health benefits.

"Unlike extremely refined instantaneous oat varieties, steel cut oats will not increase your blood sugar so much after consumption," says Santis. "Steel cut oats is also an excellent source of healthy soluble fiber healthy, which can contribute to lower levels of LDL cholesterol (bad)." Oats is also aGreat source of healthy carbohydrates.

High fiber cereals

Fiber one cereal, which is one of the best anti-aging foods for men north of 40.

If you are not a big fan of oats (or just prefer your cold cereal cold), go rather for a box of grains from his to his. And there are more options for better taste in this department than ever. As the consumer reports notes in hishelpful guideThe best high fiber cereals, "Fourteen years ago, consumption reports found that most high fiber cereals have tasted more like straw than grain." But in our latest tests of 26 cereals, most of at least 6 grams of fiber, more than two thirds tastes very well or better. "

In their roundabout, the fiber of the general factories has obtained superior marks for the fiber content and the value, but many others have marked, so you have options.

"High fiber regimes have been demonstrated to reduce cholesterol levels and reduce blood pressure," saysKrissy Kendall, Ph.D., who works "How many fibers is it enough? You should have about 38 grams of fiber in your diet every day." Also, be sure to check ourGuide to stay skinny for life.


Legumes, which is one of the best anti-aging foods for men north of 40.

Similar to tofu, legumes work well as a replacement of conditioned meat of protein but without all calories and saturated grease. But these anti-aging foods offer additional benefits: "Unlike meat, legumes are also an excellent source of magnesium, potassium and fiber, which most men need more," says Santis. "Legumes are also well recognized as a food that can help reduce LDL blood cholesterol levels (bad) and improve the fight against blood glucose."


Avocados, which is one of the best anti-aging foods for men north of 40.

These are health foods few men must be convinced of trying. Lawyers are delicious and can do just about any omelette, sandwich, salad, etc.-Taste better. But there are many reasons to appreciate them beyond your taste. "These little green gems are an important source of fiber, potassium and monounaturated fat (associated with a reduced risk of heart disease and improvement of blood cholesterol portfolio)," says Santis. "Eat fewer eggs and lawyers!"

Almonds, cashew nuts, pistachios

Almonds, which are some of the best anti-aging foods for men north of 40.

Speaking of delicious anti-aging foods with many health benefits, these nuts are not only a big tasting, but "their mixture of omega-3 fatty acids, protein and fiber will help you feel full and delete your appetite ", Judy Caplan, a dietitian and a licensed spokesman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics,said All walnuts have these health benefits, but almonds, cashew nuts and pistachios are some of the most-based calorie nuts. Nuts are also aPart of a good high protein snack option.

Brazil nut

Brazil Nuts, some of the best anti-aging foods for men north of 40.

"Prostate cancer is a big concern for men in the quarantine of quarantine," explains O'Nova. "But you can take steps to keep this fatal state by eating a high diet in the antioxidant protective selenium - and the best source of selenium, the hands down, is the Brazil nut. Just eat two to three. Nuts a day to get your entire GDR of this crucial nutrient. "

He points to a Harvard study called"The study of the health of doctors", " What found that men with higher selenium levels had a lower 48% incidence of advanced prostate cancer.

pecan nuts

Pecans, which is one of the best anti-aging foods for men north of 40.

These anti-aging foods are particularly good for men because they are packed with beta-sitosterol, a plant steroid that has been found to relieve the symptoms of the extended prostate (officially known as benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH).


Grapes, which is one of the best anti-aging foods for men north of 40.

If you feel like a snack between meals, you could do worse than entering a bouquet of grapes. The skins of these fruits have been found to lower the LDL cholesterol and are packed with antioxidants. For other nibbling options with healthy foods, checkThe 5 largest high protein snacks.

Red wine

Red Wine, which is one of the best anti-aging foods for men north of 40.

The grapes are perfect, but there is more pleasure (and probably so many benefits of health) to have a glass of red wine.

"Antioxidants in red wine called polyphenols can help protect the mucous membrane of blood vessels in your heart", according toThe Mayo Clinic. "Resveratrol could be an essential ingredient in red wine that helps prevent damage to blood vessels, reduces low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (" bad "cholesterol) and prevents blood clots. Certain research show that Resveratrol could be linked to a risk of inflammation and coagulation of blood, which can lead to heart disease. "


Cherries, which are some of the best anti-aging foods for men north of 40.

These anti-aging foods are packed with antioxidant anthocyanin and have been found to significantly reduce the rate that uric acid develops in the joints, which leads to gout (a problem of men in quarantine needs to think).

"A 2012 study published in arthritis and rheumatism found that patients with drops that have eaten cherries over a period of two days (yes, just two days!) Showed a lower risk of attacks 35% drops compared to their fascinating counterparties of their fruits, "Natasha Turner, an authorized dietician and the author ofThe hormonal regime,wrote in the message Huffington.


Milk, which is one of the best anti-aging foods for men north of 40.

You have probably stopped drinking milk glasses at the time you started to note the girls, but it may be time to integrate more milk into your diet. The milk was found to help fight against the reduction of muscle mass that occurs naturally as guys are aging. According to Keith-Thomas Ayoob, Clinical Professor associated with Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, a glass of low fat milk is actually one of the best post-training drinks a guy in his 40s can soak .

"It does not only have the potassium sodium ratio (it is a solution of better potassium source that most other foods, in fact it also has eight grams of protein in each cup, to help repair And building muscle tissue, "says Ayoob, stressing that it is based on the search for athletes who have been found to improve their performance and endurance at subsequent workouts.

Beyond the construction of muscle tissue, it provides added calcium and vitamin D, that most men aged 40, even at this age, it is not too early to think of osteoporosis. Another dairy option charged with protein and that deserves to be used to eating Greek yogurt without fat.

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